Finally, after what felt like hours of waiting, they finally brought out our food.

Okay, I guess it wasn't really hours. It just felt that way, sitting next to Sasuke, especially after our awkward bathroom encounter.

Silently, I stared at my plate. Okonomiyaki... it looks... questionable. The pancake looking thing was apparently a popular dish at this restaurant, and the cheapest.

Everyone was already digging into their food, while I absentmindedly reached for the utensils to my left. I touched the soft warmth of someone's hand. Feeling heat creeping up my face, I jerked my hand back when I realized I accidentally touched the scary guy Naruto had me sit next to. Sasuke's.

"S-sorry!" I stammered, reaching to my right instead for another utensil. This time, I touched Naruto-kun's hand on accident. "S-sorry, Naruto-kun!"

God, what's wrong with me! I'm freaking out for no reason right now. So what if I'm sitting in between the most beautiful boy in the world and the scariest boy in existence?

Sighing, I sank in my seat. My attempt to cheer myself up was pitiful. But neither boy seemed to mind the accidental touches. Maybe I was just too anxious for my own good.

I cried a little on the inside, wishing Neji-niisan was here with me.

Get a grip, Hinata! You can make it through the next hour without Niisan! Don't be a wuss!

"Yoshi!" I straightened my posture, grabbed the nearest fork, and began to dig into my food, completely unaware of the several pairs of eyes now looking at me for my sudden outburst. The first bite of the okonomiyaki took me by surprise. I half-gasped, half-gushed at how delicious it tasted. "Oishii..."

When I heard the clattering of utensils around me stop, I stopped too and raised my eyes.

All the boys at my table pointedly looked in my direction, their postures frozen and faces occupied with mixtures of emotions I couldn't name. One thing in common was that each one was redder than usual.

Hesitantly, I turned around to see what they were staring at behind me. I only saw a flower pot and nothing else. Then it registered that they were actually gawking at me.

"Wh-what?" I tilted my head in question. "Is-is there something on my face?"

"No," They all said in unison, except Sasuke who stayed quiet, then returned their attention to their food.

Eventually, separate conversations began among our table as we continued with our meal.

I noticed Sai digging into his pocket and flipping open his cell phone before he stood and placed some money on the table. "Gotta bounce, guys. My bro's in town. Ja, Hi-kun. Don't forget to lock the door." My roommate gave a conspicuous wink at me and bolted.

"Ja n-," I called after him when something lodged in my throat. I started coughing and reached for the nearest drink while simultaneously clutching the base of my throat.

"You okay, Hi-kun?" Naruto asked me, his concern genuine.

I wordlessly nodded before downing the contents of the cup in my hand to clear my throat.

"I-I'm okay," I said, feeling relieved and embarrassed that I had choked. A sudden warmth developed in my belly, and I started feeling light-headed.

There was some barking at the front of the restaurant that made Kiba get up and leave the table. "That's Akamaru!"

"Wait! You haven't paid!" Naruto called after him.

As if on cue, the pretty, pink-haired waitressed returned to our table. When I looked up at her, she appeared kind of blurry and I couldn't make out what she was saying. Before I knew it, the room spun and everything turned black.

I had a really nice dream.

I dreamed that I was locking lips with Naruto-kun. Maybe a bit more than just locking lips. I felt his skin against mine, burning. His warm breath on my neck. His strong hands all over me. We were making out like the way people did on romantic TV shows. It was intense, heavy, and hot.

Oh my goodness, what is this dream...?

I felt amazing, and so full of joy. Heat infused my body as he held me in place, caressing me, making me feel an entirely alien sensation. I opened my eyes to look into those beautiful aquamarine pools, longing to see my own reflection within them. But what I saw weren't Naruto-kun's warm eyes.

Awareness triggered my body when I found myself staring into dark obsidian depths. In them, I saw my own lavender eyes as confusion and fear enveloped them.


I woke up in cold sweat when my dream took a turn. "Aaah! Oh Kami! What was that?!" My heart was pounding, coldness washed over me. I touched my tingling lips, recalling what happened in my dream... err, nightmare. Why Sasuke? No way that would or could ever happen. Nope. I shivered and shook my head, willing myself to forget the last part of that dream.

As my eyes focused, I realized that I was back in my quiet room. I was by myself. Relieved, I wiped beads of sweat off of my forehead. My whole body was sticky from the sweat. It didn't help that I was still fully clothed in my stuffy school uniform.

I guess Sai wasn't joking about me having ecchi dreams...

I blushed and closed my legs instinctively.

Puberty sucks! Hormones, why are you doing this to me?

I sighed loudly and sat up in my bed.

The clock on the wall read 6 o'clock, and Sai was nowhere to be seen. I looked at the empty, neatly-made bed next to me. He didn't come home last night after the restaurant.

"Oh, the restaurant!" I thought aloud. "What happened last night?" And who brought me back here?

As I expected, no one answered. I jumped out of my bed and made sure my door was locked before I peeled off my gross uniform.

In the process of undressing, I made for the bathroom and stopped two steps from the door when I realized someone was in there.

I froze instantly. "S-Sai-kun?" It came out as a whisper. No, something wasn't right. Again, I surveyed the room, and noticed slight differences from the way it appeared usually.

Where's my stuff?

My heart began to race again as I frantically searched for my belongings. They weren't anywhere in sight.

This isn't my room! The dreaded thought forced itself into my head as I heard the sound of the faucet being turned off.

I rewrapped the bandages around my chest and picked my sweaty shirt off the floor, shakily putting it back on. As I was reaching for my trousers, the bathroom door opened and revealed someone I wasn't expecting. Someone I didn't ever want to be alone in a room with.

I straightened myself, rooted to the same spot and neglected my trousers.

"So you're awake." Sasuke deadpanned, his dark eyes boring straight into my soul. The steam from the shower emanated from behind him and into the room, making him a thousand times scarier. Oh Kami, does he know? He can't know! "Why are you taking your clothes off?"

"S-sorry, I thought this was my room." I swallowed the knot in my throat, blushing madly under his inspecting gaze. I was death-gripping the front of my shirt closed. I barely had time to put it back on, much less fasten the buttons.

It finally occurred to me that Sasuke was only wearing a towel around his waist. He clearly didn't care that his lean and muscled form was practically naked.

Either he was extremely confident or he didn't know I was a girl.

He is very good looking though...

I mentally slapped myself, training my eyes on his face and not at his aesthetically-pleasing body.

Stop, Hinata!

I gathered my wits and squeaked, "Why ...why am I here? What happened last night?"

Sasuke walked to his closet, and with his back facing me, he opened the closet door. I looked away the instant he took off the towel, my face reddening even more and my heart almost jumping out of my ribcage.

"You had a cup of sake and passed out. I carried you back here since I didn't know where your room was." He answered nonchalantly, completely comfortable standing before me in his birthday suit.

"N-Naruto-kun's my neighbor," I started to say, facing away from him and slowly inching towards the bathroom. I wasn't sure why I didn't show more gratitude to him for not leaving my unconscious self at the restaurant. Then again, maybe that would've been better compared to this.

"He had to stay and do dishes at the restaurant. The idiot forgot his wallet."

Anger was a surprising reaction that overpowered my embarrassment. How dare he insult Naruto-kun! "Don't say that about him!" I whirled around to glare him down but instantly regretted it.

Sasuke was facing me, hands crossed over his chest. Everything was showing. Everything. Boy, was he... endowed.

I felt a nosebleed coming on and covered my nose. "Gotta pee!" Excusing myself, I quickly turned, ran into the bathroom, and slammed the door behind me.

There was no way to unsee that. Sasuke's ...boy parts. More like man parts.

I silently berated myself for even reflecting on what I had just seen.

How could I betray Naruto-kun like this?! Alright, so that was dramatizing the situation a little bit. But in that moment, I felt utterly helpless against the onslaught of emotions that precipitated from witnessing Sasuke's pe-peee... nis.

I didn't understand how he could be so comfortable with letting that thing hang around in front of others.

Even when I went to public baths with Hanabi, I still covered my bothersome chest in front of my little sister.

Overwhelmed, it took everything within me to not pass out. I couldn't afford to pass out in the presence of another boy. This one would out me in an instant if he knew who or what I was.

"Hey, lightweight. Take a shower while you're in there. You stink." I heard Mr. Grump from the other side of the door.

I didn't answer him. Slowly, I slid onto the floor and tried to calm myself down. One good thing out of all this was that my secret was still safe.

A series of knocking startled me out of my thoughts. I scrambled to get up and, with hesitance, opened the bath door partially.

What do you want now? I bit my bottom lip, looking at Sasuke and willing my brain to forget what I'd seen. At least you're clothed now.

His face was stoic, an indication that he couldn't possibly have had a clue about what I was thinking. To my surprise, he held out a folded shirt and some pants.

I stared dumbfoundedly at the clothes in his hand.

"Take these, idiot." He snapped at me after we stood in silence for some time.

"H-hai!" I snatched the articles of clothing from him, actually stunned by his thoughtfulness. "A-arigatou."

"Better hurry. Physicals start in 30." He made a "don't-worry-about-it" gesture with his hand before turning and leaving the room.

In exactly 28 minutes, I left Sasuke's room – showered and refreshed, in Sasuke's borrowed clothes.

His shirt wasn't an exact fit. The sleeves were too long and I had to fold up the hem of his pants some so I wouldn't trip over them.

I paused and reoriented myself to courtyard. Figuring out where I was and where I needed to go, I sprinted for the gym where the medical examinations were being held.


I looked around and saw Anko-sensei wave at me.

"You're over here!"

As I made my way towards her, I saw several of my friends from yesterday. They were spread out in separate lines, fidgeting and chatting with other boys to relieve their nerves.

Nobody liked getting examined naked. Except maybe Sasuke, who was very comfortable naked. I felt my cheeks grow hot at the unwanted mental image.

"You're in here," Anko-sensei greeted me with a cheerful smile, then her face turned serious. "Are you okay, Hi-kun? You look like you're burning up."

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I nodded at my sensei politely.

I thought it was smart not to tell her I went out with a whole bunch of guys last night, got drunk to the point of blacking out, woke up in someone else's room this morning, and saw someone naked for the first time in my virgin life.

"Alright," She nodded to my response and held the flap to the medial tent open. "Go ahead and take everything off. There's a gown in there for you to put on. Someone will be in soon, okay?"

"Hai!" I said, trying to sound cheerful and not preoccupied.

At this, she started to laugh and patted me on the head as I walked past her, "You're so cute."

"Ara?" I tilted my head, confused at the random compliment she just gave me. The tent flap closed and I began taking off my- er... Sasuke's clothes.

A blush crept up my face as I began to undo my waterproof bindings (the greatest invention ever made for cross-dressing girls). I tried to think of something else. Like how Niisan was doing. And if he was going to kill me when I saw him after this.

I was down to my underwear when I searched around the little tent for the gown Anko-sensei was talking about. But I couldn't find any gown.

"A-Anko-sensei?" I called out to her. "There's no gown in here."

No answer.

"Sensei?" I called again, walking towards the tent exit, hoping my teacher would be on the other side.

The flap suddenly opened and my hands instinctively flew to my breasts to cover them.

The boy entering had his head turned, chatting to someone outside in an all-too-familiar deep voice, and clearly not paying attention to where he was going.

At this point, as he stood in the tent entryway, I panicked and hid behind the flap, hoping he would go back out when he realized this was not his tent!

"Got it, Kakashi-sensei. Just don't send a newbie to examine me. I want this done quick."

He wasn't going back out. I swallowed, adrenaline rushing through me. The next rational thing I did was place my hands on the flap and push the tall form out, as hard as I could.

In retrospect, it was not rational at all.

"Sorry, this is occupied!"

"The hell?!" He complained, hardly budging from my pathetic attempt at expelling him out of the makeshift room. Pissed off, he pushed into the flap against me and knocked me to the ground.

"Ita!" I hissed as I landed on my butt. It all happened so fast.

When I looked up, there was Sasuke standing rigidly- - frozen like a statue, with the tent flap closed behind him. His usually stoic face was slowly turning red and before I realized what just happened, his body came tumbling down onto mine.

"Iyaaaa!" I screamed, in denial of my predicament and at having an unconscious boy on top of my naked body.

A/N: TBC. Thanks for reading, guys. Please review! :D