This is a multi chapter, dramatic fic. At least, it will be within the next few chapters. Please read, enjoy, and review. Thanks :o)

Cuddy sat by the window, sitting next to a man who was nice enough, but not somebody she wanted to spend more than a few days with. As of late, however, she had sex on the brain and figured she could get into his pants, given the right amount of flirting and the right amount of breast reveal by leaning in close and slightly forward.

His name was Josh Claybourne and he worked at a hospital in New York. Cuddy figured she'd rather sit by him than House as they rode on a shuttle bus to the resort. Cuddy had accepted the invitation on behalf of House and herself for a conference in Pennsylvania. It was a weekend event full of diagnostic information and evaluations of tough medical cases. Cuddy thought House would enjoy it, which was the only reason she accepted.

"It's always tough making those kinds of decisions." Josh finished what he was saying and Cuddy hadn't realized that she wasn't listening.

"Right." Cuddy agreed, smiling at him and leaning down just a touch.

"I've been meaning to ask you." Josh started, "What's it like working with Gregory House?"

"A wet dream."

Cuddy looked up as House came limping toward her and Josh. She glared at his comment, which caused him to only look at her with pleasure. House bent towards Josh and raised his hand, exaggerating the gesture of telling him a secret.

"All the sex you can get." House made sure Cuddy could hear him.

Josh looked to Cuddy, who gave him an apologetic smile, shaking her head, "We don't have sex."

"As I was sitting in my seat." House began his story, pressing down on his cane to keep his balance as the bus moved, "I suddenly remembered that the lab called about your chlamydia test and I completely forgot to give you the results."

"Excuse me a moment." Josh stood and slipped by House, heading to the back of the shuttle.

House immediately took the now open seat next to a glaring Cuddy.

"You're a pig." she told him.

"The test was negative, by the way." House picked up his cane and threw it down across his lap and Cuddy's, making sure to hit Cuddy's legs harshly.

Cuddy flinched in response, "House!"

"Sorry." House acted as if he was remorseful, "I didn't want to trip someone in the aisle."

House picked up his cane and extended it out into the aisle, causing an older gentleman to stumble on it and almost fall to the floor. The gentleman glared and continued walking to his seat.

"Sorry!" House called after him and then pointed to Cuddy, "Against my vivid protests, she told me to put my cane the aisle!"

House looked back over at Cuddy, who had since stopped glaring because she knew it was pointless because House didn't care whether she glared or not.

"Are you pleased with yourself?" Cuddy asked him.

House was about to reply when the shuttle bus stopped. House leaned over Cuddy, peering out the window, making sure to "accidentally" rub his head against her breasts in the process.

"That's where we're staying?" House was disgusted.

Cuddy followed his lead and looked out the window as well. There was a semi large two story log cabin in front of them. A forest surrounded it, indicating they were in the middle of no where. A few doctors were already making their way to the front door. Cuddy pushed House away from her and stood.

"Let's go." Cuddy commanded and half pulled House to his feet.

Once they were off the bus, they picked up their suitcases from the storage area and headed towards the front door. House had a hell of a time walking up hill over gravel and made sure Cuddy was in hell with him by continuously trying to trip her with his cane. Cuddy had half a mind to leave House to make his way alone, but knew it would be worse for her if she went ahead without him.

They entered the front door and House dropped his bag on the ground. He looked around to see antlers and stuffed deer heads hanging on the walls. There was a sitting area with leather couches and chairs placed around a fire. Opposite it was a bar. There was a large desk in front to check in and on the far right was a staircase leading to the second floor where a balcony overlooked the first floor before extending back into the hallway where the rooms were.

"This is a cabin." House muttered through Cuddy's hair as he leaned into her.

"A cabin resort." Cuddy pulled her ear away from House's mouth, "It's not that bad."

"You've stayed here before?" House asked her.

"No..." Cuddy's eyes met House's, "I knew it was a log cabin so I looked it up online. You're not the only one who was worried."

House laughed to himself. "It's... nice. Cozy. Especially with the dead animals everywhere."

A large man in navy blue pants and a striped button down shirt, clearly wearing his only dress clothes as a means to impress doctors, walked over to Cuddy and House.

"Ah, Dr. Cuddy, Dr. House, welcome." he extended a hand, which Cuddy shook, and then he gave them both their keys, "You have rooms 13 and 14. Would you like someone to help you with your bags?"

"That won't be necessary for me." Cuddy smiled at the man and then turned slightly, "House?"

"Is this place cripple accessible?" House asked the man, glaring a bit in his intimidating manner that often turned people off of him.

"Yes, of course." the man was a bit taken aback, "We do have an elevator if you choose to take it instead of the stairs."

"Does it look like I would enjoy taking the stairs?" House asked, raising his head slightly.

The man thought for an uncomfortably long moment, "No... the elevator is over there."

Cuddy smiled at the man again, feeling sorry for him because he was trying to be nice and received House in return. As she walked with House toward the elevators, she moved closer to him.

"You didn't have to be mean." Cuddy scolded.

"What?" House asked, swinging out his cane and suitcase, making an 'isn't it obvious' statement, "I'm a cripple!"

"You're only going to be able to get away with that excuse for so long." Cuddy jammed her finger into the elevator button.

"Right." House agreed, sarcasm coming through, "Until my leg gets better. Oh wait, that's never going to happen."

The elevator doors opened and Cuddy stepped in first, cutting House off. House followed her in and pressed the button for the second floor. Once the elevator doors were closed, House turned to Cuddy.

"Wanna make out?" House asked.

Cuddy gave him "the look" and then faced forward. House began making popping sounds with his mouth. The elevator stopped and the doors slid open, much to Cuddy's relief. She led the way off the elevator, once again cutting in front of House. Cuddy glanced at the room numbers painted on the doors until finally she reached room thirteen. House stopped next to her and pointed to the room across from hers.

"Right across the hall." House said, "Perfect for late night sex."

"House..." Cuddy warned.

"What?" House leaned into Cuddy as if he couldn't hear her, then projected his voice for the entire hall, "You're going to fire me, DR. CUDDY, if I don't have SEX with you?"

"That's not funny, House." Cuddy's voice was low and stern, indicating to House that he hit a nerve.

House smirked and turned, unlocking his room quickly and entering inside. Cuddy awkwardly smiled at the other guests who had turned to stare when House made his scene. Cuddy groaned softly, put the key into the lock of her own room, and then disappeared inside.