
The battle at the palace had gone well with Nappa as the commanding leader. Bulma's energy shield proved most effective in the long run and of course once Prince Vegeta came back as a Super Saiyan no less, the war was quickly ended. The enemies who survived were taken prisoner and made into slaves. The Saiyan army left honorably leaving Varlia intact as per the treaty.

"Stay in orbit around Vegetasei until I come for you," the army was instructed before take-off. "I have some business to finish."

All but Prince Vegeta left for home.

"I didn't think you had it in you," said a voice from behind. Commander Nappa turned around in mild surprise.

"Irioni, I see you are healing well," he commented. She still had some cuts and bruises around her leg and torso.

"Tsk. He didn't have a chance against me," she proudly boasted. Nappa chuckled.

"Yeah, I agree. You are one tough bitch," he guffawed. She slapped him on the head with her good arm.

"Hey, what's going on here," said a new male voice.

Her breath caught in her throat. "Asper," she said.

"That's my name," he replied and smiled. A blush threatened to rise on her face but she coughed it away.

"Well, let's get this ship moving. It would be unwise to go against Prince Vegeta. Especially now," said 'Rini with her back to the men. The two Saiyans looked at each other then back at her.

"I better go on my rounds. Check with you boys later," she said without looking back. The other two remained silent.

"She'll be a tough one to catch," Nappa said after she left.

The corner of his mouth rose in amusement. "I can't do any worse than you, now can I?" said Asper then left as well.

As soon as Asper stepped out he ran into someone, literally. He looked up then quickly saluted.

"Excuse me sir, I should have been more careful. Please accept my deepest apologies, sir," he said, his head bowed low.

The other Saiyan smiled and gave him a hardy pat on the back. "Hey, calm down. It was just an accident. And you don't have to call me 'sir.' The name is Kakarot."

Asper felt uncomfortable with such an informal title. "As you wish sir-I mean Kakarot," he stumbled on his words.

He laughed. "That's better. Now what's your name?"

"Asper. Lieutenant Asper. I work in the engineering department."

"Well, Asper, it was nice meeting you. Come by my room sometimes and we'll spar."

"Oh, I'm no match for you."

"Hey, I'm just a third class warrior like you. Besides it's just for practice. Look me up if you wanna spar, okay?" said Kakarot and went on his way.

Asper paused only for a second before following the route Kakarot took. It would be a good time to hone his fighting skills, he thought.


The Prince stood before Bulma's father, the King of Varlia who was mourning the passing of his one and only child.

"She was a brave one. Never backed down from a challenge. Always so eager to learn and--," he couldn't continue as tears filled his eyes.

The Prince looked away at such a disgusting, weak display but said nothing out of respect for his deceased woman. "The treaty still remains and will be honored as long as I am King. After that I make no guarantees," he stated diplomatically.

"But you are not King yet," he said a bit worried.

The Prince's expression did not change from his usual stern demeanor. "I am the King in all but name, but that will soon be remedied as soon as I return home. I shall execute my father as is custom and claim my birthright. You need not concern yourself with that. Now are we finished here?"

The Varlian King sat back for a moment with a faraway look in his eyes. The Prince hoped the man was not planning on breaking down on him. It was bad enough coming from a woman but suck weak emotions from a man, a King? He wouldn't be able to stand that for too long that was for sure.

"Before you go, may I ask one thing?" he said, almost too soft for a normal person's hearing. The Prince nodded.

The King took a deep breath then asked, "Did you love my daughter?"

Vegeta almost took a step back; he was so surprised. He had not expected that question and was unsure how to answer.

So he gave a typical Saiyan answer. "We only take one mate per lifetime and I chose to mate with you daughter. That is all I will say."

The King nodded and thanked him. "I wish you safe journey home, Prince Vegeta."

He nodded and left the palace. One thing Vegeta left out was that the joining only counted through the Saiyan marriage ritual so technically he has yet to acquire a mate. But the Varlian King was distressed enough by his recent loss. He saw no reason to bring up such a moot point. Especially since he planned to get his woman back and join with her properly.

"I will bring you back, woman," he said to no one in particular. "Then you shall be my Queen, forever."