Disclaimer I do not own High School Musical or any of its characters.

A/N: I AM SO SORRY! I know this is late but it's really long and I wanted it to be perfect! The last chapter is always the most painful to write. You grow to love the new characters you have created and the environment you've nurtured. Haha I probably sound crazy right now, but I'm serious. Those of you who have written know, I'm just as sad to see it end as you guys are. I'm going to have a lot to say at the bottom so I'll stop talking now, enjoy…

Last Time…

"I love you so much Gabriella Montez. I know what it feels like to be apart from you and I don't want it to ever happen again. I want to go to sleep every night with you in my arms, I want to wake up with you every morning, I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Troy spoke sincerely. He knelt down and opened a small velvet box. "Will you marry me?"

Gabriella felt tears fall from her eyes – happy tears of course. He had rendered her completely speechless, taking her completely by surprise. Realized that she had been silent for quite a while, she began nodding her head vigorously,

"Yes" she whispered breathless, finding her voice. Troy's face lit up and he rose to his feet, slipping the breathtaking diamond ring on her finger.

Looking up his eyes were met with Gabriella's joyous eyes. The kiss that came afterwards was one filled with passion and love.

Chapter Thirty Six


"Oh Gabriella you look so beautiful" Sharpay gushed as Gabriella emerged from behind the folding screen in her wedding gown. Her white gown, with metallic flower beading on the bodice hugged her torso and then flowed gently out just below the hips. She was wearing her mother's bracelet and a diamond necklace that matched the beading in her dress.

"That dress looks even more stunning then it did in the store" Taylor said.

Gabriella felt a small blush form on her cheeks.

"Thanks guys" she whispered, smoothing out her dress. She approached the mirror and as she stared at her herself, she saw through her skin, into the part of soul that hurt the most.


"Marie!" Jeff yelled. "Get your pitiful ass down here!"

Marie came running into the living room as quickly as possible.


"We want beers" Jeff ordered gesturing to the other men in the room. Marie nodded and quickly went back into the kitchen to grab the beers. She placed the beer bottles on a tray and opened each one quickly. As she carried the tray back to the room she could hear the men talking.

"Why do you keep that woman around? She's ugly as hell."

"Sometimes I don't know. I try to look past her hideousness because she does everything I tell her too" Jeff said.

"But she rarely does it right, she's a dumbass" Brian scoffed. She heard all the men laughing, as she tried to fight back tears before walking into the living room. Her already low confidence had been shattered and scarred for life.

End Flashback

"Gabs?" Kelsi asked, bringing Gabriella back from her nightmare. "You ok?"

Gabriella looked up at her friends through the mirror,

"What if I'm not good enough?" she whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Taylor asked.

"What if I'm not enough for him? What if he deserves more than I can give him?" She confessed.

The three women knew that all brides got nervous just before their wedding, it was called cold feet. However, Gabriella wasn't getting cold feet; her concerns were much deeper than that. They were wounds that had scarred her for life. Jeff's harsh words and treatment would forever stay with her.

"Oh Gabs, you are more than enough for Troy. You are his world, his reason for existence. He loves you so, so much." Taylor assured her.

"You have to let go of the pain that Jeff and Brian had caused you, because they don't matter. All that matters is you and Troy. You two love each other so much and no one should be allowed to get in between that." Kelsi said.

Gabriella nodded her head slowly, fiercely fighting back tears.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"That's what we're here for." Taylor smiled.

"And to make sure your make-up doesn't smudge. So don't you dare cry" Sharpay warned her. Gabriella laughed.

"I can always count on you guys" Gabriella smiled. Suddenly she turned around,

"What time is it?" she asked quickly.

"Gabs, relax, it's only 1:30. You have half an hour" Sharpay assured her.

Gabriella grinned, it really hit her, in half an hour she would be getting married.

"We should probably go make sure everything is perfect" Kelsi said.

"Very true. Gabriella deserves nothing short of perfection" Sharpay agreed.

Each of the girls hugged Gabriella tightly as she thanked them again for being there.

"See you soon" Sharpay squealed, just before closing the door to the small room.

Troy was already standing in the church, even though he had half an hour until he really needed to be there.

The church was empty and it would probably stay that way for another 15 minutes. Troy was glad of that, he just needed some alone time. Just before arriving at the church he'd been with Chad, Jason and Zeke. It had only taken them a few minutes to get dressed so they ended up talking about guy stuff. After that Chad, Jason and Zeke had gone to find their wives.

Troy kept pacing up and down the aisle, rubbing his palms together as he went. It was the only thing that seemed to keep him calm as thoughts constantly raced through his mind.

He was ecstatic to finally be getting married to the woman he had always dreamed getting married to. During senior year he thought a lot about the future and every time he did they always included Gabriella. He wanted this wedding to be absolutely perfect for her.

There were only 15 minutes left until the ceremony began. After 5 months of planning it was only a few minutes away.

Gabriella was now sitting on a bench just under the window. It was the perfect day for a wedding, the sun was shining, but it wasn't too hot – it was perfect. As she stared out the window she was able to forget some of the things that weren't so perfect – the fact that 3 people were going to miss her wedding. Her mother, who she had giggled with about what her wedding was going to be like. Her father, who she had always dreamed would walk her down the aisle and share the father-daughter dance with her. And finally Julia. It had been 4 and half months since she had been taken away to orphanage.


The ride to the Wrights' house was silent. Neither Gabriella nor Troy could find words to express themselves.

When they pulled up to the Wright household they could see a black SUV already parked in the driveway. Troy turned off the engine and turned to face Gabriella.

"You ready?" he asked.

"We don't have a choice" Gabriella stated opening the side door and getting out of the car. Troy followed suit and jogged slightly so he could catch up with Gabriella, who was already half way up the driveway. Once he had caught up with her, he laced his hand with hers.

The couple walked up the front steps and rang the doorbell. A saddened Mrs. Wright opened the door.

"Julia's up in her room, if you want to see her. It's the 2nd door on the right." She said motioning to the stairs behind her.

"Thank you" the pair murmured as they started to ascend the stairs. They managed to find her room quickly and knocked once before entering the room.

Julia sat against the wall opposite the door. She stared blankly into space. As Troy shut the door behind them, her eyes seemed to focus and only then did they brighten slightly.

The pair walked over to Julia and sat down on either side of her, with their backs against the wall.

"Why can't I stay?" Julia asked quietly.

"It's really complicated" Troy answered.

"That's what everyone says. I just wish people would tell me why. Am I not wanted?" Julia asked tearfully.

"No. No, don't you ever think that. You are most definitely wanted." Gabriella assured her.

"I guess you deserve to know. The state is refusing to pay compensation money to the Wrights anymore, since they had a foster care agreement for 8 years. I know that the Wrights would keep you if they could and I hope that you know that, but they just can't afford to support you." Troy explained softly.

"Troy and I are fighting to gain custody of you. We're working hard, but the case worker is having difficulty clearing us. I'm sorry Julia, I really am" Gabriella whispered letting tears escape from her eyes.

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. I just wish the adoption agency would see how much you guys care and how much I want you two to be my parents." Julia said, her voice cracking.

As tears fell from Julia's eyes she threw her arms around Gabriella and sobbed into her chest. Gabriella wrapped her arms around Julia, hugging her tightly, while Troy wrapped his arms around Gabriella and Julia, encircling them in his arms.

"I don't want to go" Julia wailed. Troy and Gabriella felt their hearts breaking as they listened to the little girl cry.

Soon, Mr. and Mrs. Wright came into the room along with a social worker.

"It's time" the social worker said.

Slowly, Troy loosened his grip on Gabriella, as Gabriella loosened her grip on Julia. Troy and Gabriella wiped the tears that had fallen during the emotional embrace off their faces.

Gabriella helped Julia stand up, while Troy dug through his pockets until he found the piece of metal he had been looking for. Taking it out, he clenched it in his fist.

As Gabriella finished wiping Julia's tears Troy knelt down to Julia's level.

"I have something for you" Troy said, opening his hand up to reveal a silver chain with a key on the end. Julia picked the necklace out of Troy's hand and look at his curiously.

"This is a copy of the key to our apartment. It's a reminder that Gabi and I are going to keep fighting until you can come home to us. We don't want you to ever forget that" Troy explained. Julia hugged Troy and whispered,

"I won't, I promise" After she released her arms from around Troy she flung her arms around Gabriella.

"I can't wait for your wedding. You are going to look so beautiful" Julia whispered.

"You mean the world to me Julia. I wouldn't want you to miss it" Gabriella whispered back.

After a few more emotional goodbyes it was time for Julia to leave. The group made their way downstairs and on to the front lawn.

Gabriella clung to Troy as they watched painfully as the black SUV drove away.

End Flashback

Gabriella felt awful. She knew how much Julia wanted to be at the wedding. It was devastating to Gabriella because with each day that passed the possibility of Julia attending the wedding seemed to slip further and further away. In the 4 ½ months that had passes it seemed as though no change had been made regarding Julia's adoption.

It hurt Gabriella more to know that Julia wasn't happy where she was right now. The only form of communication that was allowed was through letters. Gabriella always made it her business to send Julia a letter every single day and was delighted when she received a letter back each and every day. In fact, now would be a perfect time to write her letter for the day.

Just as she was getting up to find a piece of paper and a pen there was a knock at the door.

"Come in" she said. The door opened and Jack and Lucille Bolton walked into the room. Lucille gasped,

"Oh Gabriella! You look so beautiful!" Lucille gushed warmly. Gabriella smiled,

"Thank you"

"Well, we just popped by to make sure you're all ready to go." Lucille explained. "I think I'm going to make sure Troy hasn't destroyed the floors because of all his pacing. Jack's going to stay with you until it's time to walked done the aisle"

Gabriella loved tradition. She had always dreamed of having a traditional wedding, where her father walked her down the aisle. Unfortunately that was now an impossibility.

Shortly after Troy and Gabriella began planning the wedding the fact that her father was not going to be able to walk her down the aisle had hit her hard. Painful childhood memories of her father's death had caused many emotional break downs. However, a new solution arose – Jack. Jack had become Gabriella's second father, just as Gabriella had become the daughter he never had.

One afternoon Gabriella drove to the Bolton household to ask him. It had been so much harder than Gabriella had expected and had caused tears to flow, but after an emotional experience Jack had gladly agreed.

"You look stunning Gabriella" Jack complimented, after his wife left the room.

"Thank you" she said. "And thank you for doing this" she continued softly.

"I'm honored. From the stories you and your mother have told me about your father, he sounded like an extraordinary man. One that would be so incredibly proud of everything you have become." Jack said.

"I hope so" Gabriella whispered running her fingers over the cool metal of her mother's bracelet. She felt tears begin to well up in her eyes. "I just really wish they could be here" she whispered.

"They are. They're smiling down on you, and I bet they just want you to be happy." Jack said as Gabriella hugged him tightly. "Which means no crying" he whispered. Gabriella smiled and the tears in her eyes soon faded away. Jack released her from the embrace and looked at his watch. "I also think they wouldn't want you to be late."

Gabriella giggled, "Very true" Jack held out his arm and Gabriella linked her arm with his. Together they walked into the hallway and down the stairs until they came to the hall just before large wooden doors, crowded around the doors stood her friends. Sharpay, Taylor and Kelsi were dressed in their light blue chiffon dresses. Allie and Sarina had white dresses on with a light blue sash around the middle. Chad, Zeke and Jason had a simple black suit on with a light blue tie and Chris wore khaki pants with a light blue dress shirt.

Allie was the first to spot Gabriella.

"Look! Look!" she shrieked. "Auntie Gabi looks like a princess" Sarina turned and ran towards Gabriella along with Allie.

"You look so pretty" Sarina said in amazement.

"Thank you" Gabriella answered. "You girls look very pretty too. Do you like your dresses?"


"And Chris, you look very handsome" Gabriella commented, not wanting to forget him.

Chris just grinned.

"Now Troy is definitely going to faint when he sees you" Chad laughed.

"Way to be reassuring" Zeke muttered sarcastically.

Gabriella laughed, "I don't know if I should call an ambulance or take that as a compliment"

"I would say that it's a compliment" Jason said.

"Well then thank you. You guys look very handsome yourselves. It's not every day you see you boys in a suit." Gabriella smiled. Just then Jack turned to her,

"It's time. You ready?" he asked. Gabriella grinned, she was finally about to get married.

"Let's do this!"

Troy stood at the altar looking out at the almost full church. Everyone was chatting in anticipation of the bride, but Troy didn't hear any of it, all he heard was a low buzz.

He saw the minister nod to the organ player, who began playing the wedding march.

The doors opened revealing Chris, Allie and Sarina. The trio came walking down the aisle, Allie and Sarina dropping white rose petals all down the aisle, while they linked arms with Chris.

Then came Kelsi and Jason. Kelsi gave Troy a supportive smile. After that Sharpay and Zeke came walking out. Sharpay grinned, while Zeke just nodded, giving Troy support. Next came Chad and Taylor. Chad pulled a funny face, which caused Taylor to roll her eyes before she smiled at Troy.

Finally, Gabriella emerged from behind the doors with her arm linked with Jack's. Troy felt his heart rate speed up and yet all his fears seemed to disappear. The sound of the organ faded away as did everyone in the room, besides him and Gabriella. In all the times Troy had tried to imagine Gabriella walking down the aisle she had never looked as absolutely beautiful as she did now.

As she got closer Troy couldn't help that a grin spread across his face. She walked up the steps of the altar and handed her bouquet of blue and white flowers to Taylor. Then Jack placed a kiss on her cheek before he headed to his seat in the front row. Troy took Gabriella's hands in his and pulled her close to whisper,

"You look absolutely gorgeous" Gabriella smiled,

"You look very handsome yourself" she whispered back.

Troy laced his fingers with Gabriella's as the pair turned to face the priest.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez." The priest began. "Through the trials and tribulations this couple has faced, they have managed to stay together and their love has grown deeper and stronger. The bride and groom have chosen to write own expression of their love for one another. Troy would you like to begin?"

Troy took a deep breath. This had taken him forever to write – it had to be perfect. He turned to face Gabriella and held both her hands in his.

"I remember the first time I met you. You looked so beautiful under the stage light. I remember feeling something I had never felt before and that never returned for anyone but you. From then on you became my entire world. Nothing else mattered as long as you were alright, you were happy. I am so lucky to have met you because you saw the real me and you make me fight for what is really important to me. Without you, I'm just the lunk-head basketball boy. I know what it feels like to lose you and I never want to have to feel that again. Every moment I spent with you I fall deeper and deeper in love with you. I promise that I will always be there for you no matter what happens." Troy said sincerely. Gabriella had glossy eyes from Troy's heartfelt words.

"Gabriella?" Gabriella nodded and looked up at Troy.

"As a little girl I used to wonder about my prince charming. My father used to tell me that there was someone out there who would protect me with their life, who would make me light up when they walked into the room, and who would most of all love me unconditionally. For a while I stopped believing that my prince charming would come. But then one fateful night, you literally sang your way into my life. In my fantasies of prince charming, never did I think that he would change my entire outlook on life, love and happiness. You saw through the shell, through the books, through the words, through the numbers, you saw me. I am so blessed to have met someone who waited for me when you didn't even know that I was alive. I never want to be apart from you ever again. From this moment on I want to spend every day of my life with you." Gabriella spoke genuinely. Troy smiled and mouthed, 'I-love-you'. Gabriella smiled back and mouthed, 'I-love-you-too'

"Do you Troy, take Gabriella to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love. Do you promise to cherish your union and to love her more each day than you did the day before? Do you promise to trust her and respect her, to laugh with her and cry with her, loving her faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles you may face together? Do you give her your hand, your heart, and your love, from this day forward for as long as you both shall live?" The minister asked looking at Troy.

"I do" Troy said simply, as he slipped the ring on Gabriella's finger.

"And do you Gabriella take Troy to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love. Do you promise to cherish your union and to love him more each day than you did the day before? Do you promise to trust him and respect him, to laugh with him and cry with him, loving him faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles you may face together? Do you give him your hand, your heart, and your love, from this day forward for as long as you both shall live?" the minister asked looking at Gabriella.

"I do" Gabriella said, as she slipped the ring onto Troy's finger.

"You may now kiss the bride" the minister said happily. Troy stared lovingly into Gabriella's eyes as he brought his left hand up to caress her cheek as she put her left hand behind his neck, bringing him closer. Their lips connected in a breathtaking kiss, the first of many as husband and wife. Sharpay cheered excitedly, prompting the rest of the church to erupt into applause. After Troy and Gabriella broke apart, Troy kept Gabriella close to him, kissing the top of her head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present, Mr. and Mrs. Troy Bolton" Gabriella grinned as Troy took her hand and the pair walked back down the aisle, radiating joy and love.

Later that evening at the reception Chad stood up and tapped his glass with his fork. Everyone turned their attention towards him.

"Well, I think it's about time that I get to embarrass my best friend" Chad grinned. Troy just rolled his eyes.

"Troy and I have known each other since pre-k and let me tell you it was the start of a fantastic friendship. We used to play in the mud and have a contest of who could eat the most doughnuts. Then as we got older we used play pranks of various people, usually our mothers" Jada Danforth and Lucille raised their eyebrows at their sons "Remember the time mud fell all over you guys after you came back from the salon?" Jada and Lucille nodded slowly. "Well…that wasn't our dads, it was us" Chad admitted. Jack and James gave their wives an I-told-you-so look. Troy managed to laugh at the memory of the event. "Sorry mom. Anyway, by the time we were in high school basketball was pretty much the most important thing in the world and if I don't say so myself, we were pretty damn good. Then, one year after winter break Troy came back and something changed. At first I didn't see that it was a good thing and tried to stop it. But man was I wrong. Gabriella was the best thing that ever happened to Troy. I don't know if you guys know this, but Troy made an amazing free throw shot once and he wasn't even looking at the basket, he was staring right at Gabs. I think everyone knows that Troy and Gabriella are pretty much meant for each other, because from the moment they met they were inseparable even when they were 'just friends'. Although during that phase we all knew they both just wanted to push each other up against the lockers and start making out." Troy shot Chad a glare, which only caused Chad to reply, "And lucky for them their wish came true. And let me tell you they did not spare us from watching them-" Chad was cut off by Taylor,

"Thank you Chad, for that fantastic speech" Taylor began.

"But I wasn't finished" Chad argued.

"You are now." Taylor said firmly. "I haven't known Gabriella for as long as Chad had known Troy, but she has been and will always be my best friend. 

Gabriella is the type of person that if you need something, she will stop everything she is doing and come over to help you. She usually ends up putting herself last. Troy over here was always there to make sure that sometimes, or all the time if he was directly involved, she put herself first. I don't think I have ever met anyone stronger or who deserves someone to love her as much as Troy does. So, I propose a toast to Troy and Gabriella, may they laugh together and love each other forever." Taylor raised her glass as did everyone in the room.

"To Troy and Gabriella" the group chorused followed by a round of applause. After the applause died down, Troy stood up. Gabriella looked up at him, confused – this wasn't part of the plan.

"I know I wasn't supposed to make a speech tonight, but there is something that I have to say. There is a very special little girl that couldn't be here today and I know that you really wanted her to be here today Gabi. I know it's hurting you that she can't be here, because it's hurting me too. But if there's something I've learned over the years, it's that a promise is a promise and shouldn't be broken." Troy explained. Gabriella still looked confused, and slightly hurt.

"And Gabriella I haven't been entirely truthful with you. I have a surprise for you" Troy held out his hand. Gabriella looked even more confused, but took Troy's hand. Troy led her in front of the table. "Last night something happened that I may have forgotten to tell you about when we talked on the phone last night." Gabriella looked at her friends, trying to figure out what was going on. "The adoption was finalized." Troy said. Gabriella's jaw dropped and her hand flew up to her mouth. "Julia you can come out now"

The door of the reception hall opened and Julia came walking through the door with a grin on her face.

Gabriella was completely floored. She couldn't believe Julia was actually walking towards her.

"You're not dreaming. She arrived this morning. She was at the church" Troy whispered. Gabriella felt tears fall from her eyes as she crouched down as Julia got close.

Finally Julia flung her arms around Gabriella neck, hugging her tightly. Gabriella stroked Julia's hair.

"I was right you look so beautiful" Julia whispered.

"Oh Julia, you look beautiful too. I am so glad you're here." Gabriella whispered.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world" Julia smiled. Gabriella grinned and looked up Troy. 'Thank you' she mouthed to him, bringing Julia back in for another hug.

Troy smiled. All the arguing that he had to do was worth it, because right now everything was perfect.

Troy, Gabriella and Julia sat at the table chatting happily when suddenly the DJ got everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think it's time we get this party started. Would you please all gather around the dance floor to watch the bride and groom's first dance"

Julia hopped up excitedly, pulling Troy and Gabriella with her.

"You want to dance with us?" Gabriella asked. Julia shook her head and held up a disposable camera,

"Nope, I'm taking pictures" she stated. The music began to play and Troy took Gabriella's hand, leading her onto the dance floor. His hands snaked around her waist and Gabriella let her hands wrapped around his neck.

Every time our eyes meet
This feeling inside me
Is almost more than I can take
Baby when you touch me
I can feel how much you love me
And it just blows me away
I've never been this close to anyone or anything
I can hear your thoughts
I can see your dreams

"Today has been perfect" Gabriella whispered.

"Good, that's all I wanted to hear." Troy whispered softly kissing her ear.

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you

The smell of your skin
The taste of your kiss
The way you whisper in the dark
Your hair all around me
Baby you surround me
You touch every place in my heart
Oh it feels like the first time every time
I wanna spend the whole night in your eyes

Gabriella let her head rest of Troy's chest as the pair continued to sway together. It wasn't a fancy dance, just a simple, romantic dance that meant the world to both of them.

I don't know how you do what you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you

Every little thing that you do
I'm so in love with you
It just keeps getting better
I wanna spend the rest of my life
With you by my side
Forever and ever
Every little thing that you do

Oh, every little thing that you do
Baby I'm amazed by you

As the song ended Troy captured Gabriella's lips is a passionate kiss that made everyone else disappear, leaving them as the only two people in the room. The only thing that was able to regain their attention was the applause that filled the room.

Just before their friends surrounded them, Gabriella managed to whisper in Troy's ear, "I told you I'm always here for you"

The End

A/N: Holy crap that's a long chapter! I really hope you enjoyed it. This is the first time I've written a wedding chapter so I hope you liked it. Before I forget, there is a link to the song, a picture of Gabriella's dress, the bridesmaids dresses and the flower girls dresses in my profile.

I have to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who reviewed, put me on their favorites and alerts lists and to everyone who read the story! You guys really kept me writing this story and I am so amazed at all the support I've gotten.

For those of you who are wondering if this is the end of me, it's not. I have an idea for another story as well as several one shots. So you can expect those in the coming weeks/months.

Just a little note, I'm going to Japan for 2 weeks and will be without a computer for the entire time so don't expect any sort of anything from me, should you choose to try and contact me.

Oh and one more thing! Don't forget to vote for Zac and Vanessa for the TCAs! It would be SO cute if they both won!! You can vote everyday so VOTE EVERYDAY!

I was just kidding I have one last thing to say, HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!! – that is if you live in the US, if not…just be happy it's summer!!