As mutantlover09 once told me in a review, the plot bunnies are working me over time. Oh, geez. Fear the little hopping fuzz balls. Yep, this is a drabble challenge and random filler fic. –shrugs- Hope you like it.

Last time I checked… nope, still don't own the show. Wow. That's a record…

1. Trapped

Under the car, too weak to become Phantom…

It was nighttime in Amity Park, and darkness had fallen over the city like a blanket. There were times like these that passed and it seemed almost too perfect a night to simply gaze at the stars and wonder about life's mysteries. When one could sleep peacefully, knowing Danny Phantom would save the city if a ghost appeared. Where one had no idea of how horribly fate would change the city's life forever.

Funny how destiny would change a fifteen year old's life within a matter of seconds. He was under the car, too weak to move or cry out for help. It had been like this for the past few hours. How had a teenager his age get stuck in a situation like this, and for the first time in his life, not be able to get out of it? He was a hybrid. He could become a ghost and faze through the car that lay on top of him.

Seemed simple enough.

But it wasn't.

As Danny Fenton lay there, hand clawing for any way out, he began to think back about times he had been in worse positions. Running from animals, taking blows for others, anything and everything that made him into what he was today. So why was he under this vehicle, unable to do anything but moan in a raspy voice for help, in which no one could here him? Was it supposed to end like this? Was he supposed to die now?

No. No, he wasn't.

A voice came from the outside. Movement. "Daniel?"

Oh, god. Not him. Not Vlad Masters. Or was it Plasmius? Either way, it was that fruit looped idiot who might not have got him here in the first place, but he probably sure as hell wasn't going to help him out of there. He moved slightly. How long had it been now? Five hours? "Plasmius," he rasped, his hand moving. "Please."

The man looked confused and bent down. "What are you doing under there, little badger? Having problems squirming out of your predicament?"

"Please," he pleaded, failing to reach him. "I need your help."

The billionaire blinked, and then let out a small chuckle. It was nearly inaudible, but it was there, to say the least. "Oh, no, I'm afraid I can't, my boy. You see, you need to be taught a lesson in simply learning to let go."

Danny's heart beat slower with each passing moment. "No. Please, I need your help. Why can't you just lift the car up and we can be enemies again?"

"Because," Vlad said simply, getting up. "Your time has come, Danny. It's your judgment day, and that's all it will ever be." He turned around. "The night that Danny Fenton died will be a night that no one will be able to forget. Trapped under a car and too weak to even become Danny Phantom. My, I feel stunned at that."

"Stunned?" Danny asked, trying to shift himself, a surge of pain rushing through his body. How scarred was he? How badly had he been bruised, beaten, and left for dead? "How could you be stunned at my death, you murderer?"

Here, the forty year old half-ghost shook his head. "Daniel, I didn't kill you."

He barely heard this, drifting in and out of consciousness. Something told him that he was lying, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. What was Vlad trying to tell him? That he didn't kill Danny? What kind of bullcrap was that? Of course he killed him. Didn't everyone know that? All the same, his voice cracked as he spoke. "Yes, you did!" he tried to shout, but it came out as a whisper.

"No, I didn't."

Danny pondered this, trying to morph. The rings appeared and disappeared almost instantaneously. No energy left but for that of survival. He squirmed some more, moving nowhere but an inch. "Then who did, fruit loop? Who killed me and not you, the villainous Vlad Plasmius?"

"I did."

Now he was really confused. "But you just said…"

"No, no, no, no, no, Daniel," Vlad explained, getting a kick out of this. "It wasn't Vlad Masters that killed you. It was Vlad Plasmius that committed the crime."

That seriously messed around with Danny's mind for a little bit. How long had they been going at the conversation? Hours? Minutes? Seconds? Danny couldn't tell. He had no sense of time anymore. His internal clock had broken, as did his spirit. What had happened to him in that span of several hours? The sun had come up, it was a normal day, he had gone to school, and now he was almost dead under a car.

And it was all because of Vlad.

Who cared about the last name?

A flash of light appeared, and wind rustled up dirt and gravel under the car. Danny fought to not shut his eyes. 'No,' he thought desperately. 'No. Don't shut your eyes.'

"Good night, Daniel," Vlad smoothly told him- or Plasmius. "Sweet dreams. May your life in the afterlife be as wonderful as it was here… a living hell."

He that, he flew off, Danny's hand no longer moving. He couldn't move anymore. "Please," he tried to talk. "Please, Plasmius. Don't do this. Don't leave me."

His eyes began to close. He began to drift to a wonderland unlike anything he ever knew. Danny began to journey to heaven.

And all his foe could do when he begged for help was chuckle and offer him final thoughts. Not comforting ones, but they were his last thoughts.

Oh, man… emotionally draining, to say the least. So, can anyone get the reference? Or do I have to splurge next chapter? I do accept challenges, as it said in the summary. How did I do? Reviews are appreciated. Thanks for reading.