Alright! Episode 5! Here's the next chapter for all of you out there ;) Sorry about the delay. I've been out of town for a while… technically Matoro is gone, but I'll post his answers here anyway. Sorry again ;)
Question One: Nobility:
Question for Matoro: Who's going to translate for Nuju now that you're,
y'know, all Toa-y? Also, are you or any of the Toa Mahri going to die by 2008?
Matoro: If he asks me to, I will. I have always been his translator, and I'm currently the only one who understands him. Until I can pass on my knowledge, I must continue. Also, status or size does not dictate one's duties. I may be a Toa, but my duty still lies with those I have sworn to protect. Thus, if Nuju needs to warn the Matoran, who am I to deny him translation? Also, I don't plan on dying, and none of us are. However, if anyone's going to die down here, I'd really rather it was Jaller. He's been whining about being down here since the moment we stepped out of the crawler…
Question Two: Zim'sMostLoyalServant:
Matoro: Just out of curiosity-because what I've read isn't very clear-just
how is Makuta forcing you to help him?
Matoro: Makuta isn't forcing me to help him. I chose to side with him. My logic for this… well… I have some, let's say that. Currently, he is the most powerful creature in Mahri Nui, as he will never fail to tell anyone who will listen. Because of this, if we can 'use' his power to recover the Kanohi Mask of Light, and then betray him at the last second, we will have a plan against the Barraki. I know betrayal is something Toa aren't supposed to do, but do we have any choice?
Question Three: RandomxWriter ():
Question for Gali:
Do you ever feel left out or overlooked, being the only girl on the team?
Gali: No, not really. As Toa, we've learned to look past genders. While this does not mean we do not recognize them, we fail to see how females are inferior or superior to males, and vice versa. Thus, I carry my fair share of the work and take my fair share of the glory.
Question Four: FelineFreak:
Question 1: If I were to pair Onua with Gali and let them have a kid who
would be the Toa of mud, what would your reactions be?
Question 2: So how come Gali didn't ask to the question: do you like each
other as more than friends?
Tahu: I'd laugh my tail off if there was a Toa of Mud. Still, I'd have to be careful. Mud can still smother a flame, but flames can dry up mud… we'd probably have loads of fun sparring when he gets older.
Kopaka: I do not know. Also, why would Gali and Onua have a child together? Onua is aquaphobic.
Onua: Yeah, I'm aquaphobic… big deal. I can still fight well enough near the stuff, it's just when my head goes under… anyway, I've always wanted a son. I'm just not so sure about the whole Toa of Mud thing…
Pohatu: (snickering)
Lewa: (snickering)
Gali: While Onua is a nice guy, I'm not quite sure he likes me. Besides, there is the little problem of his aquaphobia to deal with… also, as to the second question, it's because I… well… (looks at Kopaka and Tahu) whoever I say I do like will end up beaten to death by the other…
Takanuva: What business is it of mine what powers their child has?
Question Four: Insane Rice of the Cosmos:
Ok, I have a question for you lot:
You knew the Toa Mahri before they were toa, right? Are you proud at what
they've achived or do you feel like beating the crap out of them for stealing
the spotlight...BY SWIMMING. Honestly.
Oh, and Pohatu and have fangirls. Yay for you two sods! -gives you
both an air hug-
Tahu: I, for one am proud of them. I mean, Matoro's an arrogant, backstabbing little prick, but there's always one, isn't there?
Kopaka: As with Tahu, I am proud of them. However, I disagree with his additional statement. Jaller is a pompous, airheaded block of Muaka-dung, and I doubt he could find his arse with both hands in a lit room. (starts fighting with Tahu)
Gali: Can you two stop fighting? I'm proud of all of them, even Matoro and Jaller, despite those two (gestures at the fighting Toa in the background)
Lewa: I'm high-proud of Kongu. Despite our big-fear of water, he is being brave-noble and fighting anyway.
Onua: I'm sure Nuparu is enjoying himself. I'm really indifferent to how they're faring though. I know how much like Kopaka I sound, it's true. I'm not sure whether to be proud or upset. Also thank you for the hug. I'd hug you back, but my strength would probably kill you… sorry…
Pohatu: Proud! Proud, proud and more proud! Thanks for the hug! Love ya!
Takanuva: I am proud of them, for they are fulfilling their destiny.
Question Five: Nightingale101:
For Gali:
Do you ever get sick of your brothers, since you are the only girl on the team. And when I meen sick, I am talking about being annoyed to an early grave. You know with Tahu and Kopaka's constant fighting, Lewa and his tree speak, Pohatu and Onua for thinking less of themselves when it comes to girls (beacause next to Kopaka and Lewa, they're pretty cute !), and Takanuva and the fact that he doesn't like love within the team (I am refuring to the huge crushes that Tahu and Kopaka have for you)?
P.S: What I'm asking you is not that I have problems with their personality. I'm just asking if it bothers you... Good luck with Tahu and Kopaka !
Gali: While I admit they are annoying sometimes (All: Hey!) I don't think life would be the same without them and I'm glad they're here. I am fully aware of the crushes both Kopaka and Tahu have for me. (Kopaka: Tahu, I told you she knew.) And to be honest, I'm already leaning one way. (Glances at them, and they start fighting: 'She looked at ME!') Pohatu and Onua's self depreciatory language is rather annoying, and Lewa's tree-speak makes me want to throttle him sometimes when I have to pause to decipher it. Takanuva's attitude towards love also doesn't mean we CAN'T have love in the team, he'D just prefer it wasn't there because he's afraid it'll distract us on missions. Also, are you implying that Kopaka and Lewa are 'cute' in your opinion? Please leave my brother Toa alone. Thank you.
Question Six: Soryaseroth:
for tahu:
have u ever been called "firespitter"?
for pohatu:
is it hard to play kohli?
for takanuva:
what was your reaction when u became a toa?
(i'm dying 2 know!)
P.S- I may have more later on,just to let you know.
Tahu: Yes (glares at Kopaka and Lewa)
Pohatu: Nope.
Takanuva: I was surprised. I actually had once hoped I would be a Toa, and was thrilled to find out that I was one. However, I also had clarity, and realized my responsibility to Mata Nui.
Question Seven: Norikahaga The Pyromaniac:
Here are my questions.
Kopaka: Do you feel jealous that Tahu's hitting on Gali?
Lewa: Wind-fly?
Onua: I'm sure that you'll have somebody. I'm sure of it.
Takanuva: Did Makuta seem like a pedophile when you two fused together as
Pohatu: Want a cookie?
Kopaka: To be honest, yes. (whispering) Don't tell her that though. I do have an image to uphold as a cold-hearted bastard.
Lewa: Yeah! Got a bad-problem?
Onua: Thanks, I appreciate it.
Takanuva: Er… why the hell would you ask that? No. His mind was more confused. He had a rather twisted thought process, I'll say that much. He thought he was helping Mata Nui by keeping him asleep. In his mind, Mata Nui's sleep spared him the pain he experienced from the emotions he felt while he was awake. Therefore, by keeping him asleep, he spared his brother from pain. He also did intend to protect the Matoran, just in a different way. His logic was as follows: if the Matoran were under his control, he could keep them safe from harm. However, the Matoran valued their freedom of thought, so Makuta invented the Infected Masks to put them under his control. He got the idea from the Bohrok, which he found in his cavern, and their Krana. No, he did NOT invent the Bohrok as he wanted others to believe. They had been there for as long as he could remember, and were actually supposed to be used as some piece of a puzzle in the resurrection of the Great Spirit.
Pohatu: Sure!
That's all for today, folks. Remember, write in and I'll have your questions answered. Have a nice day, and again, sorry for the delay (sheepish grin).