Akatsuki's Daughter Chapter 61

I don't own anything.

Baki just told Gaara that he would be the new Kazekage. Matsuri ran over a hugged Gaara and kissed him on the lips.

Gaara blushed. He was getting better at love, but he did not like to do it in front of others.

" You dream has finally come true Gaara. I'm so excited." Said a very happy Matsuri.

" Good job Gaara." Said Kankuro. He was happy that Gaara was going to be the Kazekage.

" I'm proud of you Gaara. I know that you will be the best Kazekage the Sand Village will ever have." Said Baki with a smile on his face.

It was weird to see Baki with a smile. Matsuri thought that Baki was like a father to her. Gaara and Kankuro probably thought the same thing. Ever since her family died. She lived by herself. She then went to the academy. She was really afraid of weapons until Kankuro helped her out. Then she meet Gaara. She had a crush on him the first time she had ever seen him. Then when the Kazekage died. To her surprise. Gaara invited her to live with him and Kankuro at their house. She agreed to it.

" Thank you." Said Gaara with a small smile. He was one step closer to save Temari.

Some where in the Lighting Country. They were dead Cloud ninja every where. There was about forty five of them. Blood was every where. There was a man sitting on a rock and another one laying down on the ground.

" Are you done with that stupid crap yet?" Question Kakuzu as he was looking at his map.

" Shut the hell up ass hole! Just find their damn Jinchuuriki!" Yelled Hidan. He was sick and tired of him asking the same damn question every five minutes. He really wanted Temari or Deidara as his partner. Mostly Temari though.

" We already found her. Her name is Yugito Nii." Said Kakuzu as he kept looking at the map.

Hidan sat up and looked at him. " Who cares what her name is. Where the hell is she?"

" She is a active Cloud ninja. I found out by of those Cloud ninjas." Answered Kakuzu.

" Great. You mean we have to destroy the Cloud Village just to get that damn two tail Jinchuuriki?" Asked Hidan.

" You heard Leader. We have to wait three years. For now we know where she is. Since she is a jinchuuriki. The Raikage probably sends her very important mission alone. That's when we will strike." Explained Kakuzu.

" Dammit. We come all the way over here just to turn back. I don't even know why Temari even likes her brother in the first place." Said a pissed off Hidan.

" Me nether, but she cares for some reason. " Said Kakuzu as he stood up.

" Where to next?" Asked Hidan as he got up and put his scythe behind his back.

" Half of the bodies here are worth a lot of money. We are going to turn them in to the closest bounty station." Stated Kakuzu.

" Screw you Kakuzu. I'm not doing that. Besides, didn't you get enough money from that other dead guy?" Question a pissed Hidan.

" You must mean the body that Zestu gave me. His name was Hanzou. I enjoyed turning him in to get money." Said Kakuzu with money signs in his eyes.

"I'm not doing that stupid shit. You probably are the richest man in the world." Stated Hidan.

Kakuzu gave him a dark look. " Money is everything. You can never have enough. Lets start picking up these bodies."

" I told you already. I don't fight for money." Said Hidan.

" You will do it right now." Ordered Kakuzu.

" Shut the hell up! You old shit!" Yelled Hidan.

That was the last straw for Kakuzu as he attacked Hidan.

Deidara was flying around a giant swamp. He was using his Range Finder. He had been flying around for a while and could not see the three tails anywhere at all. Then he decided to fly back to Sasori. When he saw Sasori. He landed on the ground near him. He also notice that Sasori was out of Hiruko and was sitting on top of the puppet.

" Your late Deidara. I hate to wait." Said Sasori.

" Sorry Master Sasori...hmm." Said Deidara. " It doesn't matter if your early with him. In his mind. Everyone is late." Thought Deidara.

" Did you find it." Questioned Sasori.

" No. I don't thank it's here...hmm." Answered Deidara.

" Brat. You got that damn thing on your eye." Said a bored Sasori.

" I do, but it can't see under the water...hmm" Stated Deidara.

" I'm beginning to get mad." Said Sasori.

" Don't you have a puppet that can go under water...hmm?" Asked Deidara.

" That's not a bad idea though. We need Kisame for this crap." Said Sasori.

" Why are we here anyway? No one has seen this Jinchuuriki...hmm." Said Deidara.

" That's because the three tails has no jinchuuriki." Explained Sasori as he got back in Hiruko

" Lets go." Said Sasori as he was walking away. He was getting very angry that the three tails was a pain to find.

Deidara just sigh. He was getting tired of looking for three tails to. The faster he got this done. The sooner he will get to see Temari. He then made his bird smaller and put it away and followed Sasori.

Itachi and Kisame where in the Earth Country.

" I say things are looking up for us. We know where both our Jinchuurikis are at." Said a happy Kisame.

" Hn." Was all Itachi said.

Kisame was OK with this. After all. Itachi did not talk much. Sometimes he thought he was talking to himself. " It's to bad that we have to wait for three years."

" It's what Temari desires. Besides, Leader agreed to it." Said Itachi.

" Your right." Said Kisame.

" Let's camp out here for tonight." Said Itachi as he lay on top of a big rock.

" I really hate this country. Mountains and rocks everywhere. The ground is not even soft to sleep on." Kisame complained.

" It's not that bad." Said Itachi with his eyes closed.

Kisame sat down on another rock. " Are you joking? I can see why Deidara left this place."

" There is a hotel near the Grass Village. If you ever tried to sleep on that couch. Then you would love this place." Stated Itachi.

" Really? When were you there?" Asked Kisame.

" A long time ago. I spent the night with Temari in that hotel." Answered Itachi.

Kisame looked at him. " So, how is your relationship with Temari going?"

" Hn." Was all Itachi said.

Kisame just sighed at that. He wished that Itachi would talk to him about it.

" I wish I could be with her for the rest of my life." Thought a sad Itachi.

In the Rain Village. Pein was siting in the spot he always sat at. He was looking over the village and it was raining.

" Are you OK?" Asked Konan. She was inside, but she knew that Pein could here her.

Pein got up and walked inside where Konan was. " Fine. I'm just glad that we finally changed the Rain Village for the better."

Konan looked at him in sadness." I just wish Yahiko was here to see it."

" In a way he is. Through me." Said Pein.

Konan smiled at him. " So. Whats next?"

" We have to wait three years before we can do anything. Just try to get a lot of money." Explained Pein.

" Do you think Temari can bring back he brother back to life?" Asked Konan.

" Yes. I have a feeling that she can." Was all Pein said on the matter.

" I was really surprised when you offered her that deal. Why do you do it?" Questioned Konan.

" Two reasons. For you and for her. Nothing more." Explained Pein.

" I see. Thank you." Said Konan with a smile on her face.

" You don't have to thank more for it. I do want some type of reward if you know what I mean?" Asked Pein with a grin on his face.

Konan smiled at him. " I meet you in our room in five minutes." Was all she said as she left the room.

Pein went the other way. He was going to get his real body for this.

In a unknown location. Zestu came out of the ground and saw Madara dancing.

" For the man that help made the Akatsuki. You could act more like a leader. Why do you keep doing stupid stuff like that?" Questioned Zestu's black half.

Madara just laughed at him. " I thought I told you why I do that type of stuff? It makes me feel like a good boy."

" Whatever." Was all Zestu's black half could say.

" Did you ever find Temari-chan's Jinchuuriki?" Question Madara.

" Yes. I already told her where it was. It seems like the Cloud Village are trying to become stronger. Since they have two Jinchuurikis." Said Zestu.

" It doesn't matter what they are planing. By the time they act on their plan. It will be already to late for them." Said Madara.

" Are you sure?" Asked Zestu.

" Everything is going according to plan. Akatsuki have spy's in every ninja village. We have the Rain village under our control. Thanks to Temari we are having a new village also." Said a smiling Madara.

" We may have spy's in the Leaf Village, but your not allowed to touch that village. Thanks to Itachi." Said Zestu.

" You should just attack the Leaf Village. Your stronger than Itachi." Stated Zestu's black half.

" Maybe and maybe not. Itachi in my apprentice. I could never fight him. Besides, he is the most powerful Akatsuki member I have besides Pein. Hopefully, he will change his mind. I promised him that I won't touch the Leaf Village and I would protect Sasuke when he died." Explained Madara.

" What about Sasuke? Is everything going as plan?" Questioned Zestu.

" Yes. Orochimaru doesn't know this, but he is in the palm of my hand. I knew he would betray Akatsuki and go after Itachi's body. I also knew Itachi could protect himself from Orochimaru. Both Itachi and I knew he would go after Sasuke next. We are using Orochimaru to train Sasuke to become stronger." Explained Madara.

" Can we kill Orochimaru then." Asked Zestu's black half.

" I hoping Sasuke will kill him. We will have to wait and see." Answered Madara.

" What about the others?" Asked Zestu.

" Don't tell Pein this. I know that Temari-chan has a relationship with both Itachi and Deidara." Said Madara.

" What do I care about her relationships?" Question Zestu's black half.

" I thinking about making Temari-chan my queen." Stated Madara with a smile under his mask.

Zestu widen his eyes at that.

" I was planing on Konan being my queen, but since Pein and her are together. I'm thinking about Temari-chan." Explained Madara.

" Are you sure about this? What about Deidara and Itachi?" Questioned Zestu.

" Temari-chan is still to young for me. Maybe when she turns eighteen and I got to get on Konan's good side. Itachi is slowly dieing and Deidara might be a problem." Said Madara.

" Are you going to kill him?" Asked Zestu.

" No. I don't kill anyone that's in Akatsuki." Said Madara.

To this Zestu said nothing and his balck half also didn't say anything.

" Soon. Everything should be as it was supposed to be." Said Madara has he had a big grin under his mask.

Temari had just arrived at the Rain Village and went straight to her room. She took off her Akatsuki's cloak and went outside on her balcony. She sat in one of the chairs looking up at the sky.

Then paper butterfly's came on the balcony and they all formed in to Konan. She also didn't have her Akatsuki cloak on. " Are you OK Temari?" She asked as she sat down by the chair that was close to Temari.

" I don't now how I can bring my brother back to life. I'm not a god. I'm a human." Said a sad Temari.

" You have another power with in you. Pein is going to help you. If there is anyone that can do it. It is you." Said Konan as she hugged Temari.

" You really think so?" Asked Temari.

" Of course. With out a doubt." Said Konan with a smile.

Temari looked up at her. " Have you ever dated two men before? I no it's wrong, but I just can't choose."

" Yes I have. It's to difficult for me to explain that relationship I have, but don't let people get you down. There will always be people that say bad things about you. There is also smart ass people. That think that they are always right. If you let those types of people hold you back. Then you won't be a free person." Explained Konan.

" Are you saying that it's OK?" Questioned Temari.

Konan just smiled. " All I'm saying is don't sleep with every man you come across."

Temari smiled at her. " I'm not that type of girl."

" I know." Said Konan with a smile.

Both Konan and Temari looked at the stars.

" I love how night time is." said Temari.

" Me to. How is the Waves Village coming along?' Asked Konan.

" Very good so far. I told them I would be back in a week." Said Temari.

" How about we go shopping?" Asked Konan.

" Yeah! Lets do that. We have not gone in a long time together." Said Temari with her big smile.

Konan gave her a big smile also. With that they went to do some mother and daughter shopping.

End of story and Act 1.

Thanks for all of you that read this story. It's been fun.

Act 2 is now out. It's called Akatsuki's War.

Thanks everyone that reviewed:)


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