Well my dears, you seemed to have wanted it, so this is no more than a notification. There is a sequel! The title is … Well, I have no idea yet. Hey, I could lie, and tell you some fake title, and when I don't use it, all my readers will be confused. So, safe to say, the next story in this fandom that I post will be the tale you are looking for, and it should be up Monday-ish.

So, I will be willing to give you a sneak peak drabble that will be in, and a few clues as to what will happen.

First the drabble.

Prompt- Home Coming

Word Count- 127.

There was a knock at the door. Exactly the sound that Sirius Black had been waiting for.

"Harry!" He threw the door open, only to be tackled by the teen. The two had not seen each other since Winter Break, and excluding a fire call, and enough letters to put Hedwig out of commission, had not been able to talk.

Needless to say, what could have been a sweet reuniting descended into a make out session almost instantly. And would have ended with a quick fuck before either had said hello, if an ever-so-boring werewolf had not interceded.

"You two! Stop acting like horny bunnies with something to prove! Do you want Ron to faint again?" A thump was heard as the aforementioned Weasley hit the ground.

Well, that will probably make its way in some how. If only so I can use the phrase "horny bunnies with something to prove." Now for the little clues.

1.) Everyone's fave Werewolf will find himself in lurve. Or love, if you prefer. There is only one person that knows for sure who the object of Remus's affection is. Though it won't be a huge surprise.

2.) Fun dream sequences!

3.) Bad jokes!

4.) A non-edited out sex scene. If my current plan works out (which it may not. My plan is about as flimsy as Larry Craig's 'wide stance' excuse as to the Minniapolis/St. Paul airport bathroom scandal.) then said scene will be in the first chapter. And then more shall come.

5.) The Weasleys will not be cast in a good light. But what else is new, huh?

6.) Ginny will get a nickname. Courtesy of everyone's favorite emo Blond, Draco! (let us pause and think of the lovely Dray)

7.) Canon returns! Oh, just kidding. I promise. Hey, I think that one girl needs CPR… oh dear.

8.) There will be emo-ness. But Harry will be made fun of for it, so it's all good.

Well, that's about it for now… See you soon for As-Yet-Untitled sequel!

To those of you who need it, much luck with finals.