Seigaku Restaurant
Hello readers! Here is the fourth chapter of Seigaku Restaurant! I hope you people will enjoy it. And thank you everyone for the reviews and comments. And readers, I have to apologize for all my grammar and tenses mistakes in the previous chapters, hehehe. Gomenasai! I promise you people that I will try to have fewer mistakes here! )
Disclaimer: I don't own Tennis no Oujisama, but I really love and hope to!!
The last part of the previous chapter:
"It depends on him to choose either of us." Tezuka said, not looking away from the gaze.
"Saa… then let's see who he picks in the end, shall we?"
"Goodnight then, Tezuka." The said tensai was back to his normal self with closed eyes once again. The ever familiar smile was on his face when he waved to the Seigaku boss before the door was closed in front of his face.
"Saa…this is getting interesting."
Chapter 4
"Beep! Beep Beep!" A pale hand reached out from under the comforter to shut the alarm clock up before feeling around for the glasses. After putting his glasses on, he looked at the alarm clock. 5.30am, that's the time where everyone is supposedly to be up in this house. After a few seconds, he can hear the thumping of footsteps around the house, the rushing water from taps and tired yawns from having to wake up at such an ungodly hour. Well, they can only blame themselves for staying up that late last night, right?
Turning to his right, he suddenly remembered that their youngest Seigaku is never a morning person. Thinking back to their middle and high school times, he remembered how he always has to make Ryoma run laps for being late for their practices.
"Echizen, you have to wake up now." The Seigaku boss said as he shakes the younger teens shoulder. He tried to get at least a little respond from the sleeping boy by shaking harder. "Echizen, wake up now!" Karupin who was cuddling beside her master was woken up by the shaking.
"Meow…" Even Karupin was helping to wake her master up, pawing at his pajamas.
"Five more minutes Kaa-san..." A soft irritated mumble came from him as he wriggles further into the comforter indicating that he was totally not ready to be woken up yet. Sighing in defeat, Tezuka decided to go wash up first and prepare before trying to wake the teen up again. Maybe it would be easier to wake him up later on. That's what the Seigaku's boss thought. What he didn't know was that, no matter what time it is, it is very difficult to wake the sleepy head up especially this early in the morning. After tidying his bed as neat as he could, he proceed to wash up and went back to the room.
"Echizen, wake up!" roughly pulling the blankets away, Tezuka tries shaking the teen to wake up and failed once again when Ryoma use his pillow to cover his ears.
"Yadda! This is too early!" Trying to go back to sleep, he ignores the irritated glare from the boss and the calls from Karupin directed at him. After a few seconds, thinking that they would finally leave him alone to go back to sleep again, a sudden pull at his arms jolted him full awake for a moment as he let out a surprised yelp.
While he was being pulled out of bed not so gently, he slipped on the blanket that was being flung lying halfway on the floor. He shut his eyes tightly waiting for the painful impact he was going to get once he hit the floor. Instead, his golden orbs opened wide in astonishment when he found himself leaning on the strong firm chest of his stoic roommate. He blushed unintentionally as he apologized and wriggled himself out of the strong arms supporting him.
"Yudan sezu ni ikō" Tezuka stated looking at the shorter guy.
"Gomen buchou." Ryoma mumbled and grabbed his clean clothes before heading straight to the bathroom without looking back at his buchou.
-Tezuka POV-
Ah… I just hope he didn't feel my heart thumping like mad just now. Just to think about it, the way the pink tints appear on his face just now makes him truly adorable.
Ryoma turned on the shower and stepped under it.
"Ah! What happened just now! Why do I feel so weird when buchou caught me? Why does my heart thumped so fast just now?!"
Grabbing his hair wet hair in frustration, he thought about how embarrassed it was just now, to fall and lean on buchou.
-In the kitchen-
"Nya… where's Tezuka and Ochibi? We are already down here enjoying Oishi's breakfast." The red head questioned, popping a baked bean into his mouth. Right after that, the two said people came into the kitchen. One looking as stoic as ever, while the other one was yawning away eyes hidden under the trademark cap, carrying a kitten cuddled against his chest. While the rest of them are eating their breakfast, Ryoma went to pour a bowl of milk and set it down on the floor for Karupin. While she was busy licking the milk, he run his hand through the soft fur continuously.
"Echizen, you have to eat your breakfast, it's getting cold. Eating cold food is not good for you." The Seigaku mother hand said, looking worriedly like always when he was concerned of someone's health. "And why are you not wearing your uniform?"
"Huh, what uniform?"
"Fsuu… you can't possibly be thinking of wearing your casual wear to work. We are working at a restaurant, of course there's uniform!" Kaidoh said carry on eating his breakfast.
"Oh, then where is it?"
"Echizen, your uniform was placed just beside your bed." Tezuka said not looking up from his plate.
"Oh really? Hmph." He gets up from his position and headed for the stairs.
"Make sure to be quick! No one is allowed to be late, or are you asking for laps?" Tezuka said as he witnessed the way Ryoma going up dilly dallying. Ryoma immediately rushed into the room seeing that he still hasn't even touch breakfast yet, and will sure to be getting laps if he does not hurry. Seeing that he has been changing into the same school uniform every morning rushing to school, it feels weird when he is changing into a different type of uniform.
"Che… that means I can't wear my cap."
Running down to the kitchen, he stuffed his pancakes into his mouth, trying to bite and swallow at the same time. In between, he took his glass of milk and gulp down a large amount before trying to squeeze more of his pancakes in again. While he was at it, the rest of them are observing him in a most peculiar way.
"Echizen, did you do that every time?" Taka asked amazed at how the pancakes are gone in just a mere few minutes.
"Ie… Data, data…" Inui said as he scribbled onto his green notebook.
"Ah… Inui, I don't think there's a need for that anymore, since we are not competing in any tennis tournaments any more. Therefore, you don't have to take down all these sorts of data, heheh." Oishi reasoned as the Seigaku data master continues to scribble into the notebook.
"Hmph, all these data may come in handy in the future."
"Fsuu… I don't see the point of these data, such a waste of time."
"Heh, its not a waste of time. Besides, I have gotten a lot of interesting data. And you know what; I have quite a few pages of data mainly on you. Want me to read it out to you?" Inui asked leaning his face close to him with a glint from behind his rectangular glasses.
"Fsuu… don't bother, I'm not interested." Kaidoh replied, while trying hard not to blush, wondering what kind of data his sempai have written about him other than tennis.
"Minna, it's time to start the restaurant for the day!" the bespectacled boss ordered as all of them complied and rush down to the first floor where the restaurant is, trying not to be too slow to get any punishment.
Once all of them reached the ground floor, they proceed to what they always do. Kaidoh and Momo unlocked the main door of the restaurant and proceed to arrange the tables and chairs to their respective places. Taka went to the market to take the boxes of fresh fishes and other types of vegetables which they order every time, with the data man following behind him. Fuji brings out all the pots, pans and other different equipment, Oishi started cutting the fruits and garnishes that can be prepared first while his doubles partner was bouncing around the kitchen helping out a bit here and there.
"Echizen, don't stand around. Help out as well." Tezuka ordered as he started to boil big pots of water for soups that takes a long time to be cooked.
"Che, as if I know what to do."
"Fsuu… help with the tablecloths and menus."
"Hai…" Ryoma replied with a boring tone. 'Che, this is going to be a real boredom. Oh well, I have to do this for pocket money. Now I can buy as many ponta as I want.'
"Brring…" The soft melodious sound of the bells sounded as the door was being opened; signaling the start of work for the day as the first customer came in.
"Hoi hoi, welcome! Let me show you to your seat!" The bouncy redhead exclaimed pulling the chair out for the old man to sit.
"Echizen, come here." Tezuka said as the golden eyed teen comes up to him.
"Hai buchou?"
"Take this." Tezuka said as he placed a black notebook and pen in Ryoma's outstretched hands. "You will need this when the customers order anything from the menu. After that, tear the piece out and peg it up there on that string." Finger pointed towards the string hanging in the kitchen. "And the rest will be up to hose who are working in the kitchen to prepare the dishes.
"Do I have to take the dishes to the customers too?"
"That's Kaidoh's job. And don't keep the fist customer waiting."
"Hai buchou."
As the day went by, the restaurant becomes more and more lively, and finally when the peak hours for lunchtime is here, this is where fun and excitement comes in.
Saa... readers, what will happen? What's the fun and excitment? Well, that's for me to know and for you to find out in Chapter 5! :) Read and review.! I just hope my grammar and verbs pass this time round! hehe