Seigaku Restaurant
This is my very first time writing on a Prince of Tennis fanfic. So people, try to be easy on me okay? Good!
Actually, I got the idea of making this story after I have watched the movie Ratatouille.
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince or Tennis or the characters in it.
Summary: After the third years have graduated from High School, wanting to stay together as a team, they had decided to start a restaurant together. Now, that the Seigakus ex-regulars are together, except for 18 yrs old Ryoma who has not graduated from Seishun High School yet. After he had finally graduated, the ex-regulars lead him to the restaurant and make him stay there and work too. At first Ryoma thinks that working in restaurant is far too boring, compared to standing on the court. But as his days at Seigaku Restaurant went by, his life becomes more interesting with lots of things happening.
Warning: This is a yaoi fanfic, if you don't like, don't read. Those who are yaoi fans, enjoy and review after reading thanks!
Note: the characters may be a bit OOC; it depends on the flow of the story.
Pairings: Haven't considered yet. So, I need you readers to vote two pairs, one from each set. The pairs available for voting are:
Set I (vote 1 as main pairing)
Set II (vote 1 as second pairing)
Or, you may vote for only one pairing, but it must be from set I.
So… RVR!!! Read Vote and Review! )
Chapter 1
-Seigaku Restaurant-
"Saa… wonder if he knows about this restaurant." The tensai said, smiling his usual smile while stirring a pot of soup constantly.
Currently, the Seigaku worker's are all preparing in the kitchen before their restaurant is officially opened. The workers are, Tezuka, Oishi, Eiji, Taka, Fuji, Inui, who are now 20 and Momoshiro and Kaidoh, who are 19. After graduating from Seishun High School, they have come to work at this restaurant. The restaurant was once owned by Tezuka's uncle, who was damn wealthy. Before he passed away, he had given Tezuka's the restaurant. And of course his family gets something too.
Tezuka had then renamed the restaurant and named it Seigaku Restaurant. After Momo and Kaidoh had graduated too, both of them was lead to the restaurant by Kikumaru and Fuji. For convenience, Tezuka had used the money that his uncle had left for him and build the second and third storey above the restaurant. And that is where all of them are staying, together.
"Oh, you are talking about Ochibi ne, Fujiko?" the hyperactive acrobatic Kikumaru asked, balancing a tomato on his head while cutting the vegetables.
"Today is the day." Their ex-captain, Tezuka stated.
"Huh? Is there anything special happening today?" Momoshiro asked while mopping the kitchen floor.
"Baka, fsuuu… today is the day of Seishun High School graduation!" Kaidoh said while preparing the sauce.
"Hey! Who are you calling baka, Mamushi?!"
"I can't anyone else who is an idiot like you!"
"You are not any better!"
"Fsuu… baka peach…"
"Hey! You'll get it from me!"
The two of them started their daily conflicts, with the tip of their nose almost touching.
"Nya! You guys stop it before Tezuka give you laps around the restaurant!"
"Kikumaru is right, stop that now you two, before you start a fight and hurt yourself." Oishi, the Seigaku's mother hen said while his hands were busy with dishes.
"So today is the graduation day, so that means this is Echizen's last day of school eh?" Momo asked.
"Ya, and now that I think about it, I haven't seen him for two whole years already." Taka said while making sushi. And in the end, it seems like all of them have not seem him for two years already, and for Kaidoh and Momo, one year. They were all so concentrated on their restaurant that they had forgotten about the thought of visiting their school.
"According to the information I have, 84.5 that Echizen will be finding a job after graduating, 53 that Echizen will continue his tennis play to aim to become a pro, and 17.8 that he knows about this restaurant." Inui, their famous data collector stated looking into his green notebook.
"Nya, let's go fetch ochibi, then bring him here!" Kikumaru exclaimed while glomping his doubles partner.
"That will only be in the afternoon, we can go fetch him after the peak hours, where there are lesser costumers."
"Alright, that's enough, get back to work! Fuji, your fire is too strong; you are going to spoil the aroma of the soup!"
"Saa… but it still smells good…" Fuji answered, but he still heeds the instructions and makes the fire weaker.
-Seishun High School Class 3 / A-
Right at the very corner of the auditorium sat a dark hair guy, who was about to fell asleep from the graduating ceremony. Golden orbs gaze up lazily at the clock high up on the wall.
'15 minutes, just 15 more minutes till the ceremony is over, and finally, I can go out and start earning my own money. Then, I won't need to play any matches with that baka Oyaji to get my pocket money.'
"… And for once, thank you Tanara Sensei for presenting the awards to our awardees. Congratulations to all the students here for successfully graduating after your three years of education in Seishun High School. And now I announce that the ceremony has come to an end, thank you."
All of the students cheered and screamed, happy that they finally won't have to listen to any lectures anymore.
"Waaah! RYOMA SAMA! I won't be able to see you that often now after this. Please give me your contact number, Ryoma sama!" Tomoka exclaimed pleading Ryoma to give her his number. Ryoma was thinking how unlucky he is, to have this kind of irritating people studying with him for 6 years, following him from Seishun Gakuen to Seishun High School.
"Ryoma sama! Gi-me your number! Ryoma sama lets go out someday!"
Then, there came another irritating fellow.
"Oi Echizen! I want to challenge you to a match; since this might be the last time you get have a challenge with me!"
"Ha! Are you scared huh? Of course, with my 7 years of tennis experience, I'm sure you won't be able to handle it!" The one and only Horio with big mouth and jointed eyebrow boasted.
"Ano… but Horio-kun, I think you should give up, you have had matches with Ryoma-kun for all this years, and face the truth, there wasn't once that you have won before, only the time when Ryoma-kun have both his eyes closed and hoping with one leg." Sakuno stated. During their first year together, Sakuno immediately have a crush on the Prince of tennis, but after some times, she realized that she's only impressed by his tennis skills. That's why; she had then stopped her stuttering and blushing when talking in front of Ryoma.
"Ne, mada mada dane Horio." And off he goes, heading for the school gate.
"Ah! Ryoma sama! I want your number!"
Outside Seishun High School
Since at this time of the day, there won't be any business in the restaurant, Fuji, Inui and Momo had volunteered to come and fetch Ryoma.
Momo's POV
As we walked towards the gate of our former High school, lot's of the students recognized us, as we were once the famous tennis players who had achieved the Nationals. Fan girls giggled when they walked pass us, and some were whispering excitedly.
The three of us ignored the attention and were looking out for a certain someone. Hmm… I wonder if that kid has gotten any taller since the last time we saw him. When we were about to go round the corner, I felt someone bumped into my chest, and I caught him immediately before he fell on his butt. And guess who that is?
Ryoma's POV
I was getting more and more irritated with the two just now, lucky I got away. Better be quick to prevent them from catching up. As I quicken around the corner, I bumped into something hard and the impact makes me fell backwards. I closed my eyes tight waiting for the pain as I fell onto the ground but it never came. Then, I slowly opened my eyes and looked up.
Normal POV
"Momo… sempai?" Momo immediately hold him to a standing position and ruffled his now slightly longer hair with the tip almost touching the shoulder. Ryoma then realize his throbbing forehead and reach up to rub it.
"Saa… Ryoma-kun, long time no see." Fuji said while looking at how much he had changed. Ryoma was now only a bit shorter than him and his features are a bit more feminine. He had two silver studs on his right ear, and one on his left.
"Seems like you are still following my diet plan, drinking milk everyday. According to my data, you have grown a few inches."
"Fuji sempai… and Inui sempai?" golden huge eyes looked up at the three of them adorably with surprise and confusion. "What are you guys doing here?"
"Don't ask and just follow us kid!" Momo said, while grinning from ear to ear, happy to see his best friend again. He grabbed hold of Ryoma's left wrist making sure that he won't run away, and pulled him along.
"Hey Momo sempai let go of me! Where are you taking me? Sempais!" He tried to struggle free from the strong grip using his other hand, trying to pull Momo's fingers apart. But Fuji took his other hand and makes him unable to pull free. The two of them pull him along towards the way to the restaurant, while Inui was busy writing down new data he had gotten.
"Let go of me, I want to go home! SEMPAI!!!"
To Be Continued… … … …
Well how is it? Did I make any mistakes in there? Feel free to tell me okay, and remember to review and vote the parings that I had stated before the start of the story. If you don't know what I'm talking about, scroll up and read the words in bold.
Bye! Chapter 2 will be longer than this )