AN: I realised how cruel I've been and unfaithful and stuff, so I'm giving you this chapter. That and, although I don't want to give you any false promises, this: I may end up finishing this. Y'know it'd be a shame not to, and there's only a little bit, and my reviewers have been so good to me. btw I also realised how up myself I may sound in my last AN and I assure you it wasn't meant to be read like that - I do know how hard it'll be to get published, don't worry. And the grammatical errors - I see what you mean, but (and this may show undedication) I cbf reuploading chapters, but I'll try and work on it for future chapters, etc. Anyway where was I? Yeah I may continue with this, even though I'm really into my Scorpius/Lily fic (where the two main characters are way less perfect than in this, which I'm worried has been too influenced by the perfectionism and MarySues of Twilight :S I'm sorry about that bit), and my story-story, but whenever I read this again I feel a craving to write it soyeahhh. Don't get your hopes up too high though, because if it happens it might take a while, just enjoy!

The Dorm
Friday, 1 September 2017

Dear Diary,

Don't you just love a good surprise?

After crossing the barrier onto Platform Nine and Three Quarters, Dad helped me haul my stuff onto the train.

"You know, I can get it myself," I pointed out, stroking Benji from on the train.

"Yeah, well, it's practically my last chance to baby you," said Dad, and right then and there he lifted me off the train and back onto the platform. "You are so much like your mother. Stay safe, okay?"

"I'm not gonna run off and get pregnant or anything," I said, rolling my eyes as I hugged him. Benji squealed and clawed at my chest. "Woops, sorry Benji. Anyway, Dad, you still have Cass and Bell to baby. I'm sure they're not gonna mind as much seeing as they actually do need taking care of."

"Yeah, well," said Dad, letting me go, "I feel like I haven't been the best Dad in the world to you."

My jaw dropped.

"Are you crazy?" I asked in disbelief. "Dad, don't get too up yourself here, but you're pretty awesome."

"Thanks," he said, ruffling my hair, "but you're part Veela. I really shouldn't have let you date till you were at least thirty-five."

"And this is why I actually like how Mum has you wrapped around her finger," I muttered, handing over Benji so I could pat down my hair.

At that moment, I saw Mum make her way through the crowd with Cassie and Bella.

"You've grown so much," she said, her long arms enveloping me in a hug. "Have a really good last year, okay? Don't stress too much, and make sure you enjoy it. Because you won't be going back there again."

On those words, a pit seemed to open up in my stomach. Hogwarts was like home. No, scratch that. For the months that I was at school, Hogwarts was home. My friends were always just a corridor or wing or Quidditch pitch away. It really was going to be different after we left.

"I wanna hug Vic!" whined Cass, jumping up and down.

"Me too!" cried Bella.

I laughed and, bending down, hugged them both to me.

"Be good, okay?" I whispered to them. "And don't go chasing too many fairies after dark."

"Kay Vic!"

I stood up and turned around to look for Kura, Claire and Tom, distracted slightly when a certain head of aqua-blue hair caught my eye.

"Mum, Dad," I said, somehow remembering my manners, "would you excuse me for a second?"

"Sure," said Mum, realising after a moment of silence that Dad wasn't going to say anything.

I bolted through the crowd and flung myself into Teddy's arms. He toppled over backwards and we landed amongst a collection of trunks.

"I've missed you," I murmured, my legs straddling his torso as I bent over to kiss him. "Oh, by the way, are you okay?"

"I'm laying here with a Veela on top of me, how could I not be okay?" he replied with a coy grin.

I smiled back before placing my lips on his once more. Ted leant up on one elbow and cupped my face.

"TED! What are you doing?"

The voice, filled with disgust, caused us to break apart and look over at a horrified James.

"Seeing Vic off," said Ted nonchalantly as I stood up. "You ready to go back to Hogwarts?"

James, of course, ignored Ted's question, and replied instead with a question of his own.

"Do Mum and Dad know you've been kissing your cousin?"

I couldn't help but smile.

"James, Vic isn't my cousin," said Ted, standing up himself. "Anyway, your parents are probably looking for you. Run along now."

James huffed but did as he was told.

"He'll be running back to tell them," said Ted. "And any money Lily will be planning our wedding."

"Yeah, about that," I joked with a smile.

Ted rolled his eyes and pulled me to him by the waist.

"Victoire Pax Weasley," he murmured, his fingers scraping back my hair. "I love you. And who knows, when you get back, maybe we can start planning a wedding."

"Wh-what?" I spluttered.

"Well, I should probably talk to your Dad first, and get a ring, but how hard can it be, right?"

But then a warning whistle sounded, and I swore. Dragging Ted by the hand, I ran back to where my family stood waiting for their last goodbyes.

"Bye guys," I said, giving them hugs again. "I'll see you soon."

Ted lifted me onto the train.

"Don't worry too much over NEWTs," he said.

As the glass doors closed, I waved goodbye to Mum, Dad, Bella, Cassie and Ted. From the Hogwarts Express. For the last time.

x - Vicky

AN: Soyeah, no promises on this one, but I thought "Who writes a Vicky/Ted school-romance Fanfic without having that scene at the train station? Oh and I'm pretty sure this has been influenced by a few of the Vic/Ted fics around here and I'm sorry about that. Andyeah I'll stop talking now (: