A/N: Hello, all, and welcome to Rest In Pieces, the Kuwabara-Toguro viginette series, written because these two need waaayyy more love than anyone wants to give them.. Warnings? I own nothing. That's all Shounen Jump, the lousy bastards. Further warning: This is a Kuwabara centered work. That means BASHING OF OTHER CHARACTERS (coughhieiyusukekuramacough) and if you don't like that, get over it. I've strong feelings about what those three did to Kuwabara in the Three Kings Arc and those views will become evident as time goes on.

As for the story, I've no real plans for this series yet. All I know is that each one shot (some will be connected) will focus somehow on either Kazuma Kuwabara, Aniki Toguro (the elder brother) and their developing relationship as characters over the three year period Hiei, Yusuke, and Kurama abandoned Kuwabara in human world.

Slash warning: While I don't plan to pair Kuwabara and Ani, my writing has been known to run away from me. Therefore I feel it prudent to mention that slash, whether implied or blatant, will be evident in some places in these stories. Bible bangers and irate parents, the exit is located at the top of the webpage.

Cultural/Name Note: Although Aniki in Japanese means "older brother" and isn't technically a name, Ani Toguro is never mentioned by a real name, in either anime or manga. It's easier for all parties involved if I merely call him Aniki. Any questions should be answered through continuing chapters, which may or may not have something to do with one another. Ready go.

Part 1: The Lesser of Two Evils

Their eyes meet across the darkened street. The streetlights are bright, reflecting off the salivating teeth of the twenty D level demons who have made it through the new system without the right paperwork.How they managed to hunt both men down at the same time is anyone's guess, and yet here they are, ready and willing to slaughter and maim.

"What luck," the head ugly snarls. "A two for one deal!"

The tall, slim redhead allows a small smirk, his right hand lifting parallel to his body. Opposite him, the tiny man unclenches pale fists, spreading thin fingers in a claw-like move. Their eyes meet again, dark blue blinking at amber-gold.

No words are exchanged. It is mutually understood.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

It is brutal, it is bloody, it is quick. Blood of many animated colors oozes over the asphalt. Really, you had to feel bad for the pathetic souls. They didn't have a chance.

The redhead blinks at the small man, a hard orange glow slipping back into his spirit. It hasn't been very long, but somehow he isn't as terrified as he once was. He raises a single slim brow, stating without words, without surprise or fear,

You owe me a rematch, Toguro.

A soft giggle and affirmative nod, and his impromptu ally is gone. Only a memory of his golden eyes remain.