Right! A new story hooray! It's going to be long and complicated, so let me know what you think and whether I should continue it or not. This is definitely going to be AU. The ninja will be using swords and katanas to fight, while kunai will be projectiles. There will be a vast array of monsters not found in Naruto, like sirens, nymphs, golems, skeletons, trolls, goblins, banshees and more. Jutsu's will be the equivalent of spells and the whole thing is very complicated. Don't worry though, it WILL all get explained in time.

Disclaimer: This applies to every chapter so listen closely. I do not own Naruto, nor do I own the game Baldur's Gate: Shadows of Amn. I merely stuck them together. Got it? Good.

Sound's Gate: Shadows of Fire

Chapter 1

Unknown identity – The beginning

Sakura's POV

Slowly, large emerald eyes opened. She ached all over. How long had she been here? More importantly, why was he waking her up again? Tiredly, she looked up. There he was. Orochimaru. The one who tortured them all. Sakura couldn't even remember who 'them' were. All she knew was that she was in pain, and had been for what seemed like months. He smiled at her, and her weak body shuddered. She couldn't take anymore of his 'experiments'. He was going to kill her, and she couldn't do anything about it.

"You are strong." He whispered. "Stronger than any I have ever met before. It is time for another test."

She shut her eyes and waited. Orochimaru was no doubt performing hand seals, and her fears were confirmed when he whispered the jutsu, always softly, so she could never hear what it was. She screamed in pain as it came. It was different every time. This one was a fire jutsu. Why he was doing this she didn't know. Once of a day she did, but all the experiments had robbed her of her memory. She knew her name but that was it. Eventually the pain left and the girl collapsed. She wasn't unconscious, but she was too weak to move.

"Incredible." She heard him say to himself. "She still survives. This one is mighty, no doubt about it…"

Suddenly there was a large crash and Sakura heard footsteps approach. They were small, most likely a goblin's.

"Master." A voice rasped. "Creatures from the outside have gotten in. They are causing havoc."

"What are you doing here then you fool?" Orochimaru seethed. "Go and stop them!" The goblin left, and after a few minutes hesitation, so did Orochimaru. Sakura relaxed. He was gone, at least for a while.

"Sakura." Someone whispered.

That voice. She knew that voice. It was a soft, female voice. Where had she heard it before?

"Get up. Now's our chance to leave!" The person sounded urgent. "Quick! While the cages are unlocked."

Sakura made one last effort and looked up. There was a blonde kunoichi, with big blue eyes and her hair in a ponytail.

"Who're you?" Sakura managed to ask.

The girl's eyes widened and filled with tears. "You don't remember anything? Sakura it's me! Ino, your sister."

Frowning, she tried desperately to remember. Ino did sound a familiar name, but from where?

"We grew up together." Ino told her quickly. "We lived in Candlekeep. You, me and Haku! We're special remember? Gaara? The fight? Oh please, you must try to remember or we'll never escape!"

Sakura scowled harder, thinking, pushing through her brain, searching for her memories. Then it all came back to her! Well, some of it.

"Ino!" She cried and grasped her sister by the shoulders. "The…the fight…he took us just after we got Gaara…because we're…" She paused, trying to remember what they were.

"Ita-spawn." Ino provided.

Sakura grimaced. Ita-spawn. How she despised being an Ita-spawn. She couldn't quite remember why she despised it so. Ino was less-than-happy, but explained nonetheless.

"Okay look, here's what happened. Many years ago the God of Murder, Itachi, came to earth shortly after he was told he was soon going to die. He mated with many females on Earth, elves, humans, ogres, you name it, he had it. Every female he mated with gave birth to a child. These children were demi-gods basically. They were much stronger than normal people and they had tainted blood. Every one of these children would hear 'the call'."

"The urge to kill right?" Sakura asked as memories of this information began to return.

"Right." Ino confirmed. " Every night, the children would hear peoples blood in their veins, feel their pulse, hear their heartbeat. That was 'the call'. It was calling to the essence, the part of the child's soul that belonged to Itachi. If the person's soul was too weak, then the essence would take over the person, and they would get up and kill innocent people, just for the joy of killing them."

"In other words Itachi possessed them?"

Ino hesitated. "In a way, I suppose. After sometime, people realised what was going on, and the children were tarred with the name 'Ita-spawn'. People avoided them, killed them and isolated them. This drove the few Ita-spawn with strong souls over the edge. They became twisted and cruel and allowed the essence to consume them, body and soul. You and I are Ita-spawn, the only two 'good' Ita-spawn left. The only ones left who resist the urge to kill and fight it with their entire being. We have Haku to thank for that."

"He's the one who raised us, right?"

Ino nodded. "He raised us in Candlekeep. The only way we are related is through our father Itachi and Haku raising us together. Then…"

"Then Gaara came to hunt us down." Sakura finished. "He heard we were strong because we could resist 'the call'. Haku tried to smuggle me to safety, because I was the stronger one at that point, but Gaara found us. He…killed Haku, and together we went after him and killed him to avenge Haku's life. I remember now."

Ino smiled. "Good, because we need to leave now! Orochimaru left a while ago, and we need to be gone before he gets back. It was bad enough that he captured us just after we killed our half brother Gaara, I don't want him getting us again."

"He wants us so he can find out how to make himself stronger. Is that right?"

"Yep, now lets go!"

Sakura stood up. She had been feeling weak up to now, but with her memories back in place, a new determination filled her up. She stepped out of the cage and turned around, scanning the room. There were two more cages at the back, each one held a person.

"They were our comrades from when we killed Gaara." Ino told her.

Sakura nodded. She knew. She walked up to the man first. He would be easier to break out. The blonde haired boy looked up at her with bright sapphire eyes.

"Gosh aren't you a weakling?" She teased him. The boy growled. "The Naruto I remember would never let himself be confined in a mere cage."

Naruto bared his fangs. Being in a cage for months would no doubt have left him irritable. Sakura hoped it wouldn't take too long to get his temper going.

"Shut up and let me out already!" He snapped, rattling the bars.

"You aren't worthy of carrying that little frog with you." She continued. She was well aware of what Gamakichi meant to Naruto, and she was sure it would rattle his chains. It did.

"What do you mean I'm not worthy? Gamakichi is the son of the giant toad lord Gamabunta! Of course I'm worthy! Oh you wait till I'm through with you!" Naruto bent the bars of his cage, clambered out and went for Sakura.

"Naruto you idiot, of course you are! I just wanted to make you mad enough to free yourself." She rolled her eyes.

"Huh?" Naruto turned around, saw he was free and grinned at the pink haired kunoichi. "You always were smart Sakura-chan!"

Sakura waved him off and looked at the girl's cage. She had brown hair and brown eyes. The cage was locked, with a seal on it that required a key.

"Don't you worry Tenten." Sakura told her old friend. "Once we find the key we'll have you out of there in no time."

"It's in there." Tenten told her, pointing at a side room. Sakura winked at her, and casually walked into the side room. There was a large monster/machine in there, known as a golem, but it wasn't under orders to attack, much to Sakura's relief. Searching around, she found the key to Tenten's cell and a few swords with some armour made of leather.

'Perfect!' She smiled. Waltzing back out of the room, she undid Tenten's cell and gave everyone a sword and some armour. Sakura was a good sword person. Haku had trained her and Ino well when it came to swords.

"You guys know how to handle them?" She asked, sticking her two-handed sword in a scabbard on her belt.

Everyone did. She nodded.

"Why don't we all stick together and make our way out of here? It'll be easier with us all as a team. Once we're outside we'll think about what we're going to do next." Ino suggested.

The group agreed that Ino's idea was a good plan, and set off following Sakura out of the room through an open door. They headed out into the corridor, and hopefully to freedom.


Me: What do you guys think? Good or bad? Should I continue or give up? Let me know what you think because I promise it will get better!

Inner Me: Baka! You forgot the most important part!

Me: I did?

Inner Me: Pairings?

Me: Oh right! SasuSaku, NejiTen, NaruHina! Those are the pairings everybody, with some possible ShikaIno, but I'm not sure of that at the minute. Review please!