As she crawled toward him, she thought to herself, 'Are you sure you really wana do this?' then she answered her own thought, 'Yes, I've wanted to do this since the day he left on the raft, the day Sun and I found the bottle of messages, the day I realized I never got to say good bye, the day he came back to the beach, that's how long I've wanted to do this.

'God, I've been waitin' for this day forever. I swear if anything spoils this moment…' Sawyer thought to himself.

She had finally reached him. She took a deep breath and began to lean in. Just as they were about to make contact, there was a huge rumble of thunder and it made both of them jump. She lost her balance and fell into his lap, and he knocked over his whiskey.

"Son of a…"

It seemed like every time they got close, something happened to make it stop. Why was this? Neither of them knew but the moment was over so it was back to their game. It rained suddenly then stopped just as soon as it had started.

"Hey, I have another idea on a different game we could play."

"Yeah? And what's that?" He said taking a sip of another bottle of whiskey he had brought, and he was starting to feel a bit drunk.

"How bout we just play truth, no dare." She answered, taking a sip of her own and also beginning to feel the affects of the alcohol.

"Well, alrighty then. You can go first since it was your turn."

"Ok. How did you get all this whiskey out of camp without anybody noticing?"

He smiled mysteriously. "Well wouldn't you like to know?"

She smiled. "Never mind I don't think I want to know."

He smiled back. "Ok, Freckles. I gotta question for ya. I know I asked this before but, 'Who the hell is Wayne?'"

She gasped and was silent for a moment.


"H-He… He was my father."

Sawyer was silent for a moment. Then he spoke. "Oh. So I remind you of your father. Great." 'Now I know she'll never love me… Who would want to be in love with a person who reminds them of their father.'

"Sawyer, it's not like that at all. He had blond hair, you have blond hair. He had a southern accent, you have a southern accent. That's it. And when I was waiting for you to get better when you got back, something weird happened but it was just a dream, I think."

"Yeah, whatever. By the way, since we're playin' this 'Truth' game, did ya miss me when I was gone?"

She hesitated, but only for a second. "Yes, Sawyer. Yes I did. I… I never got to say good bye."

This struck him hard, and he realized that he never got to say good bye either. "Yeah… me neither." He smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"So what did you think about while you were on the raft?"

"Thought 'bout gettin' rescued, and what I would do when we were. Then I thought 'bout… Nah never mind."

"Thought about what?" She said, genuinely interested.

"Well I thought 'bout what doc was probly havin' you do for 'im."

"We were getting dynamite to blow the door off the hatch. That's why I wasn't on the beach when you guys left."

'Of course.' He thought. 'She was with Doc, like always.'

"But I was there earlier, and I was looking for you, but you weren't there. I asked people if they had seen you, but nobody had. I didn't want you to leave while still being kind of angry about the whole thing that had happened the night before. And I wanted to wish you guys luck and say good bye."

"I wish I wouldn't have been choppin' wood, then you coulda."

They were silent for a minute.

"So… who's turn is it?"

"I dunno… 'S yours I guess."

"Ok. What are you going to miss most about this island when and if we ever get rescued."

"I dunno… uhh… My tent 'cause I spent a lotta time on it, our waterfall, makin' the doc mad by spendin' time with you, spendin' time with you…" He grinned at her and she smiled back.

"Yeah… me too."

They sat there silently for a while, just listening to the sound the waves made as they crashed onto the shore. Sawyer broke the silence.

"So, Freckles. Watcha wanna do now?"

"I don't know."

"Wana go for a swim?"


"What can I say, I like to swim. There ain't no crime in that now is there?"

She smiled. "No."

He grinned back. "Then come on." He threw off his shirt and pants, luckily he was wearing boxers for once, kicked off his shoes, and waded out into the ocean.

"Aww c'mon, Freckles. Your not gonna make me swim by myself now are ya?"

She smirked. "Ok, ok. I'm coming."

She took off her shirt, jeans, and shoes and got in.

"Wow. This isn't as cold as the water at our waterfall."

She knew it made him grin to hear her call it 'our waterfall.'

Suddenly she was pushed under the water. She struggled underneath a hand and came back up for air, smiling.

"Does every time we go swimming have to turn into a dunking contest?"

"Looks like it." Then he dunked her again.

"Fine. You wana play like that, Sawyer? Then let's see who could win this contest."

She swam up behind him and pushed him down as far as she could then swam away as fast as she could.

"You can't dunk me if you can't catch me."

"Oh I could catch you any day, Sweetcheeks."

"Yeah right."

Suddenly he began to swim toward her, fast. She swam back toward the beach and started to run out of the water when suddenly someone picked her up from behind.

"Gotcha." Sawyer was grinning at her, showing her his dimples. Then he carried her back into the water. He swam with one hand while still not letting her go.

"Now where ya gonna go, Freckles? You can't out swim me, and you especially can't beat me to the beach from here." She noticed he was still holding her.

"Well no, not if you won't let me go."

"Well what if I don't wana let you go?" She looked into his eyes, which she could barely see in the dark. They stared at each other for what seemed like eternity. Then without warning, Kate grabbed his face and kissed him, passionately. At first he was surprised but not long enough to give her a chance to withdraw. He kissed her back with just as much passion. At that moment, there was nothing in the world that could stop them, not the machine, not other people calling out for them, not thunder, nothing. The only thing they wanted right now was each other. And that's what they got. At that moment Kate realized that Jack wasn't who she wanted. 'But Jack's a doctor, and he cares about you and could protect you and would keep you safe. He treats you well.' But she didn't listen to her head. She listened to her heart, and her heart said one thing, and that was 'Sawyer.'


Well I hope everybody liked that. Maybe I'll write a sequel, but then again… maybe I won't. Lol well I never really said what happened to Jack and stuff like that and… I don't know… I'll think about making a sequel. Leave me reviews to let me know if I should, or leave me reviews to tell me if you liked it or not, and I don't care if you didn't, just let me know.