Danny leaned into Mac's embrace; laying his head against Mac's chest.

"I thought you'd leave me," he murmured.

Mac looked down at the younger man in horror. "Why would you think that?"

Danny shrugged his shoulders but that wasn't what Mac wanted. Mac took hold of the younger man's chin in his hand, forcing him to look up.

"Why would you think I'd leave you Danny?" Mac asked concerned.

Tears came to the younger CSI's eyes. "Everyone else has; why should you be any different? My own family couldn't stand me…why do you?"

Mac was unsure of what to say but still he began to speak, "Danny, I do care about you. I care because I want to and I want to because you are an amazing person…"

"I'm always in trouble." Danny interrupted.

"…who just needs some guidance," Mac finished. "Danny, if I didn't truly care about you, I wouldn't have cared that you went in with the swat team or that you got drunk last night. I also wouldn't be about to punish you either."

Danny bit his lip and looked up at Mac with sad eyes. "Don't suppose you can care less about me huh?"

Mac shook his head with a wry smile. He gently pushed the younger man away from him and then sat on the coffee table so that he could look directly into Danny's eyes.

"I know we've gone over some of the rules but let's go over them all right now. One, you don't talk back to me; that includes telling me, you won't do something…like when I told you to go to the corner. Two, no more cussing; you lost that right when you called Stella that name. Three, you will do what you are told, when you are told. Four, you will act and speak respectively. Do you have any questions?" Mac asked.

"What if I accidentally say like the bad way for dang or heck?" Danny asked.

"I may let it go or I may give you a warning. I don't care if you say dang or heck; any other bigcurse words (think of what he called Stella) and you will be in trouble." Mac answered. "Do you have any other questions before we move on to consequences?"

Danny shook his head. He pulled his knees up to his chin and waited. Mac couldn't help but smile at the child like gesture.

"If you break a rule I think you know what's going to happen. I'll spell it out for you though just in case. If you break a rule in a major way you will be spanked; you will also spend time in the corner. If you cuss you will get your mouth washed out with soap. If you call someone a name besides getting a mouth full of soap you will also get a spanking. For minor things you will stay you're in your room until I let you out or you may be put in the corner. Do you have any questions so far?" Mac asked again.

Danny shook his head. He wanted to yell and scream and protest but he didn't. He found Mac's rules and consequences to be strangely comforting. Mac took a deep breath before continuing.

"Let's talk about being grounded. I know we've discussed it but I want to go over it one more time. I know you have your own place and staying here at home all the time isn't exactly your favorite thing but when you are grounded, you will stay here. You will go to work and you will come home; nothing more. Do you understand?" Mac asked gently.

Danny nodded his head. His mind was once again telling him to cause a fuss, to protest everything Mac had said but his heart was swelling with joy. Mac had continued to refer to his house as home and truth be told for Danny it was true. His own place was just that…a place; Mac's place…that was home.

"One last thing...if you behave the way you did yesterday again, I won't wait till we get home to deal with your behavior. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Mac asked.

"Mac…" Danny began. He couldn't believe his ears. Surely Mac didn't mean…

"I do," Mac answered the unasked question.

Danny nodded his head in understanding. He didn't like it but he wasn't going to fight it.

Mac nodded his head, "Ok then…Danny stand up."

Danny swallowed nervously before complying with Mac's orders. Mac took Danny's spot on the couch; he took a deep breath steeling himself for what was to come.

After having Danny stand directly beside him, Mac looked up at him. "Pants down," he ordered firmly.

Danny blushed, "No! Please Mac…"

"Now Danny," Mac said sternly.

"Mac," Danny started to whine. "Please don't make me."

Mac said nothing as he stared at Danny, clearly waiting for Danny to do as he was told. Blushing Danny complied with Mac's order. When the night pants were at his knees, Mac took hold of his wrist and gently tugged him over his lap.

After getting a firm grasp around Danny's waist Mac quickly swatted him twice.

"Ow!" Danny yelped.

"I don't want to have to tell you twice again." Mac said sternly. Danny nodded his head in understanding. Mac started to swat; Danny jumped at the first one but then didn't show any other signs of distress.

SWAT, SWAT "When you are told," SWAT, SWAT "not to go in," SWAT, SWAT "with the swat team," SWAT, SWAT "you listen!" SWAT, SWAT

Danny felt the tears falling down his face. He wasn't sure what hurt more...the swats or the disappointment coming from Mac. He wasn't given the chance to think about it any more though as Mac suddenly pulled down his boxers.

"NO!" Danny yelled as he started to first try to pull his boxers back up and then buck; trying his hardest to get off Mac's lap. Mac settled him with two of his hardest swats.

SWAT, SWAT "OW! Mac…no, that hurts!"

"Settle down, unless you want them all that hard." Mac warned.

Danny instantly settled down. He knew Mac wasn't quiet done with him and the thought of the harsh swats was enough to deter his behavior. Mac didn't waste a second longer before he started to swat again.

SWAT, SWAT "Stella and Flack," SWAT, SWAT "care about you." SWAT, SWAT "As do I," SWAT, SWAT "which is why," SWAT, SWAT "you WILL obey us," SWAT, SWAT "at all times." SWAT, SWAT "If you think," SWAT, SWAT "we're being unfair," SWAT, SWAT "talk to us." SWAT, SWAT

By now Danny had to fight back the sobs that came to his mouth. He couldn't stop most of the whimpers that came to his lips though. He knew he deserved what he got but it still hurt.

Mac had to once again steel himself for the next part to come. Reaching into the side of the couch he pulled out a hairbrush…a flat wooden one, which he had hidden before Danny had woken up.

"This is the second time you've put yourself in danger by disobeying an order. I don't want to see you hurt again let alone killed. I really hope there's not a third time Daniel Jay. If there is instead of the twelve you'll be getting with the brush you'll get the whole spanking with it." Mac said firmly.

Danny didn't have time to process Mac's words let alone try to protest before Mac brought the hairbrush to meet with the younger man's backside.


Danny hung his head and began to sob. Mac finished the last two smacks quickly. When he was done he threw the hairbrush onto the other sofa in the room and began to rub circles on Danny's back.

"Shh…it's ok Danny; I've got you." He murmured gently.

When Danny's sobs quieted to soft cries, Mac pulled up his boxers and night pants. Danny's tears started up again so Mac quickly turned him over and sat Danny on his lap, making sure the boy's backside didn't rest on anything.

"I'm so sorry Mac." Danny cried.

"Alls forgiven baby boy…I promise you." Mac said gently. He pulled Danny closer and let the boy cry on his shoulder.

"Please don't hate me!" Danny begged causing Mac's heart to break.

"Look at me…Danny, look at me." Mac ordered. Danny looked up, barely meetings Mac's eyes. "I don't hate you kiddo; I could never hate you. You made a mistake and you paid for it. I'm not going to leave you either. You're stuck with me now."

Danny laughed at that as he rubbed his eyes with his fist. Mac smiled at him as he helped the boy stand. Together they walked to Danny's room where he once again found himself asleep…Mac at his side.


That night Mac made hamburgers for supper so that he and Danny could take the food into the living room. It was a gesture that Danny was grateful for. It wasn't until he awoke the next morning that Danny thought about Stella and what he was gonna do about sitting as it still hurt to do so. It was one fear he didn't have to worry about. Flack and Stella kept Danny busy…so busy he never sat down. Danny had been embarrassed but neither of them said anything about it; Stella acted like nothing had ever happened between the two of them…something Danny was grateful for.

After a week everything was back to normal; Danny had even been ungrounded. His first overtime case he was ordered to stay outside the building…he did. When a fellow CSI tried to argue with him, Mac's words played in his head, "I won't wait till we get home to deal with your behavior." Danny shuddered as he walked away. 'It's never gonna happen.' He thought to himself. After work that first night free, he, Flack, Stella, and Adam went out for a beer. After an hour Danny laid some money on the table. "I'm gonna head home." He told them. After good nights were said Danny hopped in a cab. When they pulled up to the apartment he couldn't help but smile, "Home sweet home."