Title: The Secret Life of a Golden Lamborghini pt6

Author: Red Wasabi

Disclaimer: Oooo I wish it were mine, but alas, alack, it ain't.

Notes: FINAL CHAPTER! W007! This final chapter includes one epilogue, and much Sunstreaker, and Ian. I tried to make it non-glurgey, only you as the reviewer can tell me if I succeeded! . But I did try an' add some fluffiness! 'Cause I'm a girl like that, hope ya'll don't mind! Oh Dear, I forgot to add this yesterday! Thank You to All my reveiwers, and a huge Thank You to Teh blumchenkinder!

Rated: G


Sunstreaker stood sulking in Prime's office. 'It's not as if I was going to keep her there…'he muttered darkly to himself.

His optics flashed brightly over at Mikaela who stood across the room avoiding his optics. 'Yeah, you better avoid me, flesh-bag traitor!' He couldn't possibly fathom what had possessed the little organic to make her squeal like on him; but he'd find out in the end. Find out and pay her back for it.

"So how long were you living inside our extra storage shed Mz.McNally?"

Ian shifted uncomfortably under the gaze of the three robots interrogating her. It was this kind of thing that made her wish she had never left the relative safety of her cramped hiding spot behind the tool boxes.

"Um, a week and a half," She responded feebly back. Her response seemed to disturb the robots greatly because as soon as she answered they turned back around and began bickering lowly with one another again. 'Well at least they stopped looking at me.' She acquiesced mentally. It was un-nerving to have regular people stare at you, let alone thirty foot plus robots.

While the big robots in charge were busy arguing Ian snuck a look at the robot who had kept her hostage for the past week and a half. He sat across from her, his bright blue optics staring blankly at the wall above her head. As if he knew that she was staring at him he suddenly locked gazes with her, and stuck out what she could only assume was a kind of robot version of a tongue out at her.

With a quiet huff she mimicked his gesture, but then added the distinctly human touches of flipping her eyelids up and pulling her face down at him. That would teach him to make faces at her!

A polite cough drew her attention away from the budding facial distortions war. "Are you functioning properly Mz.McNally?"

Ian's head turned to face the three sets f highly concerned blue optics glowing brightly at her. She blinked rapidly and fixed her eyelids, and slowly retracted her tongue. 'Great, they probably think I have some kind of computer virus now. Can they even get a computer virus?'

Ian glared briefly at the giggling girl sitting behind the giant concerned trio in front of her. Before turning her attention back to the robots. In the clearest, most adult voice she could muster for a woman who was just caught in act of participating in the favorite pastime of small boys, she replied, "I'm doing just fine, thank you."

The girl in the corner burst out in laughter just as she finished. Ian craned her neck to give a mock frown at the howling girl; but her faux seriousness was broken by a smile that spilled on to her face. It was actually a pretty funny situation, if she looked at it in the right light.

How many times in a persons life were they kidnapped, held hostage until they fix a car. A car that was really a giant robot, only to find out that the giant robot had superiors! Superiors who were really pissed off at him for kidnapping her, 'cause apparently that was against company policy; or something like that.

Without warning the yellow robot, 'His name was, Ratchet!' bent over and shined a bright light in her eyes. Shaking her head she jerked back in surprise, "Do you mind?" She asked incredulously raising an eyebrow at him.

The light shut off abruptly, and the robot, 'Ratchet' she reminded herself again, made an offended noise.

"Your attention has been at best, inconsistent throughout this entire briefing. I was simply making sure that Sunstreaker hadn't damaged you processors in any way. After all, he hasn't been certified to take long term care of organics." He explained as he turned to glare at Sunstreaker who returned the scowled right back. "Did you at least adequately feed it while you had it in the shed Sunstreaker? Or did you think that giving it a bowl of water every few days was good enough?" he growled out.

"Excuse me?" Ian stood up and shoved one of Ratchet's probing mini scanners out of her face. Ratchet's optics flickered in surprise at her actions, " I'm not an 'it', thank you very much. I'm a she. And why are you giving Sunstreaker such a hard time? I'm still alive and breathing aren't I? It's not as if he stole me with the intention of never returning me to my home, or killing me or something! For the past week and a half he has been nicer to me then some people I know. Aside form the entire kidnapping thing, he has been nothing but accommodating, and pleasant—which is more then I can truthfully say for you!"

Ratchet stared in disbelief at the first organic who had ever had the nerve to talk him down before. '...Sunstreaker must have infected her with something.' he thought dazedly.

Sunstreaker's face plates broke in to a wide smile, he leaned around the large form of Prowl and winked merrily over to his new 'best friend'. Ian had just been moved up an entire socio-level in his metal hierarchy for standing up to the Hatchet on his behalf. She was now just above the mini-bots.

With one last haughty sniff to convey her absolute disgust for the large yellow medical bot Ian sat back down to fume silently. As Ratchet's mouth plates opened and closed, sputtering at the bold little human Prowl abruptly stepped forward and spoke to Ian for the first time since she had been brought here.

"You say he was pleasant, and accommodating to you? He never issued death treats against your person or caused any kind of physical harm to you?" He questioned seriously.

Ian's nodded her head before replying, "Just like I said, he never did or said anything to hurt me; and besides kidnapping me he has never done anything to offend me—ever. When I first saw him here—the kind of condition he was in; well I just want you to know that while what he did may not have been the best way of going about doing something, I understand why he did it. And I forgive him for it too." she trailed off quietly in the end.

Prowl nodded curtly to her and turned to Optimus, "I think we should come to our final decision without them in the room."

"Agreed." Optimus turned to face all of the occupants in the room. "We will call you back when a decision has been made; until then there is no leaving the Ark for any purposes." Mikaela waved her arm furiously in the air. Optimus acknowledged it with a nod and a small smile, "Except of course you Mikaela. You are free to leave if you want as you were just a victim in all of this. You are dismissed."

Mikaela smiled gratefully and skittered quickly out of the room, clearly trying to get out of the Ark before Sunstreaker left Prime's office.

"So why are we here again?" Ian panted out as she struggled to gain a foothold on the slippery metal bunk.

Sunstreaker raised an optics ridge down at the human female who was attempting to gracelessly scramble atop his berth station where he was sprawled. With a sigh he lifted her up by her waist and plunked her down roughly beside him.

"Well," he began "I don't know why you're here, but I'm here cause this is my room."

Ian rolled her eyes as she tried to shove one of Sunstreaker's un-moving metal legs over to make room for herself. "I'm here because you stole me, remember?"

Sunstreaker's frame moved to lean up against his berth wall, "Yeah I knew that, but that really doesn't explain why you're here in my barrack right now."

Sunstreaker felt an annoyed puff of air blow across part of his higher pede area before Ian finally spoke, "All this time, I've been taking care of you and I never even knew what you were. For the past two years I've just thought you were some rich guy with a hot car, and then you go and kidnap me. You keep me hostage in a warehouse for a week and a half, and still that whole time I thought you were a human. I had no idea that the real perpetrator of this crime was actually the car I was working on. Then it turns out you're not just a car. No, you're not even a Kitt car; you're a whole freaking other race! A robot-alien race to boot! So long story short, I'm here right now, because I think that at the very least you owe me hours of entertainment that I missed by not having a TV this week.--That and I don't think I'm allowed to go home until the big Red and Blue Boss robot says I can."

"His name's Optimus Prime," Sunstreaker mentioned to her dully. She had just inadvertently reminded him of his up coming punishment. He knew what it was mostly likely going to be. Five orns restricted on base, with double wash-rack, and monitor duty everyday. Prowl may have been a brilliant tactician but the mech had absolutely no imagination.

Sunstreaker gazed fondly down at the pouting human next to him, a fleeting smile flashed across his facial plates. He'd kind of miss not having her constantly around anymore. Despite her endless prattle, and babble he had grown used to having her near him during the day; and sleeping next to him at night. It would be hard to get used to going without that kind of familiar comfort again.

Abruptly Sunstreaker broke the silence, "Was it really that bad? I mean I feed you, and sometimes I'd have 'Mr.Sun', come 'by' so you would have company..."

Ian blinked sleepily next to him, as the days events began to catch up with her fatigued body. "No," She paused and yawned widely, "not really, and like I said before, I've been in much worse situations—much worse. It'd been nice to have seen the sun, don't get me wrong but now that I know the circumstances of my shanghai-ing I can understand why I couldn't. It was nice of you to think of giving me company too."

Sunstreaker dipped his heavy metal shoulder discreetly towards Ian's nodding head. She smiled gratefully up at him as she turned around to settle against it.

"Just don't drool on me Flesh-bag." He growled good naturedly, as he began to slip into his own re-charge cycle.

Ian carelessly waved a sleepy hand at him "Yeah, yeah, and don't you leak acid or something on me, Bolt-Bucket."

Sunstreaker snicker slowly and was about to fall into re-charge when Ian's quiet voice caught his attention, "Sunstreaker? Will I ever see you again after this?"

Sunstreaker sighed loudly and delicately he flicked the back of her head with one of his giant digits, "Yeah of course you will—I need to get rid of this Primus awful paint-job somehow..." He ignored the small tightness in his spark at his lie, she didn't need to know the truth—not right now anyway.

Sunstreaker stood next to Ian, nervously shuffling his pedes in Prime's office. He hated this part, the seemingly endless wait before Prime would turn to him and announce what his punishment. They always acted as if he didn't already know what was going to happen to him; as if Prowl would one suddenly grow an imagination and he'd get a creative penalty.

Optimus finally looked at them both and cleared his vocalizer, "As you know Sunstreaker, what you did was against almost every protocol we have regarding humans," Sunstreaker opened his mouth to protest, but closed it again when Optimus gave him a hard glare and continued on," but we have also taken you mental state at the time in to consideration. We have decided that in a case like this the lines between right and wrong have merged far to much to give the usual type reprimand. Therefore, we have decided that because your actions have caused Mz.McNally to lose a great deal of revenue, and also because we discovered that a great deal of our Public Funds money was being spent on your vanity. We decided that it only fair for you to pay her back is by working for her-- for free, until your debts are repaid. You'll be working at the minimum human standard of this state, and will also reside at her residence until your debts are re-payed." Optimus finished speaking and looked at Sunstreaker as if he was daring him to challenge his punishment.

Sunstreaker's mouth plates gaped open and shut. He didn't believe this, he would have to be a virtual drone bot to the flesh-bag until he paid off all the money he took form the P.F. account, and repaid her for all the work she did while she was his prisoner?! Sunstreaker turned to look disbelievingly at the even more shocked human beside him.

Her wide eyes met with his own startled blue optics. A wide smile threatened to break across his face as they stared at each other. 'I guess I was telling the truth after all.'

X Six Years Later X

"That man almost dinged my side panel!" whined Sunstreaker as Ian placed the last few groceries in his surprisingly roomy trunk.

With a small chuckle Ian slammed the trunk closed, and leaned her elbows on Sunstreaker's once more proud, golden-frame. "What do you want me to do? I parked all the way in the back like you like. You want me to start telling people that they can't park next to me cause my robo-car don't like it?"

Sunstreaker automatically opened his panel door for Ian as she walked to his side. "Why yes, that is exactly what I'd like you to start telling people. Then, maybe you wouldn't always have to be removing dings in my sides from uncouth glitch mice like that man. Seriously that human had to have a cumulative IQ of a grapefruit. How did he even manage to get a license to drive in the first place!?"

Ian sagged heavily against his steering wheel in front of her as she tried desperately to breath through her gasping laughter. "What would I do without you Sunny?" she eventually wheezed out as Sunstreaker was pulling out of the grocery store parking lot.

"Hmp, that's simple enough to answer, you wouldn't do without me. Face it, your life would be a desolate, purposeless hole in this universe if I wasn't here to fill that bleak void for you." Came the smug reply from the speakers that surrounded her.

Ian snickered lightly, "Yes I suppose you're right, my life would be a black abyss spiraling downwards with out you to keep me entertained, wouldn't it?"

Sunstreaker revved his engine slightly and picked up speed, "Of course it would be." he replied teasingly. 'But so would mine.'

He braked easily at a stop light, and waited impatiently for it to turn green again."Hey you ever thought about a road-trip?" Sunstreaker asked suddenly breaking the easy silence that floated between them.

Ian's hands absently stroked the Autobot symbol in the middle of the steering wheel as she replied, "Yeah, I have, but why?"

"Well, I got about 2 months worth of time off saved up and I was wondering if you were up for going somewhere?" Sunstreaker replied excitedly.

Ian nodded her head and leaned back into the cool leather seats that always seemed to engulf her the minute she sat in them. "You got somewhere specific in mind?"

Sunstreaker shifted smoothly into another lane before answering, "No I was just thinking about going somewhere."

"Somewhere huh? Well that sounds like anywhere that I want to be; I'll do it." Ian murmured with a contented smile.

Sunstreaker smiled mentally as he sped up even more to chase after the glowing red sunset in the distance. He used to chase after the fleeting peace that only came when he was just another car in a garage, or on a lot; but now he was more, he was a Mech with his human, and life was finally beautiful.

AN: OK folks, how was it? Good, bad, down right ugly? I really, really ridiculously tried to get the spelling and grammar all correct this time! I hope I did good!