Title: The Secret Life of a Golden Lamborghini

Author:Red Wasabi

Disclaimer: I don't own it!,

Notes: Opps! Pardon my brain dribble! Just a short ficlet featuring Sunstreaker, I honestly have no idea where this bunny came from, but here it is! Go figure! I am thinking about a second piece to accompany it, but only if there is enough interest.

Rated: G


Eventually, Sunstreaker surmised, he would have to tell someone where he would go every Thursday, at 4pm on the dot. Somebody, at some point in time would have to start noticing how he slipped out the Ark with such particular punctuality—punctuality he normally never had, it was only natural. But until some body forced him to explain himself—it would be Prowl no doubt-- he'd just decided that he would be selfish, and keep his knowledge all to himself.

Causally Sunstreaker turned off the busy main road and on to a narrow but well kept pathway. Most anyone else would have missed this road, it was obscure, and had no sign to mark it. Most people's eyes would have slid straight across it, only seeing the drab looking law offices on one side, and the many small chain stores on the other.

He wasn't a person though, and his optics didn't see what people saw. When he looked, he saw the road, and drove down it. A small chuckle ran through Sunstreaker's frame at that thought, he was giving himself too much credit. He knew that the only reason he drove down this road was because he knew where it ended, all those people didn't. It was as simple as that; and if he had his way it would stay like that forever.

A well of joy exploded inside Sunstreaker as he swung tightly around a sharp curve, he loved this kind of freedom. It was something he hardly ever—couldn't get back the Ark. Not with Ratchet, and Red Alert, Prowl constantly hovering around him, just waiting for him to go and start some slag.

No, here he was free, he had no responsibility; no one expected him to act good—or bad. Sunstreaker began to brake slightly as a small group of warehouses came into his view. Quickly he turned on his holo-form, and drove up to the largest building in the middle.

As he pulled up a young woman in overalls walked out and waved a wrench in greeting at him.

"Here for your weekly detailing and tune-up Mr.Sun?"She called out with a smile.

His holo-form smiled, as he carefully pulled into the warehouse. His door swung open as he killed his engine and coolly his holo-form stepped out with a dazzling smile towards the woman. "Of course I'm here, I only come to the best."

The woman shook her head and laughed as she gathered up her tools, as Sunstreaker's holo-form walked carelessly out the warehouse and around the conner before disappearing.

Sunstreaker slipped slowly into recharge as the woman's hands gently began working on his grill. He knew that it was selfish of him to keep his knowledge of such an excellent mechanic, and artist, from his comrades; but he was a selfish bot. If he told them, they would come, and his illusion—his freedom would be gone. She would know what they were-what he was, and for some reason he couldn't stand that thought.

He didn't want her to know, that would change this—whatever it was. No, for once in his life he wasn't somebody, he was something. He couldn't be held accountable, or given responsibilities, here he was just a car.