Chaaaaaaaaaaa! First chapter was a success. I'm glad it caught your attention! C: The reason I didn't post it up sooner was because I was waiting for the right amout of reviews and hits.

I've been getting a lot of questions about my fanfiction writtings. Okay yes I will continue to write fanfictions, but it's most probably that I won't write about WITCH anymore. You'll see me around the Naruto, Bleach, and anime section more now. I won't begin until this one is over, so don't worry.

Although, I've been thinking things over. I've gotten several PM's about how they don't want me to quit writting WITCH. I think it's working lol. I feel sorta bad about doing this to you guys, I'm thinking about continuing to write WITCH after this, but I don't know yet.

Caleb: ...You look like a butterscotch to me...o.O
Me: ...(stares)...A what?
Caleb: ...Are you edible?
Me: WHAT?! Of course not, you silly boy.
Caleb: ... . ... . ...(tries to eat Rosie)
Me: OH MY GOD WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM! (whacks with a chair)


"Is that all my assignment?"

"Yes, Caleb. Just take a few pictures so we could put them on the brochure of our company. You're my best photographer, you know. You should think about getting a full degree"

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it. But I'll get back to you on that later, Mr. Aldarn," Caleb replied as he sat up from the bench he was sitting in and looked at the people at the park.

"Will do, bye," the line went dead. Caleb took out his rather heavy digital camera from its case and looked around. Hmmm...what to take, what to take. He focused his camera at a few kids running around to get ice cream and took a picture of them.


Another picture he took of a few adults talking under a tree.


"Okay, a few more and I can go," he looked around with the camera in front of his eyes and saw his dear friend Hay Lin talking to a girl. He chuckled. He knew she hated having her picture taken, so he prepared himself for taking her picture. That was until, he saw blonde silk hair flash in front of Hay Lin with a pair of emerald blue eyes that would melt his heart any day. He put the camera down and stared in shock at Hay Lin's friend. No way...!

He stared at the back of the blond haired girl. He thought it was his mind playing tricks on him since his dreams contained that same girl. But after a while, he realized it wasn't. It was the same silky blonde hair, the same petite figure, the same style, it was all her. It was the girl that has lingered in his head for the past ten years.

"Tenshi-chan?" he said hesitatingly, thinking she wouldn't hear him.

But, oh, she did. The girl turned around to look at the source of the voice, knowing that only one person would ever call her that, and she would respond. She looked at in a way that made tingles go up and down his spine.


Caleb's eyes saddened a tinge, Caleb, huh..? Hay Lins's eyes widdened as Caleb began to walk towards them. Code blue! Code blue! ...Wait...What was code blue again? "Caleb! I had no idea you were gonna be here! Aren't you supposed to be taking pictures or something?" Hay Lin asked nervously, not wanting to make her old friend uncomfortable.

Caleb never took his eyes off of Cornelia, as did she, "I'm taking pictures here."

She hasn't changed very much. He looked her up and down. Her hair was just like he remembered it, silky and long. Her eyes gleamed with the sunlight, and held an emotion that he couldn't quite place. Now that they were older, he couldn't help but notice that her body had matured. She had more luscious curves than before (Pervert, Caleb xD), yet she still had that fragile look. She looked...perfect in his eyes. What surprised him was that he could see the shining object around her neck, the same one he still wore after all those years...

Cornelia was thinking the same about him. Time hasn't done much for him. He was practically the same as when she last saw him 10 years ago, only a lot more...manly. His somewhat child-ish features now turned sharp and completely gorgeous. His emerald eyes could still pierce through her, and his hair was slightly longer, his bangs almost covering his eyes. He was now about a head and a half taller than her! Back then, he was only about an inch or two taller. It looked like he had been working out, he didn't look over-muscled or scrawny; he was just...perfect. She, too, noticed the necklace they both had shared and wanted to cry at that moment, but put the feeling aside.

Hay Lin bit her finger in a nervous position. She had to break this up! Sure, she wanted them to kiss and make up, but somehow, she felt awkward about them meeting like this. Especially with her being in the middle, and caught red-handed talking to her without telling him. Think, Hay Lin, think! What can distract Caleb? She looked around until she spotted his camera around his shoulder. It's kinda lame, but it'll have to do! She stealthily took his camera without him noticing and took a picture of him.

Upon seeing the flash, Caleb's eyes tore away from the girl and looked at Hay Lin with a shocked expression. He saw the camera in her hands and looked down to his shoulder and didn't see the strap. He looked at her, back at his shoulder, then back at her again. His expression melted into an annoyed face. "Hay Lin! What do you think you're doing with my camera?" he snapped as he extended a hand out to her, "Give it here."

Hay Lin giggled, "Well, Mr. "Rebel" Hart, you can have it once I upload this stupid picture of you on my computer!"

Caleb's mouth opened wide in a dumbstrucked posture. What is her problem? She hasn't been this immature since high school... "I-You-Wha-Came-But-You-" Caleb stumbled on, not really knowing what to tell her as his fury and annoyance got the best of him. Hay Lin smirked as she accomplished her task of getting him distracted, making Cornelia giggle at the two friends.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go to Eric's place and I'll upload it there! Bye Cornelia, bye Caleb!" Hay Lin smiled as she made a run for it. Mabye leaving them alone was the best choice for now.

"Hey! What? Hay Lin! GIVE ME BACK MY CAMERA!" Caleb yelled at Hay Lin's retreating back. He was so angry and annoyed that he was only brought back to reality when Cornelia giggled softly. He looked back at her and blushed. Wow Caleb, you looked soooo mature! IDIOT! he yelled at himself.

"Some things never change, do they?" Cornelia smiled. Caleb sighed, "Unfortunatley, no"

There was an awkward silence between them. They had a rather rough farewell, and they weren't even near ready to bring that up.

Think of something to say, you baka! (baka means idiot in Japanese ;D)

Like what? I don't know even where to begin with how much I missed her..

We can't let her know that! She might still not have feelings for you...

You know what? Go away. You're making me feel worse. I'll just start some sort of small talk with her.

Caleb coughed after having a talk with himself, "So, how was California?" Cornelia blinked and then broke out into a smile, "You remember where I went? Wow! Hay Lin didn't even remember where I disappeared to!" Caleb smiled sadly, Oh, Cornelia, how could I ever forget... He was about to speak, when suddenly...

"CORNELIA! CORNELIA!" Matt's deeper voice yelled out as he came running towards the two. Cornelia laughed as Matt reached them and fought to catch his breath, "I...Phew! Okay hold on," he took a few deep breaths and then stood up straight with a smile, "Okay I-...Oh hey Caleb"

Caleb, slightly annoyed that he interuppted his talk with Cornelia, saluted lazily. Matt looked back at Cornelia, "I'm so sorry, but I don't think you can bunk with me and Will anymore. We're gonna have to babysit this whole week, seeing as how her little cousins are here for the week. I don't wanna keep you with all the noise"

"Oh that's fine, don't worry about it. But now I have to find someone else to lend me their home," she replied.

Matt thought about it, "Have you asked Elyon?"

"Yeah, she says that she and Alex are refurnishing and painting the apartment, so she feels uncomfortable with me being...uncomfortable," she sighed.

Matt frowned as he looked around, thinking of an idea. But none came. Cornelia hugged Matt, "Thank you so much for worrying about me, but I think I'll just check in at a hotel. It's no big deal!"

"No" was Caleb's sudden reply to her suggestion.

Matt and Cornelia looked at him with confused faces. Caleb crossed his arms, "Hotels aren't safe these days, I refuse to let her go in a hotel room." Cornelia stared at him in awe, Caleb...?

Matt's eyes suddenly widdened as he grinned madly. "I know! Why doesn't she stay with you?" he suggested, completely forgetting the awkward situation the both were in.

"Wha-? Me? But I-"

"It's perfect! Your apartment is practically big enough for two, and we wouldn't want poor Cornelia here to stay at a hotel. So it's settled! I'll bring her things to your apartment in a few. Later!" Matt exclaimed as he ran off somewhere.

Caleb just stood there in shock. Just the thought of being in the same room with her again, just like in high school., made his heart skip a beat. Cornelia had the same thoughts as him, nervous at having to be so close to him all of a sudden.

"So..." Cornelia started, "I guess it's settled then?"

Caleb shook his head, ridding himself of his thoughts and looked at her, "I guess so. Come on, let's go to my apartment. I'll show you around."

He began walking, Cornelia close behind. When the two reached his apartment, which wasn't very far from the park, he opened the door and let her in first. When Cornelia looked at the room, she gasped at how pretty everything was. He obviously still loved the colors blue, white, and brown. The walls were painted a cozy navy blue, and the floor was made of wood. He had a living room with a brown cough and a plasma screen TV, a kitchen with matching tiles and the floor, a small dinning room, and a hallway with three doors, one was Caleb's room, the other was a bathroom, and the last was a storage room. Matt was right, it was fit to house two people. And when she breathed in the air, she wanted to cry at the memory of him. It smelled of cinnoman and apples. He always smelled like that before...

Caleb took the liberty of showing her around the apartment, which didn't take very long. Cornelia sat down on his cough and yawned softly, she felt really comfortable. Caleb smiled. She looked so childish when she yawned. "Do you want something to drink? I have to go get my camera back from Hay Lin in a while, so I wanna make sure you're taken care of before I go.." Caleb said. "Um, water would be fine," she smiled as she got up and started to admire the pictures when he left to the kitchen. Most of the pictures on the small table where of him and his friends in high school. She giggled at one picture that took place in Halloween in Junior year. It was with Caleb, Alex, Elyon, and herself. The two couples had switched bodies ((Caleb: Oh my god! O:)). Well, more like the boys dress up as their girlfriends and the boys dressed up as their boyfriends ((Caleb:Phew!)). It was a dare that Irma made them go through. It turned out to be the most hilarious Halloween ever.

Cornelia looked at the next picture and her face instantly fell. She picked it up and looked at it lovingly. It was of Caleb and herself. It was right outside the school building; Caleb was sitting on the grass with a lazy smirk on his face, while Cornelia hugged him from behind and winked at the camera. I can't believe he still has this picture...I would've thought that he didn't even wanna see me anymore..

When she heard his footsteps, she put the picture back down and turned around to see Caleb coming in with a glass of water in his hand. He handed it to her and sighed, "Well, I should be going to get my camera. My boss is gonna need the pictures by this afternoon," Caleb started. Cornelia nodded as she took a sip of her water, "Okay, that's fine. Hey and uh..I'm actually kind of tired, so I was wondering if you could lend me a blanket and a pillow to sleep on the couch."

"No, you'll be taking my room. I'll sleep on the couch," Caleb said as he led her to his bedroom.

Cornelia hesitated, "No no, I couldn't possibly take your room. This is your house, after all. Really, I'm perfectly comfortable on the couch"

Caleb opened the door to his bedroom and led her inside, "It's fine, Cornelia. Just take it. I don't plan on sleeping now anyway. So you'll think you'll be okay while I'm gone?"

She scoffed and smirked at him, "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, I'm a big girl now." Caleb smiled and waved, "Make yourself comfortable. I'll be back later on." With that said, he left the door and closed the door, leaving her alone. As soon as he was out of the room, he leaned against the door and slid down, cupping his face in his hands. What was this feeling? He thought he had lost a little of his feelings for her, even just a little. But...he knew this feeling and he knew it wasn't going away. He felt his heart almost stop at being in the same room with her. It was too much of a temptation to just take her back in his arms and back in his life, forever. But he knew it couldn't be. He had no idea if she still had feelings for him or..if she completely got over him.

From behind the door, he heard her flop on the bed and he heard a soft sigh as she whispered his name dreamily. Hearing his name from her lips like that made the tears fall from his eyes as he sat there. He finally let the tears go; the tears he had been holding in for ten whole years.


:D What'd you think? Was it good? Is it review-able????

Me: Didn't I tell you that sentimental men are sexy?
Caleb: I'm finding it hard to believe.
Me: Whatever.
Caleb: Ugh! Don't you whatever me! YOU'RE HURTING MY FEELINGS! (runs away crying)
Me: O.O (blinks)...Okay, when I said sentimental guys are sexy, this wasn't what I had in mind...
