Read you fools!

Yosh! LoveRosie is back in business, bby. :B

Finally! The sequel to 'The Ice Skater and the Rebel Skateboarder' is here! (You must read that story before reading this one)

I ended up calling this story 'Smile For Me, Tenshi' because I thought it suited the story line more. Now, I must admit that I was somewhat inspired to do this plot line by a very talented girl named Iruki. I read a story similar, with the plotline of the two coming back together, and I knew that the two slowly coming back together would be my plot. Although that story is rated M, so I'd ask you to read it only if you wanted to... It's called 'Snapshot'. I loved it, very pretty. It's in the Naruto section. So, I'm hoping this will be the farewell present for you all (read last A/N from The Ice Skater and the Rebel Skateboarder). I hope this will also be a hit. My goal is to get more reviews than the prolouge! More than 530! Help me reach my goal, adoring reviewers!

The time is about 10 years after their high school years, meaning that they are about 24 and 25.

Caleb: (looks around and smiles) Oh my god! I-I'm back! I'm on your author's notes again! (glomps)
Me: GWAH! (falls over) Yeah yeah, I know you missed me butterball.
Caleb: Wha-? BUTTERBALL?!?! What is your problem?! I can still beat you with my awsome Merridean powers, you know!
Me: (sigh) Same ol' Caleb. It's good to be back one last time, my friend.
Caleb: (smiles sadly) I shall enjoy the moments, you phyco girl.
Me: (glares with flames all over me) I AM NOT PHYCO, YOU DORK!
Caleb: O.O Oh my...

The Glorious Couples:


Enjoy the sequel!



Journal Entry #25
March 18, 11:42p.m.

..How did it all come to this? It's been ten years and I still ponder the same question. Why did you say those things to me? Tenshi-chan...your name still lingers in my partly broken heart. I gave you my heart and you broke it. Ten years, and it still hasn't been fixed. You have put something upon me that only you can fix. A spell that only you know how to break. That day was when you completely shattered me. The day you said the words I never wanted to hear. Your words echo in my mind, "..I...don't love you anymore..."


My brother told me to take care of you, and that's what I did. Well, thought I did. Apparently, I did something so terrible that you had to leave me. I just wish I could've known why this happened. It was so sudden. I mean..we were having the time of our lives. I still remember those days clearly. Freshman year, I met you. You came into my life with our paths meeting. Literally. I remember the first thing you ever said to me was that I was stupid for getting in your way. I was getting out of Algebra and you just so happened to be there, so I accidently bumped into you. Geez, you were such a dragon lady back then.


Well, that was until I got to know you more. After that year, with everything that happened, everything went smooth and easy. Sophmore year came, and I remember that I gave you a present first day of school. When we went on our first date (where I told you I had to move), I gave you a star pendant with your name engraved in the back. I remember how devastated you were when you told me that the necklace had broken and now you didn't have a necklace to hang it with. So, I had gone to buy a gold necklace for it. I gave it to you, and said that you should always remember me with the star pendant. And you kissed me in front of everyone, but I didn't care...I was proud to call you my girlfriend, and I wanted every guy to know that. Then later on, you actually bought me a star that looked exactly like yours with a more manly type of necklace. You had my name engraved in the back, just like yours. Yours was a silver star, and mine was a shiny black one. Both of us wore it every day, couldn't go out without it on our necks. It became our trademark. The star pair, our friends would call us.


It was so funny how we would always be considered a 'one package deal' you were always with me, as I was with you. It was so stupid and fangirly you could get with me. You knew I enjoyed it so much. I would always laugh and shake my head everytime I saw your webpage. You would always put your status as 'Taken/Married'. And your name would never be Cornelia Hale, it would always be Cornelia Hart. I would always do the same, make everyone know that we were meant for each other and no one else. You and I...


Elyon and Alex actually made it through that year. I can't believe Elyon actually put up with him. Although, he sorta calmed down with all the other girls, because I know that inside he was like me; our girls changed us. Man, I still loathe you for making me so damn soft. Now everytime I see a girl crying, I have to go and cheer her up. Will and Matt actually had to take a break from each other for a while, I remember. Will was getting tired of Matt only wanting to play in the band with us. 'He's too dedicated to his guitar!' she would yell. In the end, we all knew that they would come back together; which they did. Irma and Martin had a rocky relationship until junior year, though. I don't know what was going on that Martin was going through some phase. Taranee and Nigel FINALLY got together junior year. It took those shy dorkies forever. And as for Hay Lin and Eric, Hay Lin somehow changed Eric to also be partly more...hyper-ish. It was weird...but..all our friends made it from the start but with ended in the ends of senior year.


I remember you started acting kinda weird. We would always go out every Friday; I would watch you train skating on the ice, and you would watch me learn new tricks on my skateboard. Then on Satuday's, we would do what normal couples would. Go to movies, go out to eat, heck, we would even sit outside and that was enough to make us both content. I don't know, I kept asking you what was wrong because everytime you looked at me, I would see your eyes shine...not with happines, but with tears. You would always say that I was crazy, that you were alright. I knew something was going to happen that Saturday I took you to the park. It started to rain, but luckily there was no thunder because I knew how much you hated thunder. We were having our little talk, a small drizzle falling over our heads. Then you suddenly stopped and looked at me. I asked what was wrong...and you looked up at my eyes with the most painful expression I had ever seen.

"Caleb-kun..I...don't love you anymore..I'm sorry but I think we should seperate..." (-kun and -chan are like pet names Japanese people use when they're in love. -chan is for the girl, -kun is for the guy)

-deep breath-

Oh, that stabbed me inside. It stabbed me a million times. You rambled on about how sorry you were and how you were feeling so distant. I looked down to hide my tears, now mixing with the rain that began to pour wildly. It was ironic..the weather had suited the mood. I was stupid, I didn't know how to react, but I screamed at you. It was the first time that I ever actually yelled at you. Sure, when we first met, we would always yell at each other but this..this went out of hand and I will never forgive myself, no matter how angry I was.

"Caleb-kun? Don't EVER call me that again! Fine, if you want to seperate, then FINE! JUST GET OUT OF MY LIFE THEN!"

I ran. I ran as far away from you as possible. I don't know if it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but I think I heard you sob my name out as you fell on your knees. I don't know, I think it was my imagination. YOU broke up with me. You had no reason to cry. I cried... I cried so hard that day. And for the next week, I didn't see you in the dorm anymore. Not even at night. Your clothes were still there, but I never saw you. In class, you had different outfits and such, but I didn't care how you got them from the coset without me noticing. We never looked at each other. Our friends chose not to interfere, which was smart. My mom told me not to cry, my brother and sister only made it worse, and my father told me to let go. I couldn't. I can't. That promise I made that I would never love anyone else is engraved in me with blood.

-exhales breath-

A few weeks of moping didn't help me. Every night I would cry myself to sleep. My god! I had become a guy with a girl's feelings! Men don't cry themselves to sleep! I feel ashamed to have done that, but I had no choice. I would've gone mad if I didn't do something to let out my emptiness. The bed next to me didn't look good empty, but I knew you weren't coming back to fill it again. The only thing that kept me sane was seeing your angelic presence in class. I hated you! I loved you! I hated you for making me fall in love with you so deeply. After about three weeks of no communication with you, I found the left side of the room empty; no clothes, no bags. The bathroom had no more perfumes, no more conditioner or that pink towel that's always next to my white one.


That same day when all your belongings were gone, you suddenly appeared to me when I was studying outside on the tree. I wanted to scream. Happiness, sadness, emptiness, anger, relief, and pain came to me all at the same time. I wanted so badly to bring you in my arms and kiss you, I was desperate to bring you back into my life that had turned into a never-ending void of emptiness.

"I'm moving from Heatherfield. I know I haven't talked to you in a while,'s for the best," you had whispered.

I got up and I remember feeling the same desperate need to say 'I love you' one last time, "Where are you going?"

"With my father to California. I won't be back for a long time..." you looked down as you sighed, thinking of what to say, "...Have a good future Caleb.." with that you left.

-closes eyes-

You'd be gone for a long time, if not forever. My future would never be good without you in it. We planed to go to the same college! All of us beloved Tenshi-chan, why did you leave?'re not my beloved Tenshi-chan anymore...only -chan in the end. So here I am, ten years later; writting a journal to you because I still can't control my tears. I need to let it out. Hopefully with this I can go to sleep. My camera always kept me in the past. During sophmore year, I picked up the digital camera and I would always take pictures of you. I do that for a living now, you know. I work for a very famous and succesful photographer. I am and always will be your photographer. I have one memory stick of only you. You were such a clutz, sometimes I would catch you falling down or tripping. But that just makes my pictures more valueable. And you know what? Although everyone still tells me to get over it, that seeing your pictures that I took of you back then is pointless, I don't care. I remember how my mom would always tell you that you should be a model. I wish you were one right now. That way, I had an excuse to take pictures of you. Although you're gone now...away from Heatherfield...Hopefully I'll see you soon because I know my heart will explode if you don't...


I am sure, that you are and always will be my first and only love...

End of Journal Entry.
March 2:24a.m.


And so, it begins.

Caleb: ...You made me into a sissy (pouts)
Me: Chicks dig sensitive guys, you know...
Caleb: O.O Will it work on Cornelia..?
Me: Duh
Caleb: Holy cow I didn't know that...(gets an union to make it look like he's crying) CORNELIA!!!!!!
Me: (sweatdrop)

This is kind of so you could see what happened during the years and everything. Just to get a grasp on the story. I hope so far I've caught your attention. REVIEW!!!!!!!!!! Click that button and tell me that you want this story to go on. :D I'll come up with the second chapter soon. Bye for now!
