Title: Imperceptible Realities
Pairing(s): Zim/Dib (Don't like, don't read.)
Words: 435
Disclaimer: Copyright of the Almighty Jhonen Vasquez and Nickelodeon (who sucks because they cancelled IZ T.T; ) I'm making no money from the writing of this fanfiction.
Summary: Different perspectives of reality can only change so much. Dib still needs to defend the Earth and Zim still needs to destroy it.
Warnings: Sexual implications, boy-on-boy love, and xenophilia.
Author's Note: I have no idea where this came from. I just got randomly depressed (thank you PTSD --; ) and wrote this out. I've always noticed that in ZADR fics, the author makes either Zim or Dib give up their lives for one another. Honestly, when would this happen? You have to ask yourself that; Yes, there is a very fine line between hate and love but it can't change what they have to do. There's so much sexual frustration between the two, though, that this was bound to happen sometime. Can things really change, though?...

PLEASE BE KIND WITH REVIEWS. This is the first mature scene I've ever written. Its not the best, I know this. So, please, just be gentle. Thank you ;)

Gentle whispers. Heated glances. Burning touches. Bated breath. Soft cries. Low groans.

Zim squirmed underneath the human, panting useless things in Irken, things that the Dib would never understand in his limited lifetime. Each movement, each word spoken so quietly between the two weighed heavier and heavier upon their hearts. When they woke up in the morning, would it be the same? No hate, no beatingsā€¦ Just gentleness, caresses, affection.

What would life be like when the sun was above the horizon? In the pale moonlight, realities could shift and change, imperceptibly so, until everything was distorted into crystallized dreams of lust and love. But where in their bleak lives did hope have a chance to survive? Certainly not in-between their rivalry and obsessive dislike between the other. There was a chord of dissonance between the two; could such a thing be cut neatly in two by one quick night of passion?

A particularly deep thrust had Zim shaking and crying out one last time, white stars exploding through his foggy perception of the world. The human responded with a sharp yelp, kicking at the mattress as his own pleasure was achieved and he fell, speechless, onto the Irken frame below him. The two clung to each other, words wanting to burst forth in effusive bursts of feeling but being squashed down before they could emerge for fear of rejection.

Dib had a world to save and Zim had a world to destroy. Where could they ever find common ground? Love had no place in such a star-crossed destiny. Fate was a cruel, cruel mistress to pair these two up against such odds. Odds that they could never defeat without some sort of miracle. Besides, they were from two completely different worlds; Zim was part of a universal dictatorship and saw no reason in having personal choices when these decisions could be made for him (less thinking that way.) Dib was from a society where individualism and freedom were a part of life. They had nothing in common besides a passion for what they believed in...

Finally, Dib shifted and rolled to the side, laying next to the green-skinned alien in wonderment. His honeyed eyes traveled up and down Zim's skin, mapping it out in his mind and ensuring that it was forever etched in his (disturbingly large) head. Two glazed ruby eyes met his and they both smiled softly, finding some sort of agreement in that one moment.

What happened tomorrow would happen.

But, no matter what, something had changed this night and neither of them would forget for the rest of their livesā€¦

A/N: Yeah, the ending was just a little crappy. What did you expect?

Please review! It means a lot to me ;)