GS Note: Guys, I'm gonna cry! It's over! My baby! This is the last piece ever to My Kinda Fairy Tale. I am going to bawl! I know it! I'm about to blubber now! I don't want it to end. I began it 8 months ago. Eight months! And this is the first multi-part I've ever finished. I need chocolate.

To address some questions:

SilverShinigami: Nope, sorry there will be no Heero in a post-high school fic. I know, I know, sad but true. All the guys got together about grade 9. The most mention I will make about Heero and Quatre is their political and publics lives. Maybe a short conversation about something in the newspaper, TV or tabloids.

Admiral Albia: There will be no romance between Doro and Duo in a post-high school fic, just to clear that up. The only relationship I would be focusing on is the sister/brother one between Duo and Dorothy. (Spoiler) The nest saga is Heero's, and it will be chalk full with the beginnings of Duo and Heero's relationship.

Just so you guys will know, the only couples I will do in these sagas are DuoxHeero, QuatrexTrowa and MerianxWufei. Probably DorothyxOC if I can make the perfect guy for her that is…

Here's a short summary of the next one, entitled A Dark Tale: Duo falls into the wrong crowd and is slowly losing himself in a world of crime and drugs while his best friend watches him. Can Dorothy help him discover himself again?

And more questions can be e-mailed to me at [email protected] where I will answer them happily. The prologue is already done for it and should be out in a day or two.

NOTE!!!!!!!!!!! READ THIS IF NOTHING ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's my birthday tomorrow! I'm turning 15, yea, yea!


It was Monday. A new day of a new week of a new month. Duo clutched 96 newly typed pages neatly bound together with a red folder. The title proudly bared the name My Kinda Tale. Duo let the rest of the school pour around him as he stood in front of the dull brick building, slowly working up his courage. This was it. Two weeks he spent on this, two long emotional weeks. But in a strange way he felt saddened that they were over.

Writing was like a drug. It pulled him in and tested his limits. It was an addiction, the way you could step out of one life and into another as you carved your readers' minds with words. No two people will ever view a story the same way. Television was like a mold, modelling a person's imagination the exact same way as another. Words however, they were like a sculptor, striving to create a million masterpieces at the same time. Duo just knew this wasn't the end to his written work. He held his breath and walked boldly through the glass doors.

He didn't waste time going to his locker, he simply walked to the English department and into his first period class. No one was there yet, besides Mr Merquese who was looking over some sheets. He glanced up though when he heard Duo opened the door.

"Duo!" the blonde-haired teacher jumped, startled and stood up. Duo strode determinedly up to his desk and slapped the folder on his desk loudly. He met the icy blue eyes squarely.

"This," Duo started then paused. "Is my blood, sweat and soul. Treat it with care."

The rest of Duo's day when smoothly enough. He received many strange and long looks from people. Wufei didn't mention anything about the incident on Friday, much to Duo's immense relief. Instead they bantered about Wufei's newly acquired stalker, Heero's long time one, and the end of Duo's story. Wufei had seemed honoured that he was the one to save the fictional Duo, even though he hadn't taken part in the real life rescue.

"I hadn't developed Trowa's character enough," Duo explained. "And I planned that from the start."

It was at sixth period though that his day picked up. He walked into the class, a little unnerved as he remembered the events of Friday but pushed it to the back of his mind. He and rest of the class took their seat but the room was void of a teacher well after the second bell. People were standing up to leave, then the new teacher arrived.

"Hello class!" the woman smiled brightly. Relena gasped. "I'm sorry I'm late but I had a few things to clear up. My name is Ms Noventa but if anyone wants to call me Silvia, I won't kill you. Because of the situation surrounding Mr Barton, I will be your history teacher for the rest of the semester. I'll tell you a bit about myself before I begin."

Duo suddenly recognised her. It was the sales lady at the store Heero had taken him too almost two weeks ago.

"I used to work as a fashion consultant but I finished my degree in History and teacher's college a few years ago. When this position was up, I immedently went for it. I may love fashion but history is my read passion. This is my dream job, so I hope you turn out to be my dream class! Now I don't know what you've covered, but according to the old timetable you should be studying the effects of the atomic bombs."

The class was still.

"Does anyone know about the bombs?"

A hesitant hand rose from the middle of the class. Silvia smiled encouragingly. The girl gulped.

"Uh, I think the US dropped them on Japan. There were two, right?"

"Good! That's right! Now, the textbook doesn't do a good job of explaining it, so the next few weeks we are going to be doing some other assignments. Today though, we'll be watching the movie Godzilla. I'm sure most of you have heard about it, it was originally a book written a few years after the bombs in a reaction to the fear of long term affects, such as mutation. It might take another class to watch the whole thing but then we might have a class discussion on it. How does that sound?"

The class was struck dumb.

"Good!" she popped the tape into the TV/VCR and pressed play. As the credits rolled, she turned off the lights.

The class reluctantly left at the second bell. They had been so enthralled by the movie, many didn't want to leave. Duo left with a huge grin. His history class was definitely picking up. He was stopped when a hand touching his arm. Mr. Merquese stood by, holding the red folder, grinning widely.

"I just finished marking it, Mr Maxwell. I hope you continue with the English stream. With talent like this, you could be the next JK Rowlings."

Duo stood dumbfounded as Mr Merquese left quickly. He shook his head and started towards his locker as he opened the folder. On a separate sheet of paper, in red, was a long comment. But underneath that, was the mark. 87 percent. Well over the mark he needed to pass English this year.

Nothing could remove the grin plastered on Duo's face. He hurried to his locker. Trowa was waiting there, just grabbing his books. Quatre stood beside him, obviously waiting for him to finish. Heero leaned casually on a neighbouring locker, while Wufei stood on the other side of the hall, glancing down the hall in disdain as people kicked paper back and forth. Duo's grin got wider if possible.

"Hey guys!" Duo greeted them all, with extra exuberance. "How's it going? I'm great, anyway, I got my story back!"

He waved it in front of all their faces, the mark standing out proudly. He was congratulated all around. Trowa finished up with his books and the five boys moved down the near empty hall. Duo threw his arm around Heero and Quatre's shoulder.

"You know, I don't think this writing thing is over yet," he said happily as they neared the door. "I have this other idea, you see. It's in the future, people living in space and these kickass fighting machines. But there are these five special things called Gundams. They fight for peace, or freedom or something, I haven't figured that out. But we pilot them! You me, Quat, Tro and Wu over there…."

And the five boys left the school. No one lives happily ever after in the real world, but they came as close as humanly possible.

The End