Disclaimer: I don't own the Twilight series. That right belongs to Stephenie Meyers. I also don't own the song "Bittersweet Symphony".


Read and Review




New Moon: Denali, Alaska

Alice gasped, an unbearable ache clenching her nerves. Over the past months she had been experiencing unpleasant visions of Bella's constantly changing life. The visions were not expected, just completely scattered. The first had been of her broken life, bringing all down with her. The second had been of Bella in a psyche ward. The third had been the one she just experienced.

Bella fooled everyone into thinking she was whole. She put on a façade and pretended to be alright while on the inside she was empty. She supported herself along with her nephew, but still pined over Edward. Alice made a mental note to herself to send a letter to Adrianna to go to a doctor.

Alice shuddered at all three visions. Every time she attempted to call Edward, he would snarl at her and order for the visions to stop. As if mere words could cease the sporadic images in her head. No. The pictures in her mind of Bella were like flashing movies. Bella's whole life had been shown in various situations.


She flinched, staring at her husband. "Jasper," she whispered hoarsely.

Jasper frowned, consumed with his love's sorrow along with his own. "I am sorry."

"I know," Alice replied. "It is not your fault."

"Yes it is," he growled. "If I didn't snap at Bella then we would all be—"

She pressed her fingers against his lips. "No. Do not think like that." She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and then froze once more.

Bella stumbled on the ledge of a mountain, staring down at the crashing waves of the ocean. She spoke to herself, whispering assurance and words of redemption. Her eyes burned with retribution and deliverance, her feet scuffling closer towards the edge. She flung her frail body towards the vast waters, screaming the whole way down. Her body disappeared into the black velvet waters. She did not resurface.


Authoress Note: Hopefully that cleared up everything. Basically Alice kept seeing visions of Bella ever since Edward had left her. The first two chapters were visions that Alice had of Bella's life that probably would have happened. Thanks all. Much love.