Disclaimer: Nope, nope, nope. Don't own them.

A/N: Hello! Thanks to those who read and left a review :) Ok, so here's the next installment (hehe). It's a little longer than the first three and I really don't know how I feel about the outcome, but I do hope you enjoy it. Sorry for being repetitive with the hand through the hair and grips tightening. Lol. Anyway, as always, read and review. Pretty please, with sugar on top?

And of course, Happy 20th to Zac Efron.


Part 4: Back To You

The cool wind sailed through her hair as she opened her window to stare off into his room. His dark and unoccupied bedroom. She sighed sadly, wishing things hadn't come to how they were now. Graduation and Summer had came way too quickly for her liking or anyone else's, for that matter. It was like someone had pressed the fast forward button, catching them all of guard. It was now early December and she had just ended her first semester in college. The ending of the first semester meant a 3 week break was to follow. And truth be told, Gabriella really wasn't looking forward to it. Taking one last longing look into his window, she walked away. "Happy Holidays, Troy"

She dragged her feet over to her bedside table, picking up a framed picture, before crawling into her bed. She ran her fingers along the borders before her thumb graced over his smiling face. It was a picture of them at graduation, a more happier time. Her hands were snaked around his waisting, pulling him as close as she possibly could; while his right hand draped over her shoulders. Their bodies fit like a perfect puzzle, just how everyone said it did. Looking down at the picture, she couldn't help but feel the all too familiar tug at her heart. She felt sad and, although her father was with her, lonely.

This would be her first holiday season, since she'd moved there, without her friends; without Troy. While she decided to stay in New Mexico, wanting to stay close to her father, the others all ventured off to different parts of the country and wouldn't be making the trip home this year. Sharpay, Kelsi, Zeke, and Ryan had taken up their scholarships to their respective schools in California. She wasn't sure where Jason or Martha had gone. Troy, Chad, and Taylor had packed their things and headed off to the farthest place possible in the current situation, New York; hundreds of miles away from her.

Another sigh slipped through as her eyes landed on him, once again. Even in pictures, his eyes manage to make her weak at the knees and make her heart skip a beat. Had she been standing, her knees would have buckled and she would have found herself on the floor. She smiled sadly, running her thumb over his face again. Troy had stayed true to his promise. Not once, after he had asked her to be his girlfriend all those months ago, had he broken her heart. In fact, he did all he could to keep her smiling. He was right when he said that his promise wasn't made to be broken. Not wanting to ponder more on the fact that he wasn't going to be around for a while, she closed her eyes waiting for sleep to blanket itself over her.

Unfortunately for her, the blanket never came. She fluttered her eyes open at the sound of pebbles being thrown at her window. She loosened her grip around the picture and put it placed it back in it's original place, before throwing back her soft warm covers. She swung her legs over the edge of her bed and approached her window, with caution. She felt a tingle run up her spine as the cold hair brushed past her as she opened the window. It was dark outside, save for the dim street light that stood near her mailbox. She squinted into the night, making out a figure. He stepped out into the little light that was available, her eyes widen. "Come down"

She rubbled her eyes and closed them momentarily, before opening them again; making sure this wasn't a dream. She even pinched herself and winced, it definitely was not a dream; but reality. Shaking her momentary shock off, she stuck more of her body out the window. Down below, stood a shy and nervous looking Troy. His hands were shoved into the front pocket of his, what she figured to be, faded dark denim jeans. He smirked at her before glancing around his surroundings. Gabriella was confused, now. Earlier that week Troy's mother had told her that he wasn't coming home and that he was going to spend the holidays in the Big Apple. He, himself, had even confirmed it. "What are you doing here? It's almost midnight, are you crazy?"

"Just a little bit. Now come down, please! I'll be waiting out back," Troy didn't even wait for her reply knowing she'd come down, it was just a matter of how long it'd take her. He rounded the corner of Gabriella's house and found himself in very familiar territory; her backyard. It had been the setting that made 'Troyella', as his friends called them. Thinking back to the day they had walked to school, hand in hand, he chuckled. Their friends were beaming with happiness and thought it'd be clever to call them Troyella, and according to Chad it save them all time. He smiled wider as he heard the click of a door being shut, she was here and it didn't even take her that long.

Gabriella stared at his back, not sure why he was here or why he wanted her to come down. She approached him slowly and stood, hovering over her swing. Troy had been the first to move, taking a seat on the swing he was standing next to. He motioned for her to mirror his actions, as she did; ever so gracefully. Silence made itself clear and surprisingly it wasn't a comfortable once. Troy stole side glances at his girlfriend of less than six months before getting up from his swing. She was startled at his actions and her eyes follow his every movement. He got behind her and took the metal chain into his hands. "What are you doing?"

Troy smiled from ear to ear and began to push her and the swing. Of all the times they have been out there, Troy had never once done that. He really didn't understand why he had never thought of it before. He saw it done many times between his friends and their lovers as well as on TV. Was it the cheesiness of it all? Probably, but he didn't care. She smiled at his sweet gesture before closing her eyes, enjoying the feeling. It had been long since someone ever pushed her on the swing. Suddenly she dropped her legs and let it drag along the ground, slowing down her momentum. "So how's New York"

"Different," he replied softly before he shrugged his shoulders. He moved around her so he could take a better look at her face. His eyes wondered over every inch of her perfect face and came to the conclusion that she was sad, just like he was. He reached over for her hand and pulled her from her seat. He wrapped his strong arms around her tiny waist and pulled her onto his lap and buried his face into her soft hair. He mumbled incoherent words, as Gabriella shifted so she could wrap her arm around his shoulders. Troy pulled his head back from her neck and allowed Gabriella to rest her head in the crook of his neck.

It had been three months since he had last seen her, kissed her, and held her. He couldn't be anymore happier. Having her in his arms, Troy thought about the important decision he had made two weeks prior. Gabriella ran her fingers through his hair, before lowering her head to capture his lips with hers. At contact, they felt the sparks and both parties smiled into their kiss. They pulled away briefly before their lips attached themselves to one another again, this time more passionate as Gabriella opened her mouth allowing Troy access. Their tongues battled for control as their grips tightened.

Troy leaned back and pulled his girlfriend with him. His hands found their way under her shirt and rubbed up and down her bare back, sending her enjoyable feelings. Needing to breathe, Gabriella pulled away. She smiled at him before kissing the tip of his nose, the question of why he was there was dismissed for the time being. She lay flat on top of Troy and rested her head on his chest, listening to the beating his heart; hoping that it was beating for her as hers was for him. Troy placed a kiss on her head. "Your mom said you weren't going to come home for the holidays. When you phoned me to confirm it, I was so bummed."

"I figured. Who wouldn't want me around?," Troy joked receiving a pinch from his girlfriend. She looked up and stuck her tongue out at him, only to have him return the gesture. Moments later they broke out into quiet fits of laughter, not wanting to wake anyone up. Moments like these was what Gabriella lived for, since having gotten together with Troy. It was just a damper that they were going to two different universities in different parts of the country. They had agreed to a long distance relationship and so far, it had yet to work against them. "But anyway, I couldn't let my gorgeous girlfriend spend her birthday, Christmas, and New Years alone. What kind of a boyfriend would I be?"

"One that's an asshole?," Gabriella questioned. Troy rolled his eyes as Gabriella got off of him. She settled beside him and swung her left arm and leg over Troy. He kissed the top of her head, something he'd never get tired of doing. Everytime he was with her, he had the need to always do it. He ran his hand up and down her arm when he felt goosebumps surfacing on her flawless skin. Silence fell upon them again that evening as crickets, off in the distance, sung to their hearts content. "So Mr. Popular, I hear you've gotten a lot of date offers. Should I be worried?"

"Not in the slightest bit," Troy said sitting up. He pulled Gabriella so that she sat on his lap, straddling him. Locks of her brown hair managed to fall in her face. He smiled tucking them behind her ears that she constantly hid behind hair air because she thought they looked funny. Troy thought otherwise. He had once told her that her ears were adorable and that same day she had her hair tied up all day. Gabriella rested her forehead against his and let her fingers wonder through his locks. She could feel his breath against her, it was warm and inviting. "Gabi.. I..."

"I missed you," they both said in unison. Gabriella bit her bottom lip, while Troy grinned from ear to ear foolishly. Right then and there, Troy was certain that his decision was the right one. He wouldn't regret it, not ever. They sat there content in each others arms momentarily before Gabriella sensed something wrong with him. She looked into his eyes, intently, searching for an answer. She got none. "Are you ok?"

"Yup," Troy said softly trying to figure out how he was going to word the thought that was swirling inside his head. Gabriella eyed him suspiciously before shaking her own thoughts away. She looked up at the same stars she looked at every single night and sighed happily. Only now did it hit her that Troy would be spending the upcoming days with her. First thing the next morning, she'd plan out their activities. Dorky as it sounded, Gabriella giggled to herself. Troy looked at her confused. "What are you giggling at Montez"

"Nothing, really. I'm just going to plan our activities over the next three weeks tomorrow," Gabriella explained, her eyes shining brightly. "I want to make the next three weeks enjoyable, exciting, and unforgettable before you leave to New York for another five months."

"I did something," Troy said out of nowhere alerting a now nervous Gabriella. Hearing those words weren't always good. At first instinct she had thought he had done something bad while away, but dismissed it when she remembered that she didn't need to be worried about what was going on in New York. He smirked at the panicked look on her face. He kissed her. "No, I didn't cheat on you. I don't think I can, even if I wanted to or was paid a trillion dollars."

"That's sweet, but who said I thought you cheated on me," Gabriella asked pulling away. She mocked the look of offense as she placed her hands on her hips matter-of-factly. In return, Troy poked her on both of her sides causing her to giggle. Getting off of him and situating herself next to him, Gabriella sighed. "So Bolton, what'd you do?"

Troy got up and began pacing back and forth, nervousness kicking in; like it always. He came to a halt when he felt Gabriella's hands firmly place themselves on his arms. She pulled him in for a hug, hoping that it'd calm his nervous. Troy hugged her back, sighing at the failed attempt to kick his nervous away. Pulling away, he laced their hands together before pulling her back onto the swings. "Well I've been missing you so much, it's not even funny. I think Chad has had it with me constantly whining about you being so far away that he's looking to replace me. Taylor too, but I'm pretty sure she's phoned you a million times because that's what girls do.. I wouldn't know of course, I just assumed.."

She silenced him with a kiss. He smiled into the kiss before pulling away. She had a goofy grin slapped across her face. "Sorry. What I'm trying to say is that well the first day I was away, I already missed you. When I recognized the feeling, I knew I couldn't be away from you longer than the first semester. So I did something and please don't get mad at me.. but I won't be going back to NYU next semester"

Gabriella's jaw dropped all the way to the ground. "Troy, what do you mean you're not going back? Isn't that the school you've always wanted to go to? And what is your parents going to say about this? Have you even thought about all this before coming up with such a decision?"

"I did and all I saw was you," Troy replied knowing that had been more cheesy that pushing her on the swing. He scratched the back of his neck and looked away shortly before adverting his eyes back at a shocked Gabriella. He pulled her onto his lap and he swung them both. "I've spoken to my parents about it and they were a little disappointed at first, but they understood. I just can't be away from you, Gabriella. That's why I've decided to go to UNM with you next semester"

Gabriella got off from Troy's lap and spun around. "Troy..."

"I love you Gabriella," Troy cut her off with the words she had wanted to hear ever since Valentines day all those years ago. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears. He got up from his spot and pulled her in. They've only been dating for less than six months, but Troy he was certain that the feelings he felt when they danced was as real as it gets. Gabriella looked up as her tears trailed down her cheeks. "You don't have to say it back, but I've loved you since Senior Prom."

"I'm want to say it back. Troy, I love you too. Ever since you walked through those gates," Gabriella said pointing towards the wooden fence. She was happy, finally being able to get the large load off of her chest. Troy was besides himself with glee, she had said it back. The moment the words slipped through her lips, he knew, young as they were, she was it for him. "I love you, I love you, I love you, Troy Bolton. I don't think I'll ever get tired of saying it."

"Glad to know," Troy joked cupping her face in his hands and kissed her, one final time that night. After pulling away, Troy sat on the swing and pulled Gabriella on top of him; just like he had done moments before. They sat swinging slowly in the evening unaware of the squeaking sound. Before either of them knew it, they found themselves on the ground. Troy looked up and groaned. The metal chain that held up the swing had snapped. He looked at Gabriella who's mouth hung agape. "I think you need a new swing set"

The first time I missed you, I knew.

I knew, I never want to leave you.