Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, disney does.

A/N: Here's another one from me :) This fic will be in 4 or 5 parts, not sure yet.This story mainly revolves around Troy and Gabriella. Hope you guys like it! Please leave a review or something, it'll be greatly appreciated.


Part 1: Love

Valentines Day.

Off in the distance, the sun began setting; leaving behind array of colors. Yellow, orange, pink, red and purple lit the sky; a painter's delight. This would have been the perfect setting for a perfect dinner, if the 16 year old girl had a date. Letting her feet graze up against the ground, she sighed dejectedly. She hated this date and had done for as long as her she could remember. Rather than calling this day it's proper name, she had always labled it 'Singles Awareness Day'. It had seemed all singles were aware of, except for her. She had hated it for an obvious reason, she was always dateless, and for a reason undisclosed to anyone who asked. That reason being that only two years ago, her mother had walked out on her and her father.

Next door, a young man frantically hurried around his room; stumbling across the masses of clothes that had accumilated during the week. His mother sure would get a kick out of this. He could picture her face, just thinking about it made him chuckle. It suprised him that his mother hasn't stormed in to his bedroom, like she always did. Walking past his bedroom window, he got a glimpse at the slumped figure sitting on her swing. For a second, everything around him stopped as she gazed up into his window. She looked so sad. He got back to his previous task when she looked away. "Dad, do you know where my button up shirt is? The long sleeve black one?"

He rolled his eyes when his father stopped at his door and shrugged, while taking a bit out of an apple. That's what he always ate this days, wanting to be healthy and such. It was bunch of nonsense to him. Shaking his head, he re-checked his clothes. He skimmed through the clothes that were hung, which wasn't many for they had all fallen onto the floor. Groaning, he got down onto his knees and started his search for his shirt. Finally finding it, underneath a gazillion other shirts, he hurriedly put it on before heading to his dresser. There he applied cologne and gel into his hair. He looked to die for. "Troy?"

He heard his mother say from the kitchen as he reached the last step. Rolling his eyes he reached for the bouquet of roses off of the hallway table before hurring off to the opposite end of where his mother was. Choosing to go out the back door, meant having less interaction with his mother. He knew she was just going to bombard him with questions as to who he was taking out and where they were going. He didn't mind the first few times, but it was getting old. He straighted out his shirt and walked to the side of the house. Along the way he could see the girl next door, through the cracks in the wooden fence.

Wanting to know why she was sad on such a romantic day, being dateless never crossed his mind, he opened the little gate in the fence that gave each family passage into each other's backyard. Her hair was gathered to gether and resting over her left shoulder while she rested her head against the metal chain that held the swing up. She was humming an unfamiliar tune, but quickly stopped when he had accidently stepped on a twig. Her head bolting up, she turned her head to see who kindly intruded her moment of lonliness. Her eyes widened in shock, it was her neighbor and he had look of embarrassement on his face. "Sorry, I scared you"

He spoke flowingly. He had only spoken to her once or twice, three times max. He didn't know much about her either, only that she lived alone with her father and that her name was Gabriella. His mother had mentioned their last name, but he had let that go through one ear and out the other. He never really got a good look at her either. When his mother had dragged him over to her house, he had been looking anywhere but at her face, only taking glances here and there. Now looking at her, he had to admit, she was quite pretty. She looked down, she mumbled. "It's ok"

Her voice was soft and filled in innocence. He looked around trying to think of words to say to the small girl sitting in front of him a few feet away. Silence filled the air, but it wasn't uncomfortable like he thought it would be when he walked through the gate. She looked up and noticed the bouquet in his hands and smiled sadly. Whoever was getting that was lucky, in her book. Anyone who was with someone on this day was lucky. Seeing the sadness in her smile and her gazing on the roses, it finally clicked in his head. She was alone. "Are you ok?"

He didn't know where that came from, but it was too late to take it back now. She looked down and shrugged her shoulders. She got up and turned her body around so she was completely facing him. Anyone nice enough to ask such a question, deserved her full attention. She sat back on the swing and swung herself, letting her feet drag along the ground and not letting her gaze break from his. He felt bad for her or for anyone who had to spend this special day alone. He couldn't figure out why no one would want to take her out on a date, she clearly had a face on her. "Don't you have a date to go on?"

She had said it to him so softly that he barely heard it. Thankfully, he did. He looked down at his watch and groaned. Time sure did fly quickly. He had been at his neighbors backyard for the past 15 minutes, when it only felt like he had been there a mere 5. He shifted in his spot and apologized, not quite knowing why. He turned on his heel and made for the gate, not waiting for any departing words from her. When the gate had closed he saw her sigh and begin to hum the same unfamiliar tune. Glancing down at his roses, he sighed. God knew he didn't have to do what he was about to do, but he felt he just needed to.

"Hey," she stopped swining and looked up. Her brown and sorrowful eyes met with his blue eyes filled with sympathy. He looked less embarrassed as he did the first time he had been in her presence, but still embarrassed nevertheless. His right hand was held behind his back. She looked up at him, properly. He approached her slowly until he was at arms length. With is free hand he reached for hers. He pulled her up from her spot so that they were, almost, at eye level. He was taller than her. She looked down, slightly confused and scared at what was happening. "Happy Valentines Day"

She jerked her head back as he took a step back from her. He smiled as he presented her with three roses. She gasped at the gesture. No one had done anything like this before. She slowly took them from him and brought it up to her nose, they smelled really good. Even though she knew he had picked them out from the bouquet meant for someone else, she accepted them. She looked up one final time, that day, into his eyes. There was no more sympathy in them, instead was just unexplainable sparks. Her heart stopped. Without another word, he hurried away; already late for his date.

The first time I saw you, I knew.

I knew, I loved you cause my heart stopped.