A Summer Vacation Plus the Marauders Equals Chaos

Author- LilyHeartsJames

Dedication- This story is dedicated to the reviewers of my other story; Avoiding Potter Or Not… aka APON

Disclaimer: I'm just a crazy fan fiction obsessed weirdo/freak and who wishes that my reality was well… real.

Summary: Lily thought she would be having the holiday of a lifetime, but then her enemy turned up… at the same airport, on the same plane, at the same hotel, at the same places. And he brought his "charming" (annoying) friends with him. Well this is going to be just great. Fan-bloody-tastic… JPxLE

Notes: Hmmm let's see… I know there are tones of Marauder & Lily vacation stories on here, but I just HAVE to do one… And don't worry, I haven't forgotten APON! If you have the time, check that out!

Chapter one

Lily Evans sat on the window seat of the plane. Ever since she'd got on she had a feeling something was bound to go wrong.

She glanced out of the window. She could see the airport still- they hadn't taken off yet.

She was sitting far away from her parents, who were up the front more and Petunia was more in the middle.

Lily was up the back. She didn't like the front; she didn't like the middle either. For some reason she liked the back.

For a second, she thought she saw a glimpse of jet black messy hair. For a second, she thought she saw Potter, but she shook her head- no it couldn't be him, why would he be here? It's not like they could turn up at the same place… even if it was Christmas break…

She sighed, no she was just hallucinating that's all.


She put her earphones into her ears and tuned out and began to listen to; "Skater Boy" By Avril Lavigne. (A/N: Just pretend electric things WORK on planes okay?)

Suddenly a guy sat next to her and she didn't even spare him a look, she just kept looking out of the window. That was until he pulled an earphone out of her ear.

"Hey do you mind" She asked turning to look at him and actually froze.

A boy with jet black messy hair and hazel eyes which were brown with flecks of green was grinning at her. She was actually speechless!

"Hello Lily" James Potter said with a grin.

She groaned… "Great! I have to put up with my sister and now I have to put up with you!"

"Not just me" he said grinning like a maniac.

Sirius Black popped his head up from the seat in front of us.

"And you!" Lily yelled and he smirked.

"Mwahahahaha!" the 17 year old boy with short black spiky hair said. His grey stormy eyes were sparkling mischievously.

"Great! Who else is here?"

"Me" said a voice behind Lily and James.

'Nice, I'm surrounded by idiots"

"Hey!" three male voices exclaimed.

Remus Lupin shook his shaggy honey brown hair out of his chocolate coloured eyes.

Lily frowned. "You know Remus you're hair needs a cut"

"No thanks I'm fine" he said quickly.

"What song are you listening to?" James asked shoving the earphone into his ear.

He was a boy; she was a girl can I make it anymore obvious?

He was a punk; she did ballet what more can I say?

He wanted her, she'd never tell, secretly she wanted him as well

But all of her friends stuck up their nose, they had a problem with is baggy clothes

He was a skater boy she said see ya later boy, he wasn't good enough for her-

Lily turned off the mp3 player and pulled both earphones out of her and James' ears.

"I liked that song" he said as she wrapped it up and put it in her backpack.

"Well, I didn't" Lily lied.

"He wanted her, she'd never tell, secretly she wanted him as well"… James sang quietly, he knew she could hear him. She looked out of the window and so did Sirius.

"Oh my God! Look at the grand spanking view Prongs! Moony look!"

"We haven't gone yet loser" Lily said rolling her eyes. James leaned over her to look out the window.

"How long until we leave then?" Sirius asked pouting.

Remus checked his watch as Sirius turned around and leaned over the seat to look at Lily and James.

"A couple of minutes" Remus said and Sirius nodded.

'When we're up in the air you'll have much better; 'grand spanking view' so you've got to watch for it" Lily said smiling and looking out the window. Sirius caught James smiling at Lily and rolled his eyes.

"Passenger's please put on you're seatbelts as we will be taking off soon"

The four of them put their seat belts on and Sirius turned around to find James having trouble with his seatbelt.

"You know, I would help but since I'm in the seat in front of you I can't" he said, giving Lily a clear hint, but she didn't get it.

"I'll help" Remus said and was about to lean over when Sirius said; "No you can't Moony, you can't lean forward enough" Sirius said giving him a meaningful look.

"I'll undo my seatbelt and then-"

"No you can't! You might die! You might get sucked out of the air plane window"

"I'm sure he's too fat to fit through the window Sirius" Lily said shaking her head.

"Thanks Lily" Remus replied dryly.

James was still having trouble with his seatbelt and Lily sighed.

"Bloody hell Potter it isn't that hard" and with that she buckled him up and he stared confusedly.

"That was weird! Do muggle cars have these things?" he asked Lily excitedly who smiled.

"Yes they do, for safety reasons and don't take it off!" Lily yelled and pushed James' hands away.

"You could get sucked out of the window" she snapped. Sirius and Remus looked at her.

"I thought Sirius was just joking" Remus said worriedly.

"He was, and so was I" she said rolling her eyes.

"Sirius look" she said pointing.

"Oh no, I'm not falling for that! If I look down, you'll hit my nose" Sirius said.

"No! Look you idiot you're going to miss the view!"

"BOLLOCKS!" Sirius shouted and swiveled around and looked out the window. James leaned over and looked out and he grinned.

"Wow" he said softly.

Lily couldn't help but smile, his big head was in her way and she was lost in a ton of black mess. A black forest of hair.

"Potter… could you move?"

"Sorry" he said realizing what had just happened.

He leaned back as Sirius squealed with delight.

"We're going to Queensland! We're going to Queensland!" He said in a sing-song voice.

"What?" Lily snapped and Remus said; "Yep! Queensland!"

The plane flew along the air as Lily hit her head on the window. Suddenly she got an idea!

"I'm just going to see my mum and dad" she said getting up walking past them down to the front.

"Mum! Dad! We have to go somewhere else! Anywhere but Queensland!"

"Oh but Lily! We thought you wanted to come! You were the one chose Queensland in the first place" her mother said.

"Well I was wrong!" Lily said and they shook their heads.

"Sorry, no can do Lily sweetheart! We're on our way to Queensland!" her dad shouted.

"Queensland? You didn't mention you were headed to the same place!" said a voice behind her.

"Sirius! Go back and sit down!" "Oh alright!" he muttered as she walked past him and he followed. She was about to hop back into her seat when Sirius had a sudden idea. He barged ahead of her, knocking her into someone's lap.

"Sorry!" he called, not sorry at all.

"Sorry" Lily muttered as she sat up and realized she was sitting in none other then James Potter's lap. She blushed and hopped into her seat quickly, hitting Sirius on the back of the head as she sat down.

Sirius retaliated and James stopped it from going further.


"What would you like to eat?" the food lady asked kindly.

James frowned. "Chocolate frog"

Lily elbowed him. "Um nothing thanks, we have our own food"

The lady nodded and walked away, but not before Sirius called out; "I love you!" she ignored him and kept going.

"We have food? We didn't bring any!" Remus said beginning to panic.

"Relax! You guys are so lucky you sat next to me!"

She pulled out of her bag- gummi bears, snake lollies, dinosaur lollies, Oreos, Doritos, etc.

"I love you Lily" Sirius mumbled as he grabbed the packet of snake lollies.

He opened it and turned back around; "Hey check it out, snakes on a plane!" he threw the snake to an elderly man who yelled in fright and flicked the lolly to the ground.

"Dude, relax it's just a lolly!" Sirius said as we laughed. Lily felt a bit bad, the men was clutching his chest.

"I'm sorry sir! He's just an immature person who acts like a three year old! Are you alright?" Lily asked kindly.

The older man nodded and sighed and began to read the newspaper.

Sirius sat there munching on the snakes.

"Enough is enough! I've had it with these mother-"


"Snakes on this mother-"



James and Lily cracked up laughing as Remus groaned. "No swearing! There are children!"

Two ten year old kids started laughing at Sirius who winked. The mother gave Sirius a disapproving look and the two children began saying what Sirius had just said.

"Don't chop the dinosaur daddy!" James said in a high pitched voice.

He shoved the dinosaur in his mouth and then grabbed another one and Lily looked at him and said; "Chop it!" and they cracked up laughing again.

Remus sat there eating the Doritos when a blonde girl came walking down the aisle. Remus was halfway through putting his food into his mouth when he froze.

"Is that a good book?" she asked nicely.

Remus nodded; apparently he'd lost his voice.

"Do you mind me borrowing it? It's just that I'm a bit bored"

"I-Uh" he'd lost the ability to speak.

"Sure you can borrow it" James said grabbing the book and handing it to her. She flashed him a grin and winked and walked off. Sirius saw the look on Remus' face- it was hurt. He saw the look on James face- it was guilt.

Understandably Remus didn't talk to James for a while.

Even though it wasn't his fault, James still felt bad. I mean, all girls ever saw in him was… nothing! They only liked him for his looks… he glanced at Lily who gave him a 'he'll-get-over-it' sort of look.

She turned and looked out of the window, hopefully when she got off this plane she wouldn't see these three again.

Or would she?...

A/N: Hey! I know, I know it's short but hey, I just want to know what you guys think! If you guys like it, I'll post another chapter. If not well… yeah. I've been wanting to do another James/Lily fic for ages… This chapter's not the best but at least its something! If I continue, they'll become longer and better! Promise!

Love LilyHeartsJames