Inverted Cross: The Case of Uchiha

Author: Ayane Selznick
Beta: Psychotic Female of Many Names


III. Bitter Sense of Skepticism


Inside a bar where music of jazz and clanks of bottles were everywhere, two male friends watched one fuming red haired woman walked across the room. The one with white short hair looked amused as their comrade sat fumingly on a vacant seat around their table.

"You're the BOMB, Karin." He started with a smirk.

The red haired woman - who was called Karin - glared menacingly to the one who spoke. "Don't get on my bad side tonight, asshole."

Nonetheless, the white haired guy only resumed teasing without a care for his target. "What? Infuriated after getting exploded up in your ass? Hahaha! That's why the chi—"

Next thing he knew, he was sent across the room.

Karin was hovering at the table with her right arm extended still. "That's not the only thing you'll get from me once you talk shit again, bonehead."

The one with slightly huge built, with an instinctive orange spiky hair silently took a sip from his drink. "What do you suppose we should do?" He eyed Karin from the corner of his eyes.

Inevitably sighing, Karin allowed herself to sit. "They knew I survived. Perhaps second round wouldn't be a surprise." Despite her tough statement, her heart was tingling with destructive sensation – an evil idea polishing for her next move.

He, who was sent away, thanks to Karin's fist, returned and sat casually on his seat. "For a woman who likes challenges, you certainly are obstinate." Karin ignored him. "Besides, are you really so eager to be exploded again?"

Paying no heed to the sarcastic comrade, Karin continued sipping her alcoholic drink. She has settled her next plan and none from her so-called comrades would be able to stop her. But then again, this urgent meeting only called for reinforcement. Her chief suggested she used them to immediately eradicate those pests. However, her constant stubbornness concerning such matter only impeded the immediate mission. Her pride was thrown away to a trash once and she swore that she would return the favor by eliminating every one in Cross.

"You are right, Suigetsu." Her sudden agreement made her two companions gawked at her. "I am an obstinate person. I won't allow any unfinished business put on hold forever."

The one called Suigetsu could only mutter in low voice, to avoid her fist on his face. "Yeah, right, have your face get exploded again. We don't mind anyway."


Deidara, a Senior Elite, haphazardly walked inside his partner's room. Everybody knew that he likes toys a lot but the danger he brings with his supposed to be harmless craze was all because of his other obsession – fusing them with bombs. He gazed all the toys standing still at Sasori's room with a goal of stealing each one of them.

"Here to lay your filthy hands again, Deidara?"

He who intruded Sasori's territory was lucky that he was facing the stack of toys. Otherwise, he would be entirely ashamed of his shocked expression that he wore. Sasori was sending sharp glares on his way and Deidara could feel the chill running down his spine, though even with that feeling, he easily masked his initial reaction.

"Do you really think I'd do that to my partner? Hmm?"

Sasori kept his cold glare. "I do."

Deidara almost fell with his face first on the floor. Was he really that obvious? With a long sigh, Deidara raised his hands – showing that he was caught in the act and therefore surrendering.

"Fine. You're right." He pouted. "I only wanted to re-invent your toys, you know. It wouldn't hurt."

Sasori crossed his hands together then placed both of his elbows on his table. He disliked Deidara's 're-invent' term. "Why don't you make your own exploding toys so I wouldn't be annoyed this much?"

Deidara could only shake his head. He wouldn't do such a thing especially since he had no factory to command. He was not as rich as Sasori and besides, exploding toys would only go down the drain. Only a few would be able to buy his creations, or more like, those who were underground groups, could only buy his goods – just like Sasori. Sasori, on the other hand, created 'killer toys' – as Deidara named it, in hopes of helping innocent people against vampires. However, because of the dangerous tools hidden in a toy it would also be quite possible that the buyer would turn as a murderer once used against his kind, which led Sasori to sell his creations only to those people whom he trusted most.

Once Deidara got comfortable on a sofa near Sasori's table, Sasori took one of his new creations to scrutinize the result. Deidara noticed the action from the corner of his eyes.

"Why aren't you selling your stuff anyway? You'll get bigger cash when those are sold." Sasori only continued inspecting the toy in his hands, but Deidara didn't stop. "Well, of course, the drawback would be the dreaded rise of murderers."

Sasori sent him a glare again before he continued his task. "That's what I dislike about you. I find it senseless for you keep talking about things you already know."

Deidara chuckled. "Well, I'm quite curious about this client of yours who consistently purchases your new models. Hmm."

Sasori was done inspecting the toy. "Anyone can use my toy to fend off vampires."

Deidara's face fell. "That's not the answer I wanted to hear."


Sakura was taking a bath in their tub where lots of rose petals floated on the surface of the water. It was like this moment where she was able to indulge herself in a simple yet relaxing method. Nonetheless, her mind worked its way until she recalled the person called Karin and her evidences which might lead to something deeper. It was rather regrettable that she and Sasuke could not obtain the evidence she left after the explosion. Her cellphone and its numerous contact people were substantial to gain more information.

She gazed upon her reflection on the surface of the water – trying to find ways to help the love of her life find an end to their never-ending search for the truth. If they could not get the names in Karin's phone then she should find an alternative way to it.

"Don't wrinkle your face, Sakura."

The instant the voice rang in her ears, she turned her head to the side to see who it was.

"Sasuke." The way she called his name was struggling between utter shock and utter relief.

He kissed the spot between her shoulder-blades as she sank, finally relaxed, in their herbal-induced bathtub. She sighed when his warm lips touched her skin.

"Do you want to join me? I put herbal ingredients to relax my body." She inquired lovingly as she pulled his arms around her neck and allowed his hand to settle on her breast.

Sakura found it strange when he didn't answer her right away. She tried to look at his face but Sasuke slowly nuzzled at the side of her neck. She closed her eyes and felt his long, warm breathing when he exhaled. She noticed that kind of breathing, too – there was something wrong with him today.

"Sakura." He finally spoke.


"I'd like to ask a favor."

She caressed his arms. "What is it?"

He stopped nuzzling at her neck. A far-away look reflected on his eyes. "Tomorrow. Please don't participate in any missions."

She froze. Why did he suddenly ask something like that? True, he sometimes asked her to not participate in any mission when he thought it was dangerous, but it was when they were just members of Cross. They were Elites now, junior at the very least, and she was certain that she cannot be a burden to anyone else. What could his reason be?

"Is the risk too high? I'm willing to fight alongside with you and you know that," she defended.

She felt him shake his head slowly. "This one's different."

Sakura pulled away his arms to turn to him. She wanted to see the reflection in his eyes to find out why he asking her to stay out of tomorrow's mission.

"And why is it any different? We kill vampires then search for leads." She tried to reason.

In all her surprise, Sasuke steeled his eyes to stare back at her. "Please. Trust me."

It would be unreasonable for her to suddenly jump to conclusions or even quiver until she felt like crying just so he could tell her the reason. They had known each other for so long. They even found out each other's deepest secrets. And through all sorts of troubles they faced they knew who to trust.

Besides, she was glad that Sasuke didn't make up any more lies to redirect her thoughts.


She searched in his eyes. And she was surprised to find out that his eyes bore a distinct determination.

"Just trust me."

He kissed her lips before he left.

What's wrong with you…Sasuke…?


Sai was gazing lazily at the midnight sky. He was wearing three layers of clothing due to the cold climate emitting in the middle of the autumn season. Chilly breezes sent coldness to his skin as he stood atop Cross' building with another person standing a respective distance from him.

"I hope you won't say anything like: 'I see myself in you and thought you'd understand,' because I really don't care anything about you."

Sasuke, who had donned the same layers of clothing, only ignored Sai's sarcastic introduction. "I only needed someone to help me in this mission, thought I could use your talent."

Sai smirked. "It amazes me how you risked so much to the point of limiting the number of people to this lone digit. If you're planning suicide, I won't help you."

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched. "You're scared. I guess I was wrong choosing you."

"Don't make me abandon this mission just because you're challenging me to a verbal fight."

Sasuke smirked. "Good. The reason why I chose you is because most of the Elites are busy researching for the names of the people in Karin's phone and to upgrade chemicals to mix with our weapons." His hands were fisting in each of his pockets. "All we have to do in this mission is to gain more information."

"Sounds like you're competing with your brother."

Sasuke sent him a cold glare. "This isn't a game to every one of us. The sooner we acquire information, the faster we kill the head."

Sai only shrugged. "Well that's a good deal."

The young Uchiha smirked knowingly. "Consider this as a reward for pestering my girlfriend."

Sai responded with a steel glare.


She was totally bothered by Sasuke's words.

Not only did he sound strange but he also looked troubled. She felt there was a serious matter hiding beneath his words but until now, she could not find any clue. She needed him to tell her what it was. She wanted to know why he asked her to do such thing. She would be extremely worried if something happened to him. What would be his next mission and the probable danger he would get himself into? Who would be participating? She had to know.

I don't want to believe that he thinks of me as the weakest member because I have proven to him over and again that I'm capable of working in this task. He knew what I felt back then when I fought against my own flesh and blood. He knew what I got from that encounter and used it against Orochimaru. So…

She narrowed her eyes.

Why is he doing this?

Sakura walked silently at the corridor in search for the Director's office. Once she neared the door, she heard him conversing over the phone.

"It won't be too long to see you again, you know." She heard the Director said. "What? Oh come on, Tsunade, it's not like you to drown yourself in work."

Tsunade? As in the Minister Tsunade?

She stopped in front of the door and knocked on the surface consecutively. "Jiraiya-san?"

On the other end of the door, Jiraiya excused himself to Tsunade and even promised to steal another time to talk to her privately. When Jiraiya put the phone down, Sakura had entered the room with a very stern expression. He knew what she came for.

"What can I do for you Sakura-chan?" he asked with a glistening smile which he thought might change her mood.

"Director, please give me the list of people you have sent for tonight's mission."

Jiraiya narrowed his eyes. Straightforward as always. He moved to lean his back on his chair. "Why do you want to know?"

Sakura remained as she was, still begging silently for her director to give what she wanted.


Sasuke was already sported on his mission gear when he made a last minute trip at Jiraiya's office.

"How may I be of service to you, young man?" Jiraiya asked in his usual carefree tone.

"Don't tell anything to Sakura."

Ultimately, Jiraiya had stopped teasing. "And when you mean 'anything'?"

He was already at the other side of the door when he said, "Everything."

(End of Flashback)

"I want a full detail regarding tonight's mission, Director."

Jiraiya could only send a knowing look at her. "Why do you want to know so badly?" She lowered her head. "You can't possibly guard Sasuke all your life."

She shook her head. "It's not that." She retained in her position.

"Then what is?"

They let silence remain for a couple of seconds before Sakura found the courage to speak for her part.

"He'll do everything to get what he wants…" She raised her head to stare equally into the Director's eyes. "No matter how perilous the situation could be."


His eyes were looking straight ahead as he walked in the narrow path alleyway towards their meeting place. He normally quickened his pace, but tonight, he looked as though he was taking everything too easily. He knew who would be waiting at the end of his path and God knows what would happen if everything went wrong. He hoped that his so-called comrade would not do anything drastic to the point of stupidity. Just choosing him made everything risky, but, he knew that that kind of guy would never turn away from his words.

He took off any visible communication devices from him to get the faith of the people he was about to meet. All he had to do is to wait for the right time or everything would be pointless.

That bitch called me the previous day for this meeting. From the beginning, I knew what she wanted and this would be the only way to find out everything she knows.

His sharp eyes noticed the moving shadows ahead.

She even took a number of bodyguards to accompany her. He smirked. At least I know that she's not underestimating me.

After several steps, Sasuke found himself at the end of the alleyway where a huge vacant lot filled with more than thirty evolved vampires circling around him and their so-called head.

"I'm very glad to have finally seen you again." The red haired woman smiled at him.

"I normally don't allow myself doing favor to a vampire." Sasuke spoke in his usual tone.

The red haired woman, whom he remembered as Karin, slowly walked towards him.

"So… does that mean I'm the very first vampire you actually did a favor?" She giggled. "I'm flattered."

Don't flatter yourself… Sasuke thought. He stilled himself from observing Karin's men while trying to find a way to get the information he needed.

"So…" Karin started walking towards his side. "You didn't bring that bitch with you…" She giggled as she moved behind him.

Sasuke didn't even budge in his position, but his blood boiled when Karin insulted his girlfriend.

"Don't compare my girlfriend to you."

Karin raised her eyebrow at him. She has circled around him once and after Sasuke's cold retort, she has ceased walking around.

"I see, you have a soft spot for your 'cute' girlfriend." She smirked. "I wouldn't want to agitate you so I'll be good in choosing names for your girlfriend."

She raised her hand and signaled her bodyguards to hold Sasuke. Sasuke noticed that the three who held him down were different kind from the former vampires they had encountered.

This strength… seems like these bunch took another upgrade…

Now that Sasuke were held by three vampires, she felt that she had the upper hand. She raised her hand to feel Sasuke's cheek.

"What a lovely handsome face…" She whispered much to Sasuke irritation. "I've completely forgotten to ask for your name. What's my darling's name?"

Sasuke tried to calm himself because he knew that once Karin persisted with her flirting and his patience ran low then everything will eventually fail. So to make things go as they planned, he had to play along.


Karin smiled at him, pleased that she had somehow tamed one of the most hostile members of Cross. "So Sasuke darling, do you know exactly why you're here?"

Sasuke just gave her a sharp look.

"Tonight, I would show you the world we dedicated ourselves to."

"Been there," Sasuke argued.

"Oh really?" Karin looked surprised. "Have you really died once then returned to life?"

Sasuke thought that Karin spoke of vampires' den and all, he never knew that she was talking about—

"Have you really turned yourself into vampire?"


Sakura hit the main road in search for her boyfriend.

After begging their director to tell her the full details of Sasuke's mission, she instantly left the office and rode on her motorbike. God knows what kind of anxiety he had set her into. She turned sharply to the left, almost skidding when a car honked at her. Her mind still focused on how she could get in contact with Sasuke.

To be a lure means sacrificing any visible communication device…

She adjusted her transmission device by synchronizing digits to the person she wanted to talk to.


Hiding within the shadows, Sai watched his target sharply. He had finished preparations minutes ago and was already on his position – watching the scene unfold. He had equipped himself with armor in which vampires like Karin would not be able to hear his heartbeat nor smell his blood. However, he still had to hide a good distance away, so he equipped himself with a communication device underneath his suit. It was the same communication device in which Sasuke chose to use for this mission.

He checked the monitor once again, watching every trace of Karin's vampires. If another bunch came in, they would be in much bigger danger.

Sai was about to resume to his guard when the receiver glowed.

"Who—?" He whispered.

"Where's Sasuke?"

Sai almost choke out in surprise. Didn't Sasuke tell Jiraiya to not spill a thing?

"I didn't receive any call for reinforcement, Sakura."

Sai could vividly imagine Sakura's glare after he spoke.

"Sai, where's Sasuke?"

The person inquired resumed watching his prey. "He's currently executing a part of our plans and it's best not to call him out of the blue."

It was as though Sakura ignored him. "What is he doing? Where are you located?"

"Seriously, you really shouldn't be coming here."

He heard the abrupt loudness coming from Sakura's motorbike.

"Just tell me where he is!"

Sai was about to retort when he suddenly heard Karin laughing.

What happened?

To be Continued…

Author's Note: Tsunade's name first appeared in Chapter VII of Inverted Cross.

I'm so sorry for the LONG absence! I was really for cosplaying (sweatdrops) but this week and the next, I plan to return to fanfiction. So I hope I won't get any writer's block.