I do NOT own DBZ it belongs to Akira Toriyama.


"My word, if he keeps up this he will be stronger then king Vegeta!"

A lizard-like alien watches the Sayain's, Bardock, vital signs. A small spike shoots up on his brain wave pattern chart. A Sayain solider, recently promoted to elite stands in the room watching a healing Bardock.

"What do you mean stronger then the king? He is a low classed solider!"

An elite sayain solider asks, a cocky tone adding to his voice. The lizard-like being looks at a chart, then looks to the solider.

"According to these readings this Bardock has a power level rating of 8,500 to 10,000."

The sayain solider shakes his head, "that can't be, I have a power level of 6,000, he can't possibly hold that much power over me!"

"I hate to bruise your pride, but the rating is not mistaken."

A seasoned looking doctor walks into the room, white hair covering his head, his skin a light red. He walks up to the healing tank and stares at Bardock for a few moments. The sayain visually getting irritated walks toward the doctor.

"What do you mean, he is low level scum, I can burry him any day!"

The doctor, unfazed, looks to the sayain warrior. A bold and unemotional look comes over his face.

"You feel as if you are his superior?"

"I know I am!"

The doctor begins to speak when he is interrupted by another voice. "Hey doc, how's Bardock doing?"

"He is doing fine Toma, just slight different fluctuations in his brain wave pattern."

Toma looks at Bardock in his tube and looks slightly worried. He looks to the rest of the team they exchange looks. He looks back to doctor again.

"that doesn't sound very good. How much longer till he is back to fighting fitness?"

The doctor rubs his chin, looking back at the charts.

"Its hard to say, I give him about 2 more days at least, just to monitor his brain waves and make sure they return to normal."

"Two days...hmm well I guess we'll leave him here, we've got to leave for a mission tomorrow."

The doctor nods and looks back to the charts. Toma walks out to a long hall way, after making his way down the hall, passed a training barrack he notices someone flowing him.

"May I help you?"

The sayain smirks and walks up to Toma, sizing him up.

"You know Bardock, is that correct?"

"Yes, he is my friend and has saved my life many times, what's it to you?"

A serious look falls over the elites face. He stares down the slightly taller Toma, a grin creeps onto Tomas' face.

"What's so funny?"

"You are a elite, right?"

The sayain looks surprised, and then looks pleased; he loosens his pose, letting a more cocky tone enter his voice.

"oh, so you now realize that I am you superior? Ha! Finally, maybe Bardock will follow in step with you!"

This statement simply humors Toma, he chuckles, making the elite start to look puzzled.

"You are not even stack up to bardock, let alone be superior..."

"Is that a challenge!?"

Toma smiles and nods, they walk along the hallway, until they exit to a open barren wasteland, red rock and sand flow in the wind. Toma walks out to a farther area, being followed by his fellow sayain…

"So, should I start this warm up low class scum?"

Toma looks at the elite and blankly stares at him, causing annoyance. The elite fires and energy beam at Toma, narrowly missing his right shoulder. Toma side steps and leaps into the air, flying at mid speed. The elite jumps into the air, pursing Toma, he places his hands together, forming a energy blast and firing it at his opponent. Toma dose the same, pointing it at the Elite, using one hand through.

The two blasts collide causing a small shockwave, throwing both fighters off balance. Toma flips three-hundred & sixty degrees, finding his composure. The elite uses this time to close the gap between the two, throwing punches that nick Toma in the face, chest and stomach.

Toma quickly puts up a defense and tries to fight back; using a move Bardock taught him slightly mortified. "Flaming Phalanx!!" Toma strikes up with his palm, a blue flame-like aura flows over his hand, catching the elite in the face. The sayain holds his face in pain, yelling and cursing. Toma goes for the offensive, elbowing the elite in the gut, sending him toward the ground below.

Toma charges a energy ball and faces it toward his falling foe, the elite wipes around and fires a volley of energy blasts, catching Toma off guard. The blasts explode, causing a brilliant fire flash to fill the sky. As the smoke clears the elite celebrates almost two soon. The smoke clears, showing Toma's arms up in the X-guard style, slight smoke floating off his forearms and body.

"Is that all you have…elite?"

Toma looks on at his enemy and smiles, causing the elite to begin to charge up another volley. Toma quickens his speed up and throws a uppercut, catching him in the lower jaw. Toma is hit with a knee to the gut at the same time his uppercut made contact. They continues to land blow after blow to each other.

After a few rounds of brawling with the elite Toma feels the end is coming to this fight. Toma places his hands together, at his stomach facing outward. He cups his hands and concentrates energy into his hands. The elite places his hands overhead, palms toward the sky, two energy balls form a few inches over each hand, growing in size. Slight electricity crackles around Toma's hands as the energy gathers. The elite combines the two energy spheres into one, now facing it toward Toma.

"This battle is over you low class!"

"I know…SPIRIT CANNON!!! "

The both fire their energy blasts at each other. The blasts collide resulting in a massive shockwave, throwing both fighters to the ground. Toma looses conciseness and passes out. Toma wakes up in the same room that bardock was in, he feels sore all over, yet more powerful.

"About time you woke up you lazy—"

Toma sees Bardock, still recovering, standing over him.

"Good to see you on your feet Bardock"

"Well good to see you win a fight for once without me to bail you out!"

Toma grins as he recounts his fight with the elite…


Who is the elite? How will the crew function now with bardock and Toma out of commission?

Reviews please, my fist fanFic.