Nervous Excitement

A fanfiction by Rock-Lees-Lotus

Rated: T+

Pairing: GaiLee

Summary: Gai's thoughts told from Gai's POV as he is about to make love to Lee for the first time.


That look in his eyes… His deep brown eyes hold the look of a virgin about to give himself to his lover for the first time. It's a look of nervous excitement that lights a fire within my very core. Lying on his back, his jet black hair in slight disarray, his body beneath mine as I kiss him tenderly on the lips, I can feel his heartbeat quicken. I take his wrists in my hands, raising them and pinning them above his head. I look into his eyes once more; he knows where this is headed.

"G-Gai-sensei…" I hear my young love whimper. "I-…I'm scared…"

"I promise, Lee… I'll do my best not to hurt you…" I whisper back.

I pull up to see him smile and nod warmly, a trace of his timidity still showing on his beautiful face. I cannot blame him, nor am I concerned, because I know that I am not the source of his anxiety, the situation is. It is perfectly natural to be nervous when you are about to make love for the first time. But should his fear prove to be too great and I sense any doubt, no matter how much he protests and claims everything is fine, I will not take him. I love this boy with every inch of my being and I will not take this next step unless I am firm in my belief that he is ready.

So here we are, stripped down to our undergarments, lying one atop the other in my bed, kissing each other on every inch of exposed skin possible with wandering hands, exploring each others' bodies for what felt like the very first time.

"Lee, are you… are you sure about this?" I ask in between kisses.

"Gai-sensei… I've wanted to give you this to you… for so long…" Lee panted. "I love you so much…Please!"

Lee's plea sent a jolt through my body. "I love you too, Lee…"

Lee… My little Rock Lee. I've loved him for so long, yet I'm almost shocked at how willingly he went from my love to my lover. I listened to him pant and cry as I gave him what I could. Sweat gathered on our brows but a small smile never left his striking features. To hear him call my name again and again in a way that no one else had ever heard filled me with an overwhelming sensation. I don't care if it's selfish, I want him forever. I am now his first and I crave to be his last. I want to be the only one to give him this sensation… for as long as we both live.