
Two years ago Naruto returned Sauske to the village of Konoha…but at what cost. Deciding he couldn't stand being there anymore, Naruto and Jiraiya left on another training journey. With Naruto's return many new and intriguing answers have been discovered. But with Konoha on the brink of war with a newly formed ninja country how will Naruto's new found knowledge and power be able to help him. As dark clouds swirl to the east and shadows rise, Naruto slowly uncovers the truth behind everything.

Without anymore interuptions sigh suck at summaries These are the notes from the author. Please refer to them while reading the story if you become confused at any point in time.

Naruto - If you don't know everything about this guy then whats the point of reading a fanfic based on him --
Kyubi - Nine tailed demon fox that was sealed into Naruto by the Yodamine.
Yodamine - The forth Hokage. (Arashi Kazama)(Minato Namikaze)
Anbu - Elite Hunter ninja of the hidden leaf, as well as the hunter ninjas of all the other ninja countries.
Jiraiya - The Fouth hokages mentor, One of the three Sannin of Konoha
Konoha - The Ninja village for the country of fire.
Tsunade - The Fifth Hokage of the hidden leaf. One of the Sannin of Konoha
Itachi Uchiha - Sauske's brother. Sauske swore to kill him for the murder of their clan. Part of the Akatsuki organization.
Akatsuki - an organization that had planned to rule the world using the sacred tailed beasts. Naruto foiled their plans before he returned Sauske to the hidden leaft.
Sauske Uchiha - One of Naruto's greatest friends. Sauske is the sole surviving member of his clan otehr then his brother Itachi. Sauske was dragged back to Konoha aafter his defeat of orochimaru by Naruto.
Sakura Haruno - Another great friend of Naruto. He Sakura nad saukse had been part of a three man cell with Kakashi. Sakura has become a great medic ninja, and works as the fifth hokage's assistant.
Kakashi Hatake - The jounin that was assigned to Naruto's three man cell. Kakashi is a great ninja. He re-enters into the Anbu corpse whiler Narto is away with Jiraiaya for two years.
Gara - The Sands Kazakage. (head ninja for the village of the sand), He and Naruto became freinds when Naruto was fighting in the Chunin exams.
Shikamaru - A ninja who uses shadow jutsu. Another of Naruto's friends
Temari - Gara's faithful friend, She is now one of the personal bodygaurds to Gara.
Ibiki - A sadest and one of the leading members of the Anbu. He tested Nartuo in the Chunin exams as the first tester.
Sai - The forth member of Narutos three man cell. Sai replaced Sauske when he left to join Orochimaru.

Demonic Soul Sea - A sealing jutsu. Summons Death himself, which joins with the actions of the user. The Death Lord reaches into a outline of a soul infront of him which is actually the summoner. When the user grabs the enemy, Death extends his hand through the soul outline and comes out from the stomach of the summoner. Death's hand goes into the enemy's stomach where from it literally rips the soul out.
Phoenix Fire - A technique where the user blows multiple fire balls from his mouth.
Rasengan - The user swirls the air in there hand into a sphere, and mold it with Chakra. They then attack the opponent with it, which will usally cause them to go flying backwords, spinning around.
Rashoumon - A summoning technique which summons a ultimate defense to block ANY attack which heads its way. It looks like one huge temple with a huge gate embedded in it.
Shadow clones - Unlike the regular bunshin no jutsu, Kage bunshin creates real clones, not just illusions. The power and chakra of the user is evenly distributed among the clones depending how many there are.
Summoning Technique - The Users signs a blood contract with the animal summoning, then with the correct seals they can summon the animal. There are many kinds of creatures that can be summoned, Snakes, Toads, Slugs, Monkeys, Dogs, Turtles, Spiders.
Illusionary Underworld Moon (Tsukiyomi) - A special technique that can only be used by the Uchiha clan who posses the Mange Sharingan. The technique creates an illusion which can reflect on the past or just create an illusion where the user does to the target whatever he wants (ex. stick swords into the enemy's body over and over again). This technique is used to attack the opponents mind and destroy his/her spirit. The events which go on in the Tsukiyomi are translated into 3 days (72 hours), while in reality only 3 seconds pass.
Divine Illumination Jutsu (Amaterasu) - Creates a black fire hotter then that of the fires of hell and hurls it at the oponent. Its named after the goddess of fire in Japanese myth.