A/N: This is the sequel to my first fic, Help Wanted. In case you haven't read that, this follows the daughter of Sakura Haruno and Hinata Hyuga. Thanks to kyouger and C.A.M.E.O.1 and Only for reviewing my last one and keeping me writing! Yay!

Help Needed

Kiora slammed the door in her ex-girlfriends face and returned to the kitchen. Hinata had made pancakes and sausages (Nya-ha-ha!) and Kiora always looked forward to them.

"Who was at the door?" Sakura asked.

"Natsuko," Kiora replied with as much contempt as she could squeeze into the word. "Fucking whore."

"WHOA!" Hinata said from the stove. "I don't care what she did to you, you are not gonna use that kind of language in my home! Whore is okay, but don't swear in front of us."

"Agreed," Sakura said. In an undertone she added, "I really don't care, but humor your mother."

Kiora finished her breakfast in silence and grabbed her school bag. She opened the front door. Natsuko Yamanaka was on the front step, her face in her hands, tears pouring from in between her fingers. She looked up as Kiora passed.

"Wait!" She shouted, running to catch up. "Please, let me explain."

"Explain what?!" Kiora said, spinning around. She held a kunai in her right hand. "I saw you. I don't fucking need you to explain a damn thing." She spun on her heel and continued walking.

"He's been blackmailing my mother," Natsuko said. Kiora stopped. "He's been forcing her to let him have his way with me."

Kiora slid her kunai into her back pocket. "Prove it."

"I can't," she said. "You just have to trust me."

"Fine," Kiora said. "Say I believe you. Now what. I still have to live with the fact that my girlfriend is being fucked by some thirty year old guy."

"I ran away from home," Natsuko said. "He can't touch me if he can't find me."

Kiora's resolve broke. She ran to Natsuko, threw her arms around her, and was sobbing into her shoulder. "I am so s-sorry," she said.

"Why?" Natsuko asked. "It's not your fault."

Kiora clubbed her on the head. "Idiot! You're supposed to tell me it's okay, and pat me on the back!"

"Well, I won't," Natsuko said. She squeezed Kiora, then motioned to the gate. Apparently, they had made it to school.

Kiora slid into her seat in History class. She sank into her usual stupor, as listening about old ninja wars was not the way she wanted to learn about them. She wished Natsuko was here, so the boredom would be less. The door slid open to the classroom, and Iruka looked up from his lecture.

"Class," he said. "We have three new students today. Please welcome Melody and Serenity Uchiha, and Natsuko Yamanaka."

Kiora could have died with excitement. Natsuko took the empty seat next to her, and the Uchiha twins sat in front of them. The one with short hair turned back and introduced herself as Melody.

"You must be Kiora," she said. "Natsuko's told us so much about you. Us four should get together some time."

Kiora raised an eyebrow. "You and your sister are like us?" she asked.

Serenity turned, her long black hair rippling slightly. Kiora's mind did its usual quick run-through of things she'd like to do to this girl.

"Let me prove it to you," she said, and she pulled Melody in. The sisters kissed, for what seemed like it could have been a half-hour. They stopped when Serenity grabbed Melody's hand, to keep her from pulling off her clothes in class.

"Oh, we definitely have to get together," Kiora conceded. "How about tonight?"

The twins grinned evilly, nodded their agreement, and turned back to face the teacher, still reading his notes, but slightly red in the face. Kiora couldn't help but laugh at the thought of old Iruka-sensei seeing what he had.

"What's so funny, Haruno?" he demanded.

"Oh, nothing," Kiora said. She forced herself to stop laughing, and turned her attention to Natsuko.

A note slid onto her lap. Kiora flipped it open under the desk.

Hey sexy, you know what we should do to make this class more fun?

Heh heh, what do you have in mind, Kiora scribbled in response.

Natsuko crumpled the note, tossed it into her backpack, and slid her hand up Kiora's thigh. Kiora did the same to Natsuko, and tugged at the hem of her skirt. Natsuko silently thanked the fact that they were in the very back, with no one to either side of them. She pulled her skirt up with one hand, while Kiora slid her shorts down to her knees. They slid their fingers into each other's panties, and fingered each other until the bell rang.

A/N: Ok, crappy, I know, but I liked it! Nya-haan!! Please read and review, and I promise the lemons will get better!