Bring me to Life
AN-> I do not own Inu Yasha (Cries as the Lawyers hold out paper work to fill out) or the song Bring Me To Life... The Idea is mine though.
How can you see into my eyes like open doors
leading you down into my core
where I've become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home
"DIE MIKO!!!!"
"You First NARUKU!!" Yells Kagome the Miko of the future.
It is during this last battle that they face off in deadly combat. My friends are wounded and weak are off to the side…Inu Yasha is trying to find Kikyo; she is dead by one of my own arrows. I had to protect Yasha. I loved him as a potential Lover... now I Love him as my brother.
Naraku just won't die….I need to be strong. Gathering up all my Miko powers I go for an all out final attack on him… What I don't see, is the roots and tentacles that Naraku is sending my way at a break neck speed. They pierce my chest. In shock I encircle them with my arms. For if Naraku wishes to kill me then so be it…However, he is coming with me to the 7 layers of hell.
As Naraku pulls the roots and tentacles back to him… I am barely holding on. I am hoping and praying that this works. I play as if I am already dead. The truth is I will be in a few moments. When he turns me around I reach out and Hug Naraku's body to mine… as my pure heart forgives him…I purify his arse back to hell.
"We of the Jewel forgive you, Naraku, find the peace you seek." I whisper as Naraku turns to dust and floats away on the wind…
(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I've become
now that I know what I'm without
you can't just leave me
breathe into me and make me real
bring me to life
Finding the jewel, finally whole, I use the last of my holy powers to do what was needed to be done. The acursed jewel is no more, purified out of existence.
Smiling slightly I look around the bloody battle field.
Sango and Miroku are holding each other up, both too weak to really move. Kirara is near Shippo and Rin protecting them though I can see wounds on her body, as there are some on Ah-Uh. I don't remember when Sesshomaru arrived. However, with out his help we would have been lost.
Falling to my knees, as the blood flows down my body on to the ground; I see Yasha standing near where I had purified Kikyo. He is in tears, his mate and lover is gone. He will never know that I did that just for him. She was gonna kill him. I could not let my brother die.
Shippo my son…I smile, I am very proud of you. Using the training I have taught you to make some barriers with fox fire and protecting little Rin. I would adopt both of you if I could… However, darkness is coming closer and soon it will be my time to join Naraku.
(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can't wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can't wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I've become
Bring me to life
(I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)
Bring me to life
frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead
Sesshomaru my white knight, how I will miss you.
My eyes become blurry, and light is fading, I see my knight standing above me. I feel wetness on my cheeks. Is it mine? No, it is 'Maru's. He should not cry, he should not be crying. Why is he crying? My beloved white knight, you who would never show your feelings now cry for a lowly girl from the future.
"Ssesshomaru…don't ….you…should…not…I…not…I love…you…" I whisper. I am not sure or caring who heard me. At least I have told the one I love whats been in my heart.
I feel the darkness gathering for one final push. I am feeling heavy. I can not see my 'Maru. He and the pups are the ones I will miss the most.