Hoot drabble...

Rainy Day

Must contain words: Margarita, salsa bowl, tango.

Author's Note: Okay, this is so random, but a cute story. Just ignore my deviations from canon: I tried to keep them minimal. Enjoy! Disclaimer: No tengo mis chicos favoritos... yet. Ole!

It was an earth-shattering split of thunder that had Mullet Fingers knocking on Roy's door. Let us be clear about that. No other purpose drove him there. Got it? Good.

Beatrice Leep was away for the week, on a mission trip to Nicauragua. Her brother felt quite abandoned. So when the torrent of rain wasn't enough to keep him out, the chance of becoming electrocuted was.

Roy was actually quite worried when Mullet Fingers showed up on his doorstep. Glad as he was to see the blonde, he was a little embarrassed about what his parents and he had been doing before the bell rang. He tried to sneak upstairs, but to no avail, Mrs. Eberhardt noticed.

"Oh, Napoleon! How good to see you, dear!" She said in her queer Yankee accent. "We were just having a little family time. Roy, why don't you invite your friend to join us?"

"But mom! He's soaking wet, he has to go dry off!" But Mullet dismissed this notion quickly.

"I'm fine, Tex. You know me, always a Boy Scout. So what're yall up to?"

By this time Roy's dad had returned with a sombrero and maracas. "Mariachi time!"

Roy buried his head in his hands. Could this get any worse? Now the barefoot kid would think he was all kinds of weird. But to his surprise, Mullet's face wore a bright smile. "Hey, ma'am, I can do that!" He said, watching as Roy's mom sank back into a salsa step.

"Are you serious? Show us!" Mrs. Eberhardt's face reminded him of an ecstatic puppy.

"No, mom, Mullet Fingers doesn't wanna—whoa!" Roy was cut off as the tan kid grabbed his arm and spun him around. He quite lost his balance, and nearly fell when Mullet caught him with one arm.

"Olé!" An amused Mr. Eberhardt said. "How did you learn that, Napoleon?"

Mullet Fingers shrugged his shoulders. "We did dance class instead of PE at my school in Alabama, before the military school. It was a lot of fun, even if the girls were ugly." His bluntness caused Roy's mom to blush.

"Hey! Let's have a dance off!" Roy's dad agreed, and they spent the next hour looping in and out, while Mullet tried hard to teach Roy to merengue like a pro. They were a cute couple, Roy's mom had to admit. Dance couple, she corrected herself. Friends! The final score was Salsa: Roy and Mullet, Tango: The Eberhardts, and Merengue: Roy and Mullet. The boys high-fived and snapped one last, "Olé!" before going to the kitchen for a big bowl of salsa and quesadillas.