Disclaimer: I think it's so funny that I have to put this up here. xD Anyway, I don't own DTB or anything involving the show. If I did, I'd be rich right about now…which would be awesome.

This is my first DTB fic. I mainly just wrote it to see if I could. I might be writing another one in the future, but that's just a 'might.'

This fic is mainly about how Misaki really thought talking to Li in the restaurant scene of episode 23. I changed some of the dialogue and even added some to make it more interesting, so, don't kill me. xD

A Little Bit Of Comfort

Misaki was shocked when she saw Li walking about with a frown glued on his face. Though she had seen him only a few times, she had developed a sort of crush on him. Who wouldn't? He was good looking, as well as kindhearted. To many girls, those were instantly traits for attraction. However, what had really drawn her to Li was how he could be a goof and yet a serious individual. It was odd, but not annoyingly so.

When she had invited him for dinner, she had not meant to say it so abruptly. The words just sort of spilled from her lips before she could stop them. She wanted to do something to take her thoughts away from November 11's death, and Li-kun happened to be what she chose. Li-kun had gladly accepted as she thought he would.

Misaki smiled, watching him eat. It was amazing how much he could devour within a five minute time period. Prehaps I should not have let him get whatever he wanted, she thought with a small sigh.

"Did I look that hungry?" Li asked, scarfing some teriyaki beef into his mouth with a speed that would make a snake look slow.

"Eh?" Misaki said, snapping out of her thoughts.

Li blinked slowly putting his chopsticks down. "Were you even listening to me, Misaki-san?"

Misaki's smile grew a bit wider. "No, sorry, Li-kun. My thoughts keep floating around. What was it you said?"

"Uh, did I look that hungry when you saw me?"

"Yes, a little," she admitted. There was no point in lying. He did look very hungry…as well as a bit down. However, he had changed his facial expression so quickly, that she wondered if he had really looked sad, or just thoughtful. "In all honesty, you remind me of someone."

Li's eyes widened slightly, almost making him look a bit comical. "I don't remind you of a criminal you're chasing after I hope."

Misaki stared at him, a bit shocked that he would instantly jump to that conclusion. She had said nothing of the sort, not to mention never showed any signs of thinking he was a criminal. Without meaning to, Misaki choked on some food that went down the wrong pipe during her temporary lapse of demeanor.

"So it's true after all?"

"N-No! Of course not," she said, laughing. Li could say things so innocently, that it was hard not to laugh. Fighting down more laugher from spilling forth, Misaki began to scoop food into her mouth. She probably looked much like a slob, but Li-kun didn't seem to mind her manners. After all, he ate just as horribly.

"Stay still," Li said, his voice instantly changing from somewhat timid, to serious. It was a bit frightening how quickly his whole demeanor changed with just those two words. Misaki glanced up at him, a nervous look crossing her face. What was wrong? "There's someone targeting you from the seat behind you."

Misaki's fear evaporated in less than a second with just one glance at Li's face. It was hard to take him seriously when he had a piece of rice glued to his face. Instantly she broke out into a fit of uncontained laughter. "That wasn't very good, Li-kun. You had absolutely no intensity at all!"

Li tilted his head, moving forward in his seat slightly. "Is that so? I wasn't intimidating at all?"

"Well…" Misaki trailed off, unable to stop herself from laughing.

Li reached towards his face and plucked a stray piece of rice off the corner of his lips. He frowned slightly, but when he looked back up at Misaki, a smile was back on his face.

"You know…it's weird," she said, changing the subject without really meaning to. The words just sort of came out before she could stop them...but for some reason, she was a bit relieved; relieved that she could talk honestly with Li and not have to worry.

Li reached for some more beef teriyaki, shoving it into his waiting mouth. "Hm?"

"When you start chasing a star," Misaki continued, "you sorta get attached to them."

"You seem quite enthusiastic about your job," Li said casually.

"Yes…but I do think I've been working a bit too hard. However…all of a sudden I've been swallowed by the organization to the point where it feels like I've lost a part of me." Misaki did not know why she admitted this to Li. It was not really any of his business how she felt working with the Tokyo police….but she felt like she was obliged to say something. There was just something about being near Li that made her calm.

Li's smile dropped a fraction. "All organizations are the same, Misaki-san. They use people for convenience…"

Though she would not say it aloud, Li's words had hit their mark. There was truth in them, so much so Misaki wondered if he had been in some type of organization. He seemed to know all about how they worked. She did not voice this, however. Some things were best left unsaid. "Yes, I suppose you're right. Uh...Li-kun, what were you up to earlier? You seemed like you were thinking about something."

Li shrugged. "Nothing in particular. I was just thinking if I want to stick to the part time job I just started."

Misaki did not have to be a rocket scientist to know that Li was lying, but she decided to go along. Li looked much too intense earlier to have been thinking about job troubles. There was something else bothering him…but whatever that was would never be said…at least for now. "You should quit if it's giving you such a hard time."

Li smiled faintly, putting his plate in his pile of dirty dishes that had accumulated. "I suppose I should. There's no future in that business for me. I'll always be stuck doing clean up duty."

Misaki nodded. "That's why you should try and find a job that you really like, Li-kun. You shouldn't do jobs that you think are a waste of time."

"Yes…you're right, Misaki-san."

"Hmm…" Misaki leaned back in her chair. "Why not join the police force?"

Li coughed. "T-The police force? Me? I don't know..."

Misaki nodded, and returned to her food. There was much about Li-kun she wanted to know more about, but for now she would take it a bit slow. After all, what was the rush? laughed. "Never mind then. You don't look like police material."

Li nodded, looking a bit relieved. "Yes, you're right. Police work isn't something I think I could ever get into."

"Well…there's many jobs out there for you to choose, Li-kun. I mean, you're young, so…well, try a bit of everything. Eventually you'll find that job that just says 'you.'"

Li's face broke out into another one of his charming smiles. "Thank you, Misaki-san."

Misaki blushed furiously, and looked away slightly. They had the whole night to talk to each other. So far, Li had made her feel so much better, and from just being around him for thirty minutes. No, thank you, Li-kun, she thought happily, unable to stop herself from smiling.

Author note: Well, this was interesting to write. I never thought I'd be doing a DTB fic, especially since it's a bit difficult to do. However, it was fun writing this, even though it was short. xD Besides, there honestly needs to be more DTB fanfics.