Okay, this is my very first, Sailor Moon Dragon Ball Z X-Over, I don't know, I kinda

like it….

It plays three years after the defeat of Galaxia, Usagi (20) and Mamoru (25) are still together though Usagi is questioning their relationship. She is not

sure if she loves him anymore, if she ever did.

And it plays a few months after the last tournament in the DBZ manga!

So just to confuse no one, here are the age:

All inners are 20 by now!

Haruka & Michiru: 23

Setsuna: 25

Hotaru: 18


Son Goku: 51

Vegeta: 56

Bulma: 55

Chichi: 50

Son Gohan: 27

Trunks: 18

Son Goten: 18

The characters may be ooc, but who cares

Oh and by the way, I will name them like they are called in the Japanese original. (example: Usagi and not Serena, Mamoru and not Darien, got it?!) I

hope you all get who I mean, if not just ask!!!

Oh and one more thing, I don't like Mamoru, you will notice throughout the story!!!

I also like the outers more than the inners, so they will get a bigger part and everything… before I talk with no end….

Let's start with the story, hope you all like it and don't forget do review!!!

Just one more thing


Usagi tossed and turned in her bed, it was two o'clock in the morning and she couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts kept running through her head.

Sighing she sat up and looked at Luna who slept peacefully on her pillow near Usagis bed. She tiptoed out of the room without making any noise, she

didn't wanted to wake her friend.

Her family was also asleep so she tried to make no noise while she made her way downstairs into the kitchen.

She opened the refrigerator and took a chocolate bar out of it. Biting into it she looked out of the window, thinking about her relationship with Mamoru.

Over the last years after she defeated Galaxia, it had been weird between them. Usagi didn't liked to spend time with him anymore.

When she looked at him she felt nothing, not even friendship, she just wanted him to leave her alone. But one thing was stopping her from braking up

with him, Chibiusa. She couldn't kill her own daughter. She loved the pink haired girl with all her heart, she could never knowingly harm her.

One thing Usagi knew, she couldn't talk with the inners about her feelings, cause they adored Mamoru, he was the shining knight in armor to them. They

wouldn't understand why her feelings changed. She didn't even knew herself why they did.

Then she knew it, she would talk with Haruka about it. Sailor Uranus, never liked him in the first place. So Usagi was able to talk to her honestly.

"Hey, why are you up?" she heard a familiar voice. Smiling she turned and saw the black cat with the crescent moon on it's forehead.

"Couldn't sleep."

"You are lucky that you have holidays, so you can sleep in tomorrow." Usagi nodded and walked past Luna, without saying something. Sometimes she

had the feeling that Luna wasn't taking her serious. In a few decades she should become Queen of Crystal Tokyo, but still, Luna saw her as the little

frightened fourteen years old girl who had turned into Sailor Moon for the first time.

Luna was looking after her Princess, she knew that something was bothering her though she didn't knew what it was. Since Galaxia Usagi had changed,

she had became more quiet an mature. She was keeping things for her, first Luna had thought that she may started acting like a real Princess. But soon

she missed Usagis outgoing and honest behavior.

Usagi opened her eyes, it was after ten and with one look she could tell, that Luna was up already.

Yawning she stretched under her blankets and climbed out of her bed. She stepped into the Bathroom, took a quick shower and making her way back

to her room.

There she slipped into a black knee length skirt and a red top with small black dots on it. She braided her hair like she always did and looked into the


There had been times when she hated her body and her face, even her hair. Now she was pretty self confident and happy with her looks. Sure she was

not a model, but hey, she liked herself and that was all that mattered.

Before she left the room she grabbed her purse and opened the drawer in front of her.

In there was her brooch, the one that turned her into Eternal Sailor Moon so many times. As always when she left the house she took the brooch and put

it into her purse, maybe it was an old habit, but she felt safer, when she had it with her.

She grabbed the brooch and could feel it's energy radiating through her body. Somehow she missed being Sailor Moon, sure she was glad that she

didn't had to fight anymore, but now she felt so useless.

Her friends were giving her the feeling, like she was worth nothing and couldn't do anything good.

Sighing she dismissed the depressing thoughts and stepped outside her room walking downstairs, where she could hear her mother Ikuko working in the


"Mama, I'm going to see some friends."

"Okay honey, take care and be back for supper." she smiled and poked her head out of the kitchen door. Usagi smiled and kissed her mothers cheek,

then she left the house.

Fidgeting with her purse she stood in front of Harukas and Michirus apartment. She took deep breaths trying to convince herself to knock.

She knew that Haruka would understand and support her, but she had never talked about her new feelings, or none existing feelings for Mamoru. She

kind of hoped, that it wasn't true until she spoke it out loud.

Gathering together all the courage she had, she knocked onto the door. For a short time it was quite behind the door, then she could hear footsteps and

Harukas voice:

"Michiru how often do I have to tell you to take your key wi…" but she stopped in mid sentence when she saw who stood in front of the door.

"Princess…?!" Usagi smiled at Harukas nickname she always called her princess, though Usagi had told her a thousand times not to.

"Hey, Ruka-chan. Can I come in?"

"Sure…" she caught herself. They hadn't seen each other in quite a time, almost four months had passed since their last meeting. Rei always said that

they were the outers and so they shouldn't get too close to her.

But somehow over the last few years she felt more for the outers than for the inners. Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna and Hotaru, they were not judging her by

her former self, they respected her for who she was now.

"You look like something is bothering you." Haruka said and lead Usagi into the living room.

Usagi seated herself into a comfortable armchair and Haruka took her place in front of her.

"Yeah, you could say that… But Ruka-chan, you have to promise me, that you won't tell the inners what I tell you now, okay?"

"Of course, you can trust me."

"You know that I do, I just wanted to make sure. Okay… how do I start?" Usagi sighed deeply and looked into Harukas dark blue eyes.

Haruka waited patiently though that was not one of her strengths.

"It is… about Mamoru." that was all she could say, cause Haruka jumped to her feet and shouted:

"He did something right? Oh I will kill him, I never liked him… I will tear his arms off and…"

Usagi laughed and tried to calm Haruka.

"No, he didn't do anything. It is about me."

With a huff Haruka feel back onto the chair crossing her arms over her chest.

"What is it?"

"I think I don't love him." she whispered.

"Come again?" Haruka asked who hadn't understood what Usagi said, at least she thought so.

"I don't love him, anymore. I am not even sure if I ever did."

Haruka stared at her Princess, that was something she had never seen coming. She had thought that Usagi was madly in love with him, but it seemed that

she had been wrong.

"How do you know? I mean I always thought you two were happy."

"That's what all think. But we're not, at least I'm not. I think he can feel it too but I'm not sure. It is just that over the years I have grown up and when I

look at him now it is like he….. I don't know, like he is not enough. I want someone who can make me feel loved, I want butterflies and everything, but

when I look at Mamoru there is nothing."

"Oh Princess, but if you feel like that why are you still with him pretending to everyone that you are happy?"

"All love him, what would they say when I tell them, that I want to break up with Mamoru?"

"Don't ask them, tell them when you've done it. And if they choose him over you they are not your real friends, remember, it is all about making you

happy. But there is something else, right?"

Usagi nodded und clasped her hands together.

"What about Chibiusa? She is my daughter, but when I break up with Mamoru she will never be born, I could not forgive myself for killing her."

Haruka understood what Usagi wanted to say and she knew how much the little girl meant to Usagi.

"If it is meant to be, she will be born, maybe she will have an other father. Who says only Mamoru can be Chibiusas father?"

"I don't know, I'm just confused. I think I need some time to think about everything. Clear my thoughts, you know?"

"Of course! And if you need someone to talk our doors are always open for you Princess."

"Thanks Ruka-chan." Usagi smiled and hugged the taller girl hard.

"I will go now, thanks again, for everything."

Haruka looked after the Princess hoping she would find her happiness and a man that gave her everything she wanted.

Usagi sat on her balcony looking over the houses in front of her. She was thinking about the things Haruka had said. Her friend was right and Usagi

knew that but still, she couldn't make herself stand up and go to Mamoru. Telling him, she wanted to break up with him.

That was when her phone rang. She got up and hurried to get the call.

"Yes?" she answered.

"Usagi come over here Amy says it will work this time." she heard Reis voice, commanding as ever. Usagi sighed, Amys machine that should find the

chaos which escaped after Galaxia turned back to her good self.

Since then Amy tried to find it, they had tried it for three years now and Usagi didn't thought they would ever find it.

"I'm on my way." she answered.

"Hurry!" she ordered and Usagi hung the telephone up. She took her brooch out of her Purse and clasped it onto her shirt. Maybe she would need it!

She hurried down the steps and ran out of the house into the direction of the Hikawa Shrine. Somehow she hoped that Amy would fail locating the

Chaos, cause Usagi didn't wanted to fight again. She had fought for years and she was tired of it!

That's it for now, hope you like it!!! And don't forget to review!!!!!