Hello it's me Black Omochao let's start this Fanfic. I don't own anything so let's go. This story is really just Gir writing a fanfic.


Hello Fanfic Im Gir and Im gowing to rite you ok the pigy woked downe the beanstok and then...and then...WEANYS WEANYS! and then the Gient Hamster ate Dibs greasy head and then I had a party with the Rinos! and...what was I riting...enyway I got hungry so I left the giant book and went home to get somthing to eat and then I opend the fridge and found the man in the freazer! and he showde me the giant copy mechine and I made 10000000000 copys of me and we all got tokos! and...and...the world was destroud by giant pigs! and then I...ate Dibs Branes yum! and them we...floo to the moon in a roket of flaming chees I like chees!...and then we all went home THE END!.


Well that was completely random. Well that's the end, pointless but it is supposed to be written by Gir so ya.