Title: At The Midnight Hour

Author: Requiem of a Dream

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

11 Years Later

Dear Severus, Harry, and Ron,

By now I have passed and Severus has doled out the letters.

Severus I told you earlier that I would explain to how it came to be that you had only one child instead of three. It happened a few nights before I ended up in your bed. Harry, Ron, and I were celebrating the grades that we had received on our winter exams. We were celebrating with alcohol and we drank just enough to let go of most of our inhibitions, but we were not drunk.

I slept with both of them that night. It never occurred to me, until Harry and Ron asked, that they could be the fathers of my children, and I was bowled over by the fact that each f my children had a different father. I did not tell anyone though because I didn't know how to do so.

I know what you're thinking 'The great know-it-all Hermione Granger without an answer to a question!?! Impossible!' But I was scared. I was afraid that both of them would want nothing to do with their children, I was afraid that Mrs. Weasley would kick me out of her house, and I was so afraid of what the world would say.

I'm sorry, Ron and Harry, that I didn't trust you enough to tell you I was carrying your children. You deserved to know, to be able to prepare yourselves for this responsibility. But here it is.

Ron you have a beautiful son. His name is Michael Nathaniel Granger-Weasley. And Harry you have a beautiful daughter. Her name is Syrina Alyce Granger-Potter.

I have asked Severus to stay close to you both and to help you. Molly is going to want to baby the both of you and take care of the children for you, but I don't want that. I want you to raise your children, you don't have to do it alone, but do it because I know you can.

Each of you has traits that will help the other in raising their child.

Severus you are a wonderful man and you will be able to teach these children so much. You have intelligence beyond compare and you are so very level headed. You will be able to guide these children in the right direction in their schooling.

Ron you have such a fun-loving spirit. Severus and Harry can be so serious at times. You will be the one who can play with the children. You will be able to connect with them and get them to use their imaginations. You will be the one who will balance Severus, and teach the children that while school and learning are important, that it is in fact not all there is to life.

Harry you are so sweet, kind, and intuitive when it comes to other people. Ron has a tendency to be a little thick when it comes to people's emotions, and Severus can read people but he doesn't know how to react to what he's reading. You will be able to help these children develop emotionally, so that they will be able to connect to other people. You will make them human.

I know that each of you are going to make wonderful fathers. I would like to give each a piece of advice to go by when raising these precious treasures.

I know, Severus, that you are going to be a wonderful father. I know that under the cold exterior you show to the world you are capable of so much love. I would just like to remind you to let our daughter, be a little girl. Yes teach her things, answer her quizzical questions; but don't forget to let her play and let her use her imagination.

I know that this precious little girl is going to be daddy's little princess, but don't think that she is incapable of pranks and mischief. She has a Weasley for a brother and Potter for a sister, she will learn pranks. Having a Slytherin as a father if she's caught she'll try to wiggle out of it.

I know, Harry, that you are going to be a wonderful dad. You are such a sweet and kind person and I have a feeling that our daughter is going to take after you in that way. I'm not worried all that much about how you are going to raise our daughter, I know that you will do a fine job. Just remember, and you can remind Severus of this too, that when it comes time for our daughter to date to let her date. Boys are not the enemy.

Be willing to discuss things with our daughter, be open with her and let her know that she can go to you for anything. You sometimes tend to close people out when it comes to discussing things that make you uncomfortable.

Ron; you love fun. This will be a great thing as our son grows up. You will always be able to connect with him and this will make you a wonderful father. But you also need to let him know that education is important, and that Quidditch is not the most important thing in the world.

Ron, try not to loose your temper with our son. I know that you would never do anything intentional to hurt him, but sometimes you can act childish when you are angry. Remember you are his father, not his brother or friend, and you have to act like a grown up.

Tell our children about me. Let them know how much I love them and that I am always around them.

I love all of you. Take care of yourselves and our children.



Severus read these words again as he was waiting for Ron and Michael, Harry and Syrina to show up. Hogwarts was going to be starting the next day, and he had decided that now was the time to give the children the letters. A few minutes later he heard a knock at his front door. Before he even had time to think about getting up Maylia ran past him and yanked the door open. Syrina and Maylia jumped into each others arms and hugged each other for dear life.

"You two just saw each other two days ago." Severus said as he walked to the door. Syrina detached herself from Maylia and hugged Severus.

"You just don't understand daddy." Maylia said.

"You're right he doesn't and he never will." Harry said. He shook hands with Severus and came into the house. Harry set down a duffel bag and removed the levitation charm from his and Syrina's trunks.

"Go outside and play." Severus said, shooing the children toward the back door. They ran outside and Severus and Harry went into the living room.

"Starting without us?" Ron asked as he and Michael walked into the house; he to put down a duffel bag and two trunks.

"Hi Michael." Harry said, hugging the boy.

"Where are Maylia and Syrina?" Michael asked after he got out of Harry's embrace.

"They're out back." Severus said.

"Thank you Uncle Severus." Michael said with a smirk before he took off out the back door.

"Brat!" Severus called after the boy and then turned back to Ron and Harry.

"So what was that you needed to tell us?" Ron asked.

"Hermione left letters for the children. She asked that they be given to the children before they go to Hogwarts."

"What's in them?" Harry asked.

"I don't know. I never opened them, but I think it is similar to what she gave us. Some advice and love. She said she used a howler-like charm so the children would be able to hear her voice, but the letters would not destroy themselves, so the children will be able to keep them."

"Keep what?" Maylia asked as she, Syrina, and Michael came back into the house. The girls were soaking wet from head to toe.

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"Michael pushed us into the pond!" Syrina said, outraged. Both Harry and Severus glared at Ron as he chuckled.

"Where is Michael?" Severus asked.

"Stuck in the pond!" Maylia said mischievously. All three men jumped up from their seats and ran out back. Michael was laying in the pond, on his back, struggling to get up.

"Maylia what did I tell you about using magic?!" Severus said, releasing the boy from the pond.

"It wasn't me! It was Syrina!"

"Maylia don't lie to me." Severus said.

"She's not, it was me." Syrina said timidly. Harry turned around to look at his daughter.

"I'm sorry daddy, it was an accident. I didn't mean to."

"Apologize to Michael." Harry said.

"No, he has to apologize first!" Syrina said.

"Michael apologize your sisters." Ron said sternly.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"We're sorry." The girls said in unison.

"Good." Severus waved his wand and dried the clothes of the children.

"Now lets go inside, I have something for the three of you." Severus said, ushering the kids into the house and Harry and Ron too.

"Sit on the couch." Severus said to the children. They obeyed without question and eagerly awaited whatever it was that Severus had to give them. He pulled the three letters from his pocket and handed one to each child.

"These are from your mother. She wrote them before she died, so you would have something from her." They each carefully opened their letter and read them quietly.

My Dear Children,

When I heard that I was going to have three babies I was so scared and yet excited. The three of you turned out to be my most precious treasures. From the very moment that it really dawned on me that I was actually going to have three babies I knew I would do anything for you

My dear Michael, my precious little prince. I hope you take after your father. Ron has such a sweet and fun loving spirit. I know in my heart that you are going to athletic like he is; you were the first one to move inside me and you were always the one I felt kicking. I know that your father is probably teaching you all about Quidditch and the best pranks and stuff but don't forget to actually learn stuff when you go to school. Protect your sisters and watch your father for me.

My dear Maylia, my sweet princess. I know that you are going to be such a bright girl. Severus is the most intelligent man that I have ever met and I am sure that he has been teaching you all sorts of things since you were old enough to understand him. I also know in my heart that you are daddy's little princess and your father thinks you can do no wrong, but I'm sure that Harry and Ron know otherwise. Remember to have fun, don't get too caught up in your studies, remember to live and enjoy all aspect's of life. Watch over your father for me.

My dear Syrina, my angel. I knew from the moment I held you in my arms that you were a sweet, innocent little girl. You take after your father. Harry could always see the good in everyone, that was part of what drew me to him. I want you to stay sweet and maybe try to rub off on your brother and sister because with Severus and Ron as their fathers they are bound to be pranksters. Watch over your father for me and keep an eye on your brother and sister, I'm sure you will have to keep a leash on them like I did with Ron and Harry.

To all three of you, I am proud of you. I know you are probably getting ready to go to Hogwarts and your scared and nervous, but don't worry everything will be fine. Hogwarts, you will find, is like a second home (no doubt partly because all of your fathers will be there with you). If the houses still exist (which I doubt) don't worry about where you are placed, your fathers will love you regardless and I couldn't be more proud of you. Stick together and don't let anyone come between the three of you.


Your Mother

Hermione Granger


If you would like to here me read this to you, say the words 'I love you mum.'

"Daddy, was mummy really that happy to be having us? I mean, she had to die to have us." Maylia said.

"Do you want the truth?" Severus asked, all three of the children. They all nodded their heads.

"Your mother had a smile on her face as she passed from this world. She knew for four months that she was going to have to sacrifice her life for yours and she wanted to. She was a very brave and loving woman, who selflessly gave of herself." Each child smiled, glad to hear that their mother did not begrudge them life. They each got up and hugged their father.

"Now, no more sadness. Now is a time for celebration. Tomorrow we all go to Hogwarts, and the three of you get to start a whole new chapter of your lives." Harry said, kissing Syrina on the top of her head.

"All of you outside while they prepare lunch." Ron said, running after the kids. Both Maylia and Michael shrieked with laughter as Ron tickled their sides.

Severus and Harry watched from the kitchen as Ron chased after the children, occasionally catching one, and tickling them, then letting them go. Then, for a split second, Severus and Harry couldn't breath. For in the moment that Ron and Michael had chosen to run passed the swing set, Harry and Severus saw an impossible image.

They both saw Hermione sitting on the swing, her head thrown back laughing. Her hair shone like honey in the afternoon sunlight and her smile nearly outshone the sun. Ron stopped and looked at the swing set, as he heard the familiar laugh. When he could not find the source he looked toward the kitchen window to see Harry and Severus who staring at the empty swinging seat.

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