Disclaimer: The characters from the show are not mine. Please don't sue me.


"What kind of a crazy concept for a game is that?" inquired Kagami.

As usual, it was lunch time and Konata, Kagami, Tsukasa, and Miyuki were spending their time together in Kuroi-sensei's classroom eating their lunches while waiting for their next class. As usual, Konata was bragging about her dating-sims and this new one she recently got.

"Don't you think that even though its strange," said Konata, "it still has a certain appeal?"

"A guy turns into a girl and a whole bunch of perverted stuff happens to him…her…whatever! That doesn't sound all that interesting to me."

"But you should see all the situations Takuya-kun gets himself into as a girl. Remember that he has to maintain a relationship with his current girlfriend the whole time. But of course since this is a dating-sim he can actually end up with a different number of girls depending on which flags I trigger."

"But all the flags seem to only lead to the most ridiculous situations."

"Umm…uh…guys," interjected Tsukasa, turning away from her lunch momentarily. "I'm afraid I don't quite follow what this game is about."

"It's basically about this boy student," explained Kagami to her sibling, "who manages to somehow change into a girl after he volunteered for some crazy scientific experiment. He then spends the whole of the game just trying to get back his manhood while ending up in the most perverted situations."

"Eh…so he's a she?" asked Tsukasa innocently.

"He turns into a she but He eventually turns back into a he again."

"But it's not a simple as that," said Konata. "There's actually two sequels, where he ends up turning into a she again at both times and again trying to turn back into a he. The games are interesting because even though he is actually wants to be a guy, he actually makes a better girl."

"Didn't you say there were alternate endings where he could stay a girl?"

"Yup. Because even though he's mostly trying to change back into a he, a lot of people from the game want him to stay as a she and are doing their best to make sure he doesn't turn back into a he and stays a she. But of course these endings are not considered the true endings because if he stayed a she, this would invalidate the sequels to follow where he again starts off as a he then turns into a she and tries to turn back into a he again. So in essence he has to turn back into a he from the previous games."

Tsukasa had a blank expression. "So, he's a he…then a she…then a he again—no, wait! He can stay a she…or she could stay a he…or was it…she could stay a she instead of being a he…"

Konata and Kagami both watched as Tsukasa's mind practically imploded on itself. Kagami wore a slightly frustrated face while Konata took a lot of entertainment from the sight.

"But you know," said Miyuki, looking up from her lunch, "it's impossible to spontaneously change gender like that."

"But aren't there a lot of people having sex-change operations nowadays?" asked Kagami.

"Yes, that's true. But a real sex-change operation takes a long time and requires a lot of lengthy procedures. And even after the operation, it can't be said that the patient has completely change into the opposite sex since that is technically impossible."

"So even after that expensive operation, the change is still more or less superficial, huh?"

"Yes, you could say that."

"…I'm still confused," said Tsukasa.

A drop of sweat ran down the other three's heads.

"Still," said Konata, "wouldn't it be cool if people could spontaneously change their gender? I sometimes wish some scientist would really invent some kind of formula like in the game that would instantly turn a person into the opposite gender."

"Why would people want to do that? It's a waste of time if you ask me."

"You only say that because you, for one, don't need the formula, Kagamin."


"I mean with your aggressive demeanor, you could hardly be called "girly" as it is. Your voice is always so low and masculine. And from all that fatty stuff you eat, you actually look pretty buff for a girl. It's pretty easy to disguise yourself by just tying up your hair up. Heck, you could probably ask other girls out if you want to."

A vein popped up on Kagami's forehead. "Shut up!"

Konata giggled to herself as Kagami steamed. Tsukasa and Miyuki simply sweat-dropped in slight amusement. Tsukasa, feeling out of the conversation again, decided to start a new one with a topic she was familiar with.

"By the way," said Tsukasa, "what do you guys think of the new amusement park that's gonna open this Saturday?"

"Huh?...Oh, right," said Kagami in realization. There was indeed a new amusement park that was under construction for the past months or so. Apparently it was a travelling company since they said that they'll only stay for a month before moving on to the next prefecture. "It's already opening this weekend? I almost forgot."

"I think it would be cool to have an amusement park near us. It'll only be a few minutes commute from our places. We could have fun there."

"I heard there will have a lot of rides," said Miyuki, "including a large Ferris wheel and a roller coaster."

"Yeah, I can't wait to check that place out! Let's go as soon as we can, huh guys?"

"But, do we have to go the first night its open?" inquired Kagami. "You just know it'll be packed."

"Yes, openings are usually like that," concurred Miyuki.

"Nevertheless, I think we should go anyway, and better to do it as son as we can too." said Konata.

"See," said Tsukasa, "Kona-chan agrees with me."

"Why do you want to go so much?" asked Kagami.

Konata rubbed her chin contemplatively for an instant then shot her finger forward as if to make a declaration. "Because, Kagami-chan, an amusement park…is an ideal location for triggering a number of flags!!!"

"Forget I asked…"


Later, after school was out.

The girls when on about their day as normal. They all chatted merrily until the parted ways somewhere on their commute to their respective homes. Konata and her little cousin Yutaka arrived at theirs around five in the afternoon after stopping by the grocery store and picking up some stuff they needed to make dinner with. Konata was informed beforehand that her cousin Yui would be staying tonight so she bought plenty to eat, enough to feed her family of four, a number which she often wondered how it could've been achieved.

"We're home," she called out as she entered her front door.

"Welcome back, Konata-chan and Yu-chan!!!"

Konata and Yutaka was taken aback by their elder cousin who greeted them as they entered the Izumi house. One look at Yui and Konata had no doubt in her mind that the woman was drunk again. The half-empty bottle of sake in her hand was a big enough clue.

"I've missed you guys so much!" she shouted out loud.

Konata sweatdropped. "But, Cousin Yui, we only saw each other this morning."

"Heh? Really? I can't seem to remember seeing you this morning. Heck, I can't seem to remember this morning at all."

"Been hitting the bottle too early again, Cousin Yui?"

"Eh what does it matter?! Let's go eat already!"

"I still have to make dinner first."

"Eat! Eat! Eat!"

Cousin Yui staggered off into the house leaving Konata and Yutaka sighing at the entrance. Both girls proceeded to remove their shoes and got inside.

"I'm sorry about that, Kona-chan," Yutaka apologized. "Big sis is just excited that her husband is coming here this weekend."

"Oh, really? Lucky her! They should go to that new amusement park that's opening this weekend."

"Oh they are! Big sis told me they'll go this Sunday."

Konata rubbed her chin and smirked knowingly. "Hehehe, it seems that Cousin Yui is smarter than I give her credit for."


Konata shot a finger forward and had sparks in her eyes. "Cousin Yui will most definitely trigger a flag at the theme park with her husband! It is absolute genius!!"

Yutaka looked on, clueless.


A little later.

Dinner went by uneventfully and soon Konata was in her room looking over the homework she was given for the day. Or at least she attempted to look over her homework for the day. As usual, her natural instinct was to simply look away from the pieces of paper that lied in front of her on her desk. But, with a resilient grunt, she decided to give it the old college try.

She dealt with the easy stuff first. Essay homework and reactions papers were simple enough to do but she still complained about the time it took her to write all that stuff. The last bit was the hardest for her: Mathematics. She had only a few problems to solve but one look at the lengthy equations and different variables made her feel like she was about to throw up. Nevertheless she still placed her pencil on the paper on her desk. The pencil didn't move for over a minute and Konata just stared at the paper as if staring at it would force the answers to come out themselves.

Without thinking about it, her hand reached over to her cell phone and she dialed a number. The receiving phone rang twice before the owner answered.

"No, Konata, I'm not gonna tell you the answers to your homework," said Kagami from the other line, already knowing what her friend was going to ask for.

Konata sweat-dropped. "But Kagamin, the problems are so hard…" she said in a pleading tone.

"It's your own fault for not putting enough effort in your studies, Konata. You should be more responsible about your academics. I'm trying to be a better friend to you by encouraging you that you do your own work."

"You say that, but I'll bet you're doing Tsukasa's homework for her right now!"


At the Hiiragi house

Kagami momentarily choked as she was looking down at what she was doing which was exactly what Konata said she was doing. The pencil in her hand stopped cold as a result. Seated across from Kagami, Tsukasa gave an embarrassed grin as she seemed to have picked up on the phone conversation which was actually loud enough for her to hear Konata. Kagami realized the Konata pulled one over her and that she lost this little verbal jousting.

"I'm right, aren't I?" asked Konata confidently from the other line.

Kagami sighed with a hint of disappointment in herself for being too kind on both her sibling and her friend. "Yeah, yeah…"

"That's not fair, Kagamin! I know Tsukasa needs more help than me but still you should give me some consideration too," Konata said playfully.

Tsukasa was taken aback by the comment and then looked down at her feet in knowing shame while mumbling to herself. Kagami sweat-dropped nervously and waved her hand to her sister to try and boost her morale again.

"Well, Kagamin, what do you say?"

The brainy girl sighed in defeat. "Fine, but I'm not gonna just tell you the answers alright. Just tell me where you're having problems and I'll just guide you along, okay?"

"Works for me!"


Back at the Izumi house.

With Kagami's help, they managed to finish her homework (and Tsukasa's as well) in a matter of minutes. Once everything was done Konata thanked Kagami and ended their little phone conversation then and there. She packed away the homework into her schoolbag and jumped straight for her computer.

"I think I'll relax with some late-night dating-sim," she said to herself.

She turned on her PC and clicked the shortcut icon on the desktop. Within second the screen turned into the main menu for her latest dating-sim game. It was the third in a series which she and her friends were talking about just that morning at school.

"Now let's see if we can get Ayano-chan's better ending," she said to herself. "I didn't like what happened to her with Natsumi…"

Konata grabbed her mouse and moved the cursor to the "load game" button. As she was about to click, her sell phone musical ringtone caused her to jump slightly, due to the fact that its so rare that she actually carries her cell phone with her, let alone hear someone call her.

She picked up the phone and looked at the small LCD screen before answering. The number was not any of her friends and was not familiar to her at all. She stared at the unknown number as the phone kept playing "Hare Hare Yukai" ringtone. For a brief moment, Konata fantasized that she was in one of her dating-sims and that this was as one of branching paths of the game where one option would lead to a more exciting ending while the other leads to a less than agreeable outcome. Trigger the flag, she thought.

Eventually she decided to answer the phone. "Hello?"

"Ah, I finally reached you!" said the caller. It was a young guy's voice.

Konata looked puzzled. The guy's voice was not anyone she knew and yet something in the voice was familiar to her. She pondered on this for quite a while causing the caller to wonder if she had vanished after saying hello.

"Oy, are you still there?"

Konata snapped out of it. "Uh yeah, I'm here but who is this? And how did you get my number?"

"Your number? Your dad gave it to me when I tried to reach your home number. I've been trying to reach you since lunch."

Apparently, the stranger didn't know of Konata's habit of never bringing her cell phone with her. "Oh, I see…wait! You still haven't told me your name."

"So you're dad didn't tell you? I guess he thought I'd have called you by now. Still I was kinda hoping you know my name."

By then, Konata was actually getting annoyed. "Hey, buddy you called me! I don't know you so how can you expect me to know your name?! Are you some kind of stalker who's into short girls with flat chests? You do realize that's illegal, right?!"

A few seconds of silence followed by hearty laughter from the other line. "Haha-ha! Oh, you still haven't changed that much, have you?"

Konata was now very annoyed. "Who is this?"

"So you really don't remember me yet? I have to admit I'm a little insulted…chiisai kitsune-chan,"

Konata was about to scream into the phone when the words suddenly clicked in her head. That old nickname! Her eyes went wide in shock and her throat dried up with her mouth left agape. She may have not been completely familiar with the voice but the way he called her that…That couldn't be it, can it?

"You…" Konata found herself fumbling for words. "No way…are you?..."

The voice of the caller sounded pleased at her realization. "Ah, so you finally remembered me, huh?"

Before she knew it, a slight smile was forming on her lips. "Oh, no way…how long has it been?"


Author's note: I've decided to try my hand at a Lucky Star fic since I've come to like the show a lot. Plus this Idea was swimming around in my head for a long time now. There will be a few chapters to follow so be sure to look out for those. Pls. R&R so I know what you guys think of it so far.

Other notes: The dating-sim the gang was talking about was the "X-change" series by Crowd.

Translation note: "chiisai kitsune" translates to "little fox." (I thought it'd be appropriate after watching Ep18 of the show)