Disclaimero: I-o do not-o own-o Inuyasha-o or-o its associated-o stuff-o; that-o crap-o is-o Rumiko Takahashi's. There. Now you can say "I do not own Inuyasha or its associated stuff; that crap is Rumiko Takahashi's" in pig-Italian.

Sesshomaru strode soundlessly down the dirt trail, Jaken, Rin, and Ah-Un in tow. Eight-year-old Rin occupied herself by weaving wildflowers through the mane of one of the dragon's heads. The other head watched his comrade with a mirth-filled gaze, seemingly mocking his brother's plight. Rin, however, mistook ridicule for envy.

"Don't worry: I still have plenty of flowers left for you." The first head turned to the other and returned his counterpart's taunting stare. Had he not known better, Sesshomaru would have sworn he heard the other "humph".

At the same time, on the same road, but headed in the opposite direction, two demons and a slew of wolves raced to catch up with their leader.

"Koga, wait for us!" Hakkaku breathlessly cried.

The tornado ceased its motion nearly a quarter of a mile ahead of the winded canines. Koga turned on his heels and folded his arms.

"Hurry up, would ya!" the man shouted in return. "We don't have all day!"

As the rest of the pack jogged to Koga's side, Sesshomaru crested the hill over which the road marched. The mighty demon continued walking along the path, group trailing closely behind, and thus towards the wolves. Said canines looked anxiously in his direction, fear written upon all their faces. Well, all but one.

"Hey, you're dog-turd's brother, aren't you?" When Sesshomaru remained silent, Koga pressed on. "Hey, I'm talking to you! Are you or aren't you mutt-face's older brother?"

The mighty dog demon in question completely ignored him and continued forward. When he passed the wolf, their shoulders roughly bumped, giving Koga a face full of white fur and spinning him around to follow Sesshomaru's retreating back. Both of the heroes' (and I use "hero" lightly) parties watched in silence, though the wolven group was decidely more fretful.

"Come," the silver-haired man commanded. Rin and Jaken, who had halted their forward motion when Koga had first addressed their lord, hurried to follow the order.

The wolf prince took a moment to recover from the shoulder shove and then smirked in the direction of Sesshomaru's back. "Nice fluff."

"Nice skirt," Sesshomaru said without missing a step.

Koga scowled, opened his mouth, growled, and finally spat, "Touche." He reversed course and charged forward again.

"You guys coming or what?" he cast over his shoulder.

"Wait up, Koga!" Ginta and Hakkaku cried as they and the pack raced to keep up.

Jaken called out something similar to his lord, but the amber-eyed demon was preoccupied with his thoughts. He growled internally. Wolves.