The Assassination of Stewie Griffin

The Assignment

Disclaimer: I am not in any contact with 20th Century Fox, Fuzzy Door, Seth Macfarlane or any of the writers, producers creators of Family Guy.

Because this is a crossover, please do not tell me to put this under cartoon X-overs or in the American Dad section. I put this under the Family Guy section because I thought the whole concept of Stewie Griffin being assasinated would be more appealing to actual fans of Family Guy and not just random readers looking in the crossovers section.

I rated this fanfic 'teen' mainly for language, references to drugs and violence.

I'll try to post the rest of the chapters as soon as possible. For now, please R&R.

"I have brought you all here for a very important announcement." The chief said as he looked at the 30 CIA agents that sit in front of the podium.

"Yeah," Stan smirked sarcastically as the man made his speech. "You said that about 5 times over the intercom, that's why we're here."

"Mr Smith--"

"It's okay chief." Said a man sitting right beside Stan. "I'd be more than happy to give him a spanking for you." The man giggled and blushed at stan. "Grr..."

Stan was quick to respond. "That guy over there has been eyeing you ever since the beginning of the meeting. Does that give you any ideas?"

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," The chief said.. "America's future and freedom is being threatened."

Gasps are heard from the crowd. The chief continued,

"Yes it's true, this threat presents itself as a baby from Quahog, Rhode Island. Garth, would you mind showing them the picture on the projector?"

A man in the back presses a button and a big picture of Stewie Griffin shows up on the screen.

"Holy hell, it's a giant baby!" Stan screamed.

"Stan, it's a picture of a baby." Chief said. "I need you to take him down... As in kill him."

"You want me to kill a giant baby?"

"No you dumbass, he's a tiny one year old child."

"So how exactly is he a threat to us then?"

"He's a threat to society." Chief explained. "He has managed to produce about 5 deadly and dangerous weapons, in motive to kill his mother."

"Why that's terrible."

"Think about it Stan. Once he manages to kill his mother, do you think he'll put all of those weapons to waste and grow up naturally and develop as a normal human being?"

"Probably not." Stan snapped and stood up. "Okay sir. I will take this assignment with me all the way to Rhode Island."

The crowd started applausing.

"Chief, tell my wife I love her. Also that those hustler magazines don't belong to Steve, they belong to me. Except for the one where that naked girl is riding the horse."

The chief pointed his hand to a door at the left corner of the room. And said " I need you to go into this room. All your supplies are in there, the man in the fancy tuxedo will point you to your jet. Good luck!"

Stan stepped down the aisle while his coworkers gave him high fives. Then Stan walked through the door.