Author's Note: This is a collection of true drabbles (all exactly 100 words). I am going to try and update twice weekly, most likely Mondays and Thursdays. As always, thanks to my supurb beta Maya Bea. Please hit the review button, it really does make my day. Review with praise and critisisms, it will help make me a better writer- and it will encourage me to stick to my update scedule.

"How dare that boy attack Hogwarts?" Salazar Slytherin fumed. "Even when I left the school, I never, never thought to attack it. My life's goal was to educate young children. As my heir, Tom should have remembered that." In a rage, Slytherin pointed his wand and muttered a spell.

The Slytherin family tree stretched out for centuries. Hundreds of names, each written in the same gold lettering graced its front. At the very bottom of the Slytherin family tree, a thin line ran down from between the names Merope Gaunt and Tom Riddle. It ended in a small burnt hole.