
Chapter 1

There was a loving family, who lived in a normal manor much like any pureblood. The witch was muggle born, the man however was pureblood. They had a three-year-old

girl, which they adored. The man was in debt, he had been in debt for a long time. His wife however did not know that, he paid them what he could, when he could. However, he breached the contract set forth, the Minister was alerted and they sent Aurors, and the man he owed money too, to the manor the family lived in.

No one knew that the Potter money was nearly none existent, James' father and grandfather had gambling problems, James only made money from Auror training,

and it had not been put into the bank yet.

He had been in Auror training for two years; it took three years to complete the Auror course. He had to pay for his things, his father had died in debt, and thus it had passed on to him, leaving them nothing. Apart from the manor of course, he cleared the debts by getting a loan from Mr. Damon.

"Mr. Potter?" asked the Minister of magic.

"Yes?" asked the husband, going pale he knew what it was about.

"You have five minutes to hand over the money you owe to Mr. Damon or he may lay claim to anything," said the Minister.

"What? I don't have any money, please give me a few more days" begged the man.

"Now or never Mr. Potter" said the Minister angry.

Damon then looked over and saw a little girl, clutching a teddy, looking at them wide eyed. Smirking the man knew what he would have; he would take something precious to them, their little girl, perhaps in time she would make a good slave. Such a shame, he won't have time to save his precious little girl' Damon thought to himself.

"I don't have money," repeated the once man.

"Very well then, take their daughter and consider the debt repaid," said Damon.

The Aurors had no choice but to take the little girl from the room, away from her parents at such young an age.

"No, Mummy! Mummy don't let them take me, mummy no! Mummmmmmyy" yelled the suddenly terrified three year old.

"No, not my baby no" yelled Lily trying to get out of James' arms.

With a pop they were gone, the Potters little girl, who no one knew about because Lily had been pregnant while at school. She did not want a reputation of a whore for not using a spell that would stop herself from becoming pregnant. James had hardly known his daughter, he had been to into Auror training and school playing pranks. The only person really affected by it was Lily.

"Ssshh Lily its ok, it's ok" said James comforting his wife.

"This is your fault! How could you! Oh my baby girl I will never see her again" sobbed Lily.

"Its ok, Lily, we can try for another one, its ok, they will look after her she will have a good home. The Damon's will look after her they would not hurt a three year old girl. And we will see her! At Hogwarts when she turns eleven" soothed James.

"Oh James go and bring our baby home" said Lily suddenly stopping crying.

"I can't…the contract I signed if I do I loose my magic," said James sadly.

"You better hope that debt is paid off James POTTER!" yelled Lily.

She then started hitting her husband with everything she could find; he stood there and took it, knowing he deserved it. Apart from the few bruises, no one could tell anything had happened.

No one would remember the little girl Potter, not Sirius Black, or Remus or even Dumbledore, no one knew she existed. Lily had a reputation to up hold, she was prefect and head girl, getting pregnant was the last thing she had intended. No one knew of her existence, apart from two people who would never tell the tale, James Potter and Lily Evans nee Potter, of the girl who went by the name of, Sara Ann Potter.