so i have like, three other stories going on but i had this idea and couldn't resist. it's kind of based off the book "The Guardian" but let's say loosely based.


Somewhere back there I left my worries all behind.
My problems fell out of the back of my mind.
We're going and I'm never knowing where we're going.
To go back to where I was would just be wrong.
I'm pressing on.
('Pressing On' / Relient K)

Twenty-three year old Gabriella Montez sighed as she heard her alarm clock go off for the third time that morning. She stretched her arms and began to sit up when she realized the immense weight on her legs.

"Jake! Up boy!" she yelled, whistling at the large blue tick hound laying across her feet. The dog looked up lazily at her, and then plopped his head back down.

"Don't give me that buddy. Up! Up! Up!" She tried to kick her legs, forcing the dog up.

After Jake had finally gotten off the bed, Gabriella made her way into the bathroom and got into the shower. She stood there for at least twenty minutes letting the hot water fall down over her body. She had had 'the dream' again last night.


"Matthew!" Gabriella screamed from the passenger seat. "Matthew, slow down!"

The car continued to speed down the curvy road.

Gabriella looked away from the road and over to her fiancé.

"Matthew, please stop the car!"

"Oh, come on baby! Let's have a little fun." He slurred as he looked over at her and smiled.

Looking at her fiancé in the face, Gabriella was scared by what she saw. His expression was wild and crazed. Scared of his drunken state, she looked back to the road and noticed a flash of red and headlights in front of her.


(End Flashback)

Gabriella had this dream often, replaying that night her fiancé and two other people were killed.

She knew it was Matthew's fault. It was the night of his bachelor party, and he had driven to pick Gabriella up after the party. He of course, swore he wouldn't drink, but he was never one to keep that promise. Gabriella would never have gotten into a car with a drunk driver, whether it was her fiancé or not, but as she reached over to pull his keys out of the ignition, he pulled her into the car and sped off. The rest was simple: Matthew ran a red light and collided with a car passing through. Matthew, the driver of the other car, and an eight year old girl were killed instantly. Gabriella and another passenger were both left with bumps, bruises, and broken bones.

It had been two years since the accident, and Gabriella had yet to live a normal life. She hadn't been on maybe three dates that ended terribly, her house was left in the same way that Matt had arranged it, and all of his clothes were left in drawers. The strangest thing was that she never missed or longed for that life, she just couldn't force herself to start a new one, scared of what may happen. She left herself in a state of limbo terrified of being hurt again.

Her thoughts were shaken by the ringing of the telephone.

"Hello?" She said, trying to force her voice to sound pleasant.

"Gabi, did Aidan leave his truck at your house the other night? We've been looking everywhere for it and he's throwing an absolute fit." Gabriella smiled as she immediately recognized the voice of her close friend, Sharpay Baylor. She had gone to high school with both Sharpay and her husband Zeke, and after a rocky start, became great friends.

"I haven't seen it around, but I'll look around. It's blue, right?"

"Yep, that's the one. He has the same thing in green and red, but no, we have to have the blue one." Sharpay sighed dramatically. "I don't understand how a child can get so attached to silly objects like he does."

"Sharpay, do you remember that pink rhinestone microphone you carried all throughout high school? We used to make it a goal to remove it from your grasp while you were sleeping at slumber parties."

"Okay, I get the point." She said and then paused. "Wait. Gabi, what's wrong?"

"Why would there be anything wrong?"

"You had the voice. The 'I'm trying to sound happy' voice. What's going on sweetie?"

Gabriella sighed. Her friends knew her too well.

"I had the dream again, Shar."

Sharpay sighed. "Gabriella, look. I love you, we all do, but you have to move on with your life. It's time to jump back into that thing we call life. Start dating again. You're young and beautiful and you have so much life ahead of you. Why do you want to spend it alone?"

Gabriella opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted.

"Do not say you have Jake in your life. A dog given to you by Matt does not count. Heck, any dog doesn't count as company."

"Sharpay." Gabriella started. "I don't even know who to date. There aren't any guys in this town worth dating. Do you really want me to date "Lazy Boy" from Mae's Kitchen?" Gabriella said causing her friend to laugh. It was a hobby for them to name the people who worked at the little shops around and about Albuquerque, somewhere they had all lived since high school. At the market there was 'Smiley Miley', and at the gas station the was "Creepy Nick." Needless to say, a fair amount of the people in the town had some sad nickname.

"Well, that's a very good point. But do not tell me there's not a single person in this town worth dating. I can name one guy in this town who's worth giving a chance. He's roughly six feet tall, nice body, and he has these amazing blue eyes."

Gabriella smiled at the thought of her very best friend, Troy Bolton. Ever since they turned their high school, East High, upside down, they had become they best of friends. Gabriella honestly couldn't see her life without Troy by her side. He had always been there, and the shoulder she needed after Matt died. And he was the only one who could lift her out the depression she fell into after that.

"Sharpay, I know that all of you are placing bets on when me and Troy get together, but Troy-"

"Gabi, do no give me that 'Troy's-my-best-friend-but-that's-all-he-will-ever-be' speech."

"You really do know me too well."

"Yes, I do. And I know you loved Matthew. We all know that, and will never doubt it either. But you have been in love with Troy since you were sixteen. Tell me I'm wrong."

"Look, Sharpay. I gotta get to work. Why don't we get lunch today?"

"You're not getting off the hook that easily Montez, but you're free for now. Mae's at noon?"

"Sounds good to me. Bye Shar."

"Bye Gabi."

Gabriella hung up the phone and went back to getting ready for work.

Twenty minutes later she was out the door and on her way with Jake at her heels. The local diner/shop she co-owned with Zeke was only a half mile or so away, so Gabriella rarely took her car. Besides, it was such a beautiful day, she couldn't resist. She relaxed as she walked with the sun warming her tan skin.

She was startled as Jake took off running. She looked ahead to where he was running and smiled as she recognized the figure approaching her.

"Whoa boy." The voice said as the dog approached him and stood on two legs to lick the man in the face.

"Jake! Down!" Gabriella yelled.

"Brie, it's really okay. He's just saying 'hi' to his favorite person in the entire world. Aren't ya Jake?"

Gabriella scoffed.

"Okay, second behind you." The man stood up and looked at Gabriella.

"Good morning, Troy." Gabriella smiled genuinely as she finally met up with her best friend.

"Good morning. I figured since it was such a beautiful day, you'd be walking. So I decided I'd meet you half way. Mind if I walk with you to work?"

"Not at all."

"So, what's new?"

Gabriella laughed. "Troy, I talked to you at like eleven last night. Not much can happen in nine hours."

Troy laughed with her. "Okay. How are you this morning? Is that question suitable for you princess?" He joked. Gabriella laughed. Troy could always bring her spirits up.

"Well, I'm good now." She said smiling over at him.

They walked the rest of the way to the shop where Gabriella worked in complete laughter.

As Gabriella approached her shop, she waved 'goodbye' to Troy, allowing Jake to follow him, and made her way into the shop.

"Someone was looking awful smiley with Troy this morning." She heard a deep voice from behind the counter.

"Did your wife tell you to say that."

Zeke made himself visible, a cake in his arms. "Okay, so maybe she did. But it's not like it's completely obvious or anything." he said with a smirk.

"Whatever, how about we get started on inventory before the morning rush comes in?"

Zeke rolled his eyes. "Yes ma'am."

tell me what you think!

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