Hey everybody, go easy on me this is only my second story. Enjoy!!


"Ryoma, come to me, be mine forever!!!!!!!!!!!!" Said a dark sinister figure lurking in the shadows of the never ending underground maze.

"Yes, my lord." Said the possessed Ryoma.

"Snap out of it Ryoma!!!!!!!!! This is not your true self!! Snap out of it!" Shouted the bloody comrade of Ryoma as he staggered toward the possessed boy.

"Obito!!!!!! What happened, why are you so bloody!!" Shouted Ryoma now snapped out of his daze and back to his old self.

"You were a great friend Ryoma, do not feel regret over my loss, it was not your fault, live on and try to protect everyone you can." Said Obito with his last breath and then he fell into Ryoma's arms and died.

"Obito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shouted Ryoma in between loud mourns and sniffles.

He tightly held onto Obito and looked for the cause of his friend's death only to find the maze empty and to find a note on the wall.

Ryoma ran over to the note and yanked it off the wall. He slowly read the note trying to conceal his never ending newfound anger. The note read:

"My, my. I am really disappointed you didn't become mine but be wary, I will come back and make you my slave now that stupid Obito is out of the way. Grow ripe my fruit!!




Ryoma woke up with a startle . He was covered with cold sweat and was very pale. Once his face started to regain it's color he wondered.

"What does this mean? This hasn't happened in 5 years. Is this a good sign? I should hope for the best and I'll have to speak with Ryoga. Oh well, I guess I should wake up and got to school."

Ryoma slowly got up and took a five minute shower. Then he brushed his teeth and got dressed. He put on his uniform and grabbed his tennis raquet. He gave Karupin a small pat before he quickly ate breakfast and started on the route to school only to be interrupted by Momoshiro stopping right in front of him with his bike.

"Get on!!! If we don't hurry we'll have to run laps!!!!" Shouted Momoshiro as he lifted Ryoma and placed him on his bike.

"Hold on!!!!!!!" Said Momoshiro.

They both rode to school barely getting there in time for tennis practice. Momo quickly chained his bike and pulled Ryoma to the tennis courts.

"Phew, just in time!!!!!" Said Momo between pants.

"Okay everyone, freshmen practice swings in court C, upperclassmen rally in court B, regulars 40 laps around court A!" Shouted Tezuka as usual.

As the regulars gathered in court A for warming up Ryoma couldn't help but wonder why he had such a terrible dream about the battle he had 5 years ago when everything was so normal. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice Fuji come up to him.

Fuji then whispered in Ryoma's ear "Are you ok?" teasingly.

Ryoma was so surprised he jumped 2 feet high. He glared at Fuji before saying.

"I'm fine, don't scare me like that."

"Saa, you don't look it." Said Fuji mockingly before finishing his warm ups.

Despite Ryoma's protests Fuji knew he would have to look into it later but for now he would drop the topic. After their run for freedom from Inui juice they all went to class. As Ryoma entered his classroom he sat down next to a window and looked out of it as he pondered over today's events. After an hour or so Ryoma's teacher noticed Ryoma wasn't listening he decided to try to teach Ryoma a lesson.

"Mr.Echizen, if you could oh so kindly join us please write the answers for yesterday's English homework on the board?" Asked the stern teacher.

"Wisu." Was all Ryoma said as he got out of his chair and walked to the chalk board.

As he pressed the chalk on the board it suddenly cracked when it apparently had not been to old to use. He started to write with broken chalk as he pondered over what happened. Was this a bad sign? He seriously had to see Ryoga. As the bell rung Ryoma slowly got out of his seat and headed home. He was so lost in thought he did not realize there was a thin, long, and strong figure following him.


Heh, heh cliffhanger!!!!!!!! Next chapter is coming real soon. Read and review.