I haven't written a regular kind of story for a while. You know… one without action and stuff. Let's see what happens. This may take a while between chapters for updates, so I'll apologize in advance. This is another idea spawned by the end of Season 4. (why do I always make more work for myself?) Rated "T" just to be safe...

Disclaimer: Any Kim Possible characters that are used in this story are NOT owned by me. I'm sure y'all already knew that, but you know… Union rules. Wait… There's no Union?

Chapter 1

Kim still couldn't believe all the acceptance letters she was getting from colleges. They were from… everywhere! They ranged from small community schools to major institutions. It was all just mind-boggling!

While trying to sort them out one Saturday afternoon, she got an idea. "Wade…"

After pressing the call button, her tech guru popped up on the screen almost immediately. "Hey Kim… What's up?"

"This…" she said, pointing the Kimmunicator towards the pile of letters stacked on the kitchen table. "I know I say that I can do anything Wade… But there's no way I'm going to get through all of these. Do you have any ideas?"

Just as Kim finished her question, she heard two voices speaking as they entered the room. "Hey Kim…" Jim said.

"I think we've got an idea to help." Tim finished.

"We could build something that could…" Jim started.

"Scan and catalog where they all came from. Then we could feed the letters through…" Tim continued.

"An OCR scanning system that would look for certain words that could…"

"Determine which ones you're more likely to consider going to."

Kim's head ping-ponged back and forth while following her brothers talk. "But how long would it take you to come up with that?" She finally asked when she realized that they had stopped talking.

"Not long at all." Jim said.

"We can use the system we already started on…"

"To read the Love Letters we knew you would be getting from Ron when you guys went to different colleges."

"What?" Kim half screamed.

"Guess I shouldn't have said that last part out loud, huh?" Jim said.

"Tweebs!" Kim said through her teeth and took a step towards them when she heard a familiar voice call from the front door.

"Hola, Possible clan…" The voice paused, then spoke again. "Where is everybody?"

"In here Ron!" Kim called out.

"Saved by the boyfriend…" Jim and Tim said in unison.

"Watcha doing Kim?" He asked while walking in to the kitchen, and his eyes rose up as he looked at the stack of letters piled on the table. His features dropped when he realized what she was doing. "Going over your college acceptance letters?"

"I was going to, but then I was able to get some help." Suddenly Kim realized that she had left someone on hold… "Wade! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to forget about you, really!"

"That's OK Kim… I heard what Jim and Tim were planning. Sounds like they have things in hand. Besides, I have another consulting job I need to be working on anyway. I'll give you a call if there are any missions… Later!"

"See you Wade. Thanks! And again… Sorry."

"No big Kim. Bye…"

…x x x x…

That afternoon while Kim and Ron were hanging out at the mall, Jim and Tim were able to put things together for the scanning system. By the time the two returned just before supper, Jim and Tim had a surprise waiting for Kim.

…x x x x…

"Wow guys…" Kim exclaimed when she saw that the pile of acceptance letters was less than half.

Jim and Tim had small smiles on their faces, and Jim nudged his brother with an elbow. "Tell her…" He whispered, but Kim had heard.

"Tell me what?" Her eyes went large as a thought occurred to her. "They're not acceptance letters? Are they… rejection letters?" She dropped her shopping bags, and latched a hand onto Ron's, hoping that this wasn't the case. She had read only a few that really had been acceptance letters, so she had assumed that the rest were also.

"No, no, no…They're all acceptance letters!" Jim said immediately to allay his sister's fears.

"They're just… not for you." Tim finished.

"What…? I… don't understand. They… have my name, and address…" Kim felt totally confused.

"Kim…" Jim said with a caring voice.

"Do you remember exactly how many applications you sent out? Tim finished.

"Umm…" Her eyes narrowed, and she let Ron's hand go to place her fingers to her forehead. Then realization hit her. "It was only three." Her answer was only a bit louder than a whisper.

"Hong Kong, London…" Jim said.

"And Venice." Tim finished.

"Wait a sec…" Ron said in mild confusion. "I thought colleges only sent acceptance letters in response to applications."

"And I didn't apply to all those colleges…" Kim said in sudden realization.

"Ron did!" The three Possible kids said in unison, turning towards the blond boy. No one even thought to call 'Jinx'.

True to form, Ron's response was… normal. For him. "Huh?"

"Ron!" Kim said excitedly. "These are YOUR acceptance letters!"

The confused look on his face slowly started to change, and then suddenly complete realization hit him like a load of bricks from Bricks of Fury VII. "BOO-Yah! The Ron-Man is goin' to college!" And a fist went straight up into the air.

Now it was Kim's turn to look confused. "But why were they all addressed to me?"

"Well, when we saw a pattern start to emerge…" Jim started.

"… From the sorting of acceptance letters, we started to check it out." Tim continued.

"Then the actual scanning of the letters themselves just proved…"

"… The theory that we had already postulated."

"Whoa, whoa whoa…" Ron said waving his hands in front of him. "Can you guys stop doing that and just have one of you explain this? I'm getting a headache." He sat down on a nearby chair.

Jim continued without interruption. "The nearest thing we can figure out, is that you mentioned you went on missions with Kim in your applications. Right?" Ron nodded. "Well, I think that as soon as the college saw Kim's name, they assumed that since she was involved, they would respond directly to her. Afterall… you know how people respond to Ron anyway."

…x x x x…

The Dean of admissions at Texas A & M picked up the next application. "Hmmm… Ron Stoppable? Who's that?"

He quickly scanned the application with disinterest, and was ready to toss it into "File 13" when a knock sounded on his door. "Yes…?"

In walked a shapely brunette with a white button up shirt, small tie, and a black skirt that stopped just above her knees. "Did you see that application I set on your desk sir?"

"Yes, Anndria, I did. I don't know who this… Ron Stippelbow… is."

"That's Stoppable, sir." Annedria replied.

The Dean looked at the application again. "Oh, so it is."

"Did you see what he put under 'Extracurricular's'… sir?"

Scanning the page down to the section she mentioned, he saw a name that he immediately recognized. "Anndria! Why didn't you tell me he was associated with Kim Possible?"

"I think I just did sir." The secretary said under her breath.

"Huh? Oh well…" He picked up a rubber stamp, and slapped it down on the top of the application and set it off to the side in a pile of other applications with stamps that read the same. "Accepted".

…x x x x…

Ron had a look on his face that was unreadable. "You mean… I've been accepted to all these colleges because I mentioned Kim's name?"

"Sure sounds like it." Jim said.

"So it looks like you and Kim will be going to the same college, huh?" Tim said.

"Yeah… it sounds like it…" Ron said with a blank look, and stood up. "I… need to go… do something."

"Ron?" Kim said with worry on her face. She had seen this look on Ron before, and it had her worried. "Where are you going?

"Out. I… need to think about a few things. I'll see you tomorrow Kim, OK?"

Kim walked her boyfriend to the door, and watched him leave. She could tell he was in deep thought about something from his posture, and was worried about what might be going through his head. She went back into the kitchen and sat down.

"Boy… Ron must really be worried about something." Jim said.

"Yeah…" Tim continued the thought. "He didn't even ask to stay for supper."

"Even worse guys." Kim said, and the twins looked at their sister. "He didn't even kiss me good-bye."

To be continued…

Yeah, I know this chap is kinda short, but I'll work on that in later ones. I know this is a bit different than what I usually write, so it's sort of new territory for me. Hope I don't lapse and make it an action fic again…