A/N: Okay, I know I've kept you waiting and I'm sorry. I had school and I seemed to be getting writer's block. Anyways, here it is; the final chapter!! This was the longest I've ever written.

Disclaimer: I don't own School Rumble or anything blah, blah, blah. . .

The sun shone brightly that morning. The birds were singing and the sky was clear. At that time, Tenma's alarm clock went off and she awoke with surprise. After she turned if off, she stretched out of bed. She opened her window and stared outside. It was a beautiful day.

"I just know that things will turn out great," she said with a bright smile. She got dressed and went downstairs. There, she saw Yakumo making breakfast.

"Nee-san, good morning," she said cautiously when she noticed her older sister.

"Good morning, Yakumo!" said Tenma cheerfully. Yakumo sighed with relief.

"So, I take it things went well yesterday?" she asked.

"Uh-huh! I had a blast! Sorry if I worried you, Sis," said Tenma as she sat at the table. Yakumo smiled softly at her older sister.

"It's alright, Nee-san. I'm just glad you feel better. I was really concerned about you," she said and placed a plate in front of Tenma. Tenma brightened up at the meal in front of her.

"Wow! This looks great, Yakumo!" she said. Her sister lightly blushed.

"Thank you. I thought that maybe a nice breakfast would help you feel better," said Yakumo.

"Geez, thanks, Sis! I really appreciate it!" beamed Tenma. Yakumo smiled at her big sister and sat down with her to eat.

After breakfast, Tenma and her younger sister headed out for school. As they walked down their usual path, they met up with Tenma's three best friends. They seemed to be waiting anxiously for Tenma.

"Good morning, everyone!" shouted Tenma. Everyone else seemed surprised about Tenma's changed mood. They decided it was best not to spoil it by asking about Karasuma. They girls began chatting away about their plans for the week and the break. As they got on campus, Tenma noticed something a few yards away and took a deep breath. She told everyone else to go on ahead into the building. Before anyone could ask as to why, they too noticed at what Tenma was looking at. The girls nodded and went on ahead of her.

Tenma took another deep breath and turned to the direction she was looking at earlier. There, in front of her, was Karasuma. The boy whom she claimed to love just a few days ago. The same boy who broke her heart, even if it wasn't intentional. Tenma felt her heart beat increase but not out of love-struck as before but out nervousness. So many thoughts were rushing through her mind.

What do I say to him? What does he think of me? Will he be appalled by me now? I should have stayed home. No! I can do this! I just have to believe in myself! Karasuma noticed Tenma and stopped just a few feet away. They stare at each other for a while. It was if time stood still. It was Karasuma who walked up to her and spoke first.

"Good morning, Tsukamoto-san," he said. Once he said that, Tenma felt a wave of confidence in her.

"Good morning, Karasuma-kun," she said with a smile.

"Listen, about what happen, I-," he started.

"Oh, don't worry about it," she interrupted. "I'm fine. But I should say this. I . . . don't regret about how I felt." Karasuma's widen a bit. "You see, I was really happy to have liked you. It made me try harder to be a better person. You made it worth coming to school everyday. And, I should have known that we could never have been together due to you moving away soon. But, I was so happy. So happy that I got to be around you. Thank you, for being my first crush." Tenma eyes began to water, but she let out her usual big smile to try to cover it up. Karasuma recovered from his shock and gave a smile that was barely noticeable.

"And thank you, Tsukamoto-san," he said.

"Um, do you think we could go back to the way things were before? You know, before the whole me confessing to you," she asked shyly. Karasuma nodded. Once again, Tenma smiled and both of them walked to class. As she entered the class, Tenma was immediately called over by her friends. Tenma was only three feet from Akira's desk when her friends forced her to sit down.

"So? Did you work things out with Karasuma?" asked Mikoto. Tenma gave them her usual big smile.

"Yup! We decided that it was best if we just went back to being friends," she explained.

"And you're okay with that?" asked Eri. Tenma's smile didn't falter.

"Yeah. I mean, I'm not going to beg him to go out with me. Besides, he is going away soon. What kind of a relationship would that be?" Her friends pondered on her words.

"That's true. But still, it's amazing that your mood has improved so much," said Eri. "Could it have something to do with your date with Asou we heard about?" Tenma blushed deeply.

"Miko-chan! You told them?!" Mikoto shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

"Hey, they were worried about you. So I told them you were feeling better since Asou took you out on a date," she said.

"But it wasn't a date. He was trying to cheer me up, which he did. And by the way, did you by chance tell them about your date with Imodori?" asked Tenma with a smirk. Akira and Eri turned their heads towards the blushing Mikoto.

"W-wait a minute! This is suppose to be about Tenma! Don't look at me!" yelled Mikoto, obviously embarrassed. Before they could continue their conversation, the bell rang. Everyone went to their own desk and sat down waiting for Tani-sensei to come. As she sat down at her seat, Tenma turned her head towards where Asou sat. She could clearly make him out by his broad shoulders and wonderful ebony hair. Tenma smiled at the sight.

He's done so much for me. I don't know how I'll ever repay him, she thought. Just then, Asou turned his head around and met Tenma's eyes. They both blushed from being caught looking at one another. Then they quickly turned their heads away. Suddenly, Tenma remembered the event that happened last night. Oh, no! What if Asou-kun is angry that I . . , she thought with worry. She didn't realize that Asou feeling the opposite.

She kissed me last night! I can't believe it! Oh man! But, what did it really mean? Even though it was on the cheek, kisses mean differently for girls, right? he thought getting flustered. Before the both of them could continue their thoughts, Tani-sensei entered the classroom.

"Okay, class. Since this is the last week, we will be taking it easy a bit. We will be going over the material you learned this past year so you will be prepared for the next grade. Doesn't that sound like fun," he said. The class responded by groaning. Tenma sighed and followed up with a smile.

Oh well. Normally I would just complain. But, since this is the final week, I'll just pretend like it was any school day. We all might not get to be in the same class next semester, she thought. That last thought struck her hard. We all might not be in the same class next month. There's a chance many of us will not join the rest of us. Oh, no! Why didn't I think about that before? Eri, Akira, Mikoto, and I will probably be in different classes! Oh, what will I do?

"Tsukamoto! Tsukamoto!" Tenma looked up and saw her teacher and everyone else looking at her. She realized that the teacher was calling to her for a while now. She quickly came to attention.

"Y-yes?!" she answered. Tani-sensei frowned at her.

"Tsukamoto, even though it's the final week, please try to pay attention," he said. Tenma slumped in her chair.

"Yes, sir," she said with slight blush on her cheek. She ducked her head behind her book for the remainder of class. Tenma finally got over her embarrassment at around break time. She was hoping that nobody will bring it up. Tenma was about to relax with her friends when -

"What made you space out earlier?" asked Akira. Tenma's head dropped to the desk.

"Yeah, what was that about? What were you thinking about?" asked Eri. Tenma lifted her head slightly.

"About everyone here," said Tenma.


"I was just thinking that it's sad that this will be the last time all of us will be together. Next month, at least half of us will be in different classes," she said frowning.

"Yeah. You got a point," said Mikoto when she realized it as well. "I didn't even think of that. In fact, what are the chances of all four of us being in the same class again?" Tenma let out a sigh.

"I don't want the week to end with just everyone walking out the school. I wish we could do something," she said.

"Like what? Are you planning to throw a party?" asked Akira. Tenma looked up at her.


"Hey, that's a great idea!" shouted Eri. Just then, Ichijo, Sagano, and Mihara appeared behind them.

"What's a great idea?" asked Mihara. Eri turned to them with a smile.

"Tenma thinks we should have some kind of party for the class," said Eri. Tenma began to flush.

"W-w-wait a minute! I didn't-"

"That's great!," said Sagano. "All of us getting together would be awesome!"

"What would be awesome?" asked a voice behind the group. The girls turned and saw Imodori.

"Tsukamoto suggested we have a farewell party for the class," said Ichijo. Imodori brightened up.

"Really?! Way to go, Tsukamoto! It's going to be so cool!" said Imodori excitedly and turned towards the rest of the class. "Hey, everybody! Tsukamoto says we should throw a party for the class!" Tenma began to fluster.

"Ehh! No! I didn't really-"

"That is so cool!" said Mai. "Don't you think so, Yuki?"

"Yeah! What a nice way to end the semester," said the bespectacled girl.

"So does everyone agree on the party?" asked Mikoto. The whole class agreed without hesitation.

"So, where should we have this party?" asked Mihara to Tenma. Suddenly, all eyes were on her. Tenma began to get nervous as she looked at all the awaiting faces. She began to frantically think of places that everyone would enjoy being at. She looked towards Akira and an idea struck her.

"Akira, can you ask Osakabe-sensei if she could get us to use the school roof for the party?" asked Tenma to Akira. The whole class brighten up at the idea.

"That would be so cool!" said Eri. Suddenly, it seemed as if the whole class became alive again. Everyone began discussing and planning everything for the party. Even the strict Hanai was getting into it. Tenma smiled at the excitement expressed through her classmates. She looked over at Akira and brightened her smile more.

"Thanks, Akira. You deserve the credit," she said. Akira merely looked at her and nodded.

For the rest of the week, it became a routine. During class, everyone would wait anxiously for the review to finish, and at break, they would plan on the party. Itoko gave everyone permission to use the roof as long as she supervised. Sagano even suggest to Yuki and the others to get the band back together for the event. Tenma decided that they should invite the foreign exchange student seeing that they will be returning home soon. Hanai and Harima didn't look to pleased with the idea.

On the last day, everyone was excited. It was the day of class 2-C's farewell party. As soon as the final bell rang, everyone was itching to get home and get ready. Tenma watched at how eager her classmates were. She had a feeling that this party was going to be one to remember.

Tenma quickly rushed home and began to prepare for the party that evening. She began to lay most of her clothes to decide on which outfit to wear. She began to ponder it very carefully.

"Hmmm, what should I wear? Should I go for something cute, or should I try something more mature? Ooh, I wonder what Asou-kun will like?" she asked out loud. The last question finally hit her. "What the-?! Where did that come from?! Why does it matter what Asou-kun think?! What is going on in my brain?!" Tenma pondered at the thoughts.

: : Later that Night : :

The entire 2-C class were on the roof of the school having fun. Everyone was engaged in chatter and fun. Tani-sensei and Itoko were keeping an eye on everyone while conversing with one another. Hanai and Harima were in the center having their usual arguments. In the corner, Harry and Tougou were talking about the year that has gone by with the rival class while Lala was thrashing Imodori for saying another stupid remark. On the sidelines of the roof, Tenma and her friends stood together while watching their classmates.

"This was such a great idea," said Eri. "Having the whole class together like this is so much better than the week combined."

"Yeah," agreed Mikoto. "After what this class has gone through together, this is the only way to say good-bye. I have a feeling that this year was the year everyone will be talking about for a long time." The girls nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. It almost seems like next year won't be as much fun," said Akira in her usual impassive voice.

"Yeah, what with taking the college entrance exams and all. All we can do is hope that senior year will be just as exciting as this one was," said Eri.

"The only problem was," sighed Tenma, "that I didn't have a boyfriend throughout the year. Plus, no guy even asked me out! I'm going to be a senior soon and with no romantic experience. Will I go through the rest of my life being single?" Tenma's friends began to show alarm.

"No, no, Tenma! I'm sure that our senior year will be the year for you," said Mikoto.

"Yeah, I'm sure guys will be lining up to ask you out," said Eri. Tenma just sighed in despair.

"Tenma?" came a voice. Everyone turned to see Asou standing a few feet away.

"Asou-kun," said Tenma. Mikoto and Eri looked at each other and smirked.

"Say, why don't we ask Karen and her band to play a faster song?" suggested Eri.

"Sure," answered Mikoto.

"Huh? Hey, wait!" shouted Tenma when she noticed that her friends left her and Asou alone. They stood in front of one another in awkward silence. Then, Asou cleared his throat.

"You look … cute, Tenma," he said, trying his best to act composed. Tenma face tinted a shade of red.

"Y-you really think so? Thank you!" she said. He smiled at her.

"So, Tenma … this party was a great idea. Good job," congratulated Asou. Tenma felt her face heat up.

"Ah! No, I didn't … well, it's not like I planned this whole thing or anything! I just, uh…" stammered Tenma. Asou chuckled.

"You don't have to be so modest. If it weren't for your suggestion, we wouldn't have been able to spend our final moments as a class like this. You deserve a lot of thanks," he said with a smile. For some unknown reason, Asou's smile always made Tenma smile.

"I guess you're right. Thank you, Asou-kun!" she smiled brightly. Asou felt his heart skip a beat. He began to contemplate the situation at present. He decided that it was time to make his move.

"Listen, Tenma, I …" he began. Tenma stared up at with a confused look. He bowed his head to hide his face.

Asou stared nervously at his feet. He could feel his heartbeat increasing inside him. His hands even began to tremble.

"Asou-kun?" called Tenma with concern. Asou snapped out to it and regained his composure.

"Tenma, I want to tell you something," he began. "You see, um… I wanted you to know that, uh…"

"Asou-kun, are you okay?" she asked when she noticed him turn red and stumble on his words. Asou cleared his throat again.

"I just wanted to say that in the past few weeks, I feel that we have grown closer. And I wanted you to know that you're very important to me," he said. Tenma felt her face go red and her heartbeat accelerate for some reason.

"Asou-kun …" she whispered. Asou took a deep breath.

"Tenma, I-"

"Hey Asou!" The pair turned and saw Ishiyama. "Come on! The guys are about to arm wrestle and you have to rotate in," he said. Asou sigh in frustration.

"I'll be there in a minute!" Asou turned back to Tenma. "What I was gonna say was, uh … I hope that we … can still be close next semester." Tenma felt disappointment engulf her for some reason. I can't believe I blew that one! Asou scolded to himself.

"Sure!" she covered it up with a smile. Then, Asou began to get nervous again and decided to try another approach.

"I have two things to give you," he said. Tenma looked at him curiously. He reached into his pocket and pulled out key chain of a rainbow on top of two clouds. Tenma's eyes widened at the gift.

"Is … is this for me?" she asked.

"Yeah. I know it's not much but . . . Well, I thought this will remind you that after every rainy day, you should try and find a rainbow." Asou felt lame for giving her a pitiful gift.

"Oh, Asou-kun! I love it! I'll put it on my school bag for my senior year," exclaimed Tenma as looked at the item with awe. Asou smiled with relief. He took a hold of one of her hands and placed the key chain in it. Tenma smiled softly, enclosed the item with her fist, and brought it to her chest. "Thank you so much, Asou-kun."

"I still have something else to give you," he said. Tenma looked at with curious.

"What is it?" she asked with her eyes full of innocence.

Asou could feel his face heat up again. He gulped and took a step forward towards her. He placed both of hands on either sides of her shoulders and bent down. Tenma was taken by complete surprise when she felt Asou's lips plant gently on her cheekbone. Asou let his lips linger there for a few seconds before pulling away. He almost chuckled when he saw that she was as red as a cherry. He slid one of his arms down her arm and took her hand in his. They both smiled at one another. Before anyone could say anything, Asou heard his name being called again. He let out an aggregating groan and looked at Tenma one last time.

"Later, Tenma," he whispered giving her hand a squeeze.

"Later, Asou-kun," she replied. Asou gave her one last smile before going over to where the guys were. Tenma touched the spot where Asou kissed her and felt her heart thumping in her chest. She shook her thought out and decided to see what everyone was doing.

Tenma couldn't help but smile as she took another look through the party. Each and everyone there were special. She was glad to have been in the same class as everyone. Tenma saw how Karen, Yuki, Sagano, Fuyuki, and Karasuma were having fun with the band. She saw how the foreign exchange students were all smiling and the rowdiness the students were. She saw the way Mikoto was laughing at something Imodori said. She turned her head and noticed Eri and Harima were having a conversation with both of them smiling. Farther away was Umezu holding Kido's hand and having a deep discussion. Sitting down on the floor near the corner of the roof were Tanaka and Nagayama holding one another, obviously talking about their future together. Tenma turned her line of vision to Hanai who was crying and calling out to the sky about Yakumo. She sighed at the sight. In the center of the roof, she saw Akira being the referee for the boy's arm wrestling. Asou was in the group surrounding the competitors, looking quite irritated at something Suga said. Tenma couldn't help but giggle to herself. She looked out toward the view that their current height gave them.

So much has happened these last few weeks with her. She made a closer friend, Eri got with Harima, Mikoto was getting along better with Imodori, she passed her exams, she got her heart broken and quickly got over it, and now here she was with the class of 2-C for the final time. Tenma looked at the keychain that was in her hands and brought to her chest again. The time she spent with Asou was something she would never want to forget. He made her feel a sensation like her body was tingling. He didn't treat her like she was dumb; he made her feel she mattered. She prayed that the next school year, that she would get to be in the same class as him. Who would have thought that these new found feelings of love was all because of a class project.

The End

Phew! Glad I've finished. So what did you all think? I figured that I should end it like this. But don't worry! I'll be posting a sequel soon! Thank you all for reading my first fanfic. Arigatou!!