I got this idea and I couldn't wait to write it. I hope you guys like it. It's going to be different then my other story. Plese review and let me know what you think.

The end of the week and the beginning of the weekend. Today was Friday and to her it meant that the first week of classes were over. It was her sophomore year at Duke University, classes had officially started a mere five days ago and she was already being piled with assignments to do from her professors. She expected it though. College classes were tough and she was taking two more than she actually needed. Ever since she was a little girl she had loved school.

She loved her roommate, she was a really cool girl, even if they weren't there at the same time that much so far, but it was only the first week so they would being seeing a lot more of each other. She couldn't explain how happy she was that she liked her roommate, the last thing she wanted was to room with someone that she couldn't stand. Last year it was like she didn't even have a roommate, just the stuff that came with the girl. The girl was basically never in the dorm.

The day before she had finally finished unpacking all of her belongings so she was free to spend the weekend however she wanted. She had completed some of her class assignments already and the rest of them were first on her to-do list. She always wanted to get her school work done before she did anything else so that she wasn't worrying about getting it done constantly.

Walking into her dorm room after a long day of classes, she was so hungry. She was pretty sure that anyone within the floor of her dorm room could practically hear her stomach growling. Looking into the miniature refrigerator, she saw there wasn't anything that could count as dinner. Actually, there wasn't anything in the whole room that would be considered dinner. Her and her roommate seriously needed to stock their room with food.

She sighed, contemplating on whether to call for pizza or drive over to the grocery store that wasn't really that far away. Thinking to herself, she remembered that her and her roommate had ordered pizza two nights ago, she wasn't really in the mood for it again. So it was decided, the grocery store it was.

Ten minutes later she was making her way through the automatic sliding doors of the store. Figuring that she wasn't planning on buying too much, she had opted for a small green basket instead of a big, regular, metal cart. As she was passing the magazine racks she noticed the newest issue of People and tossed it into the basket. She would never admit it out loud, but celebrity gossip was one of guilty pleasures. She couldn't help but be interested in what was going in the celebrity world.

She continued down the isles an added two boxes of macaroni and cheese into her cart. Macaroni and cheese was her favorite food ever. It was the food of the gods as she like to say. All of her friends made fun of her and told her that she shared her favorite food with a bunch of five year olds, but she didn't care, it tasted so good and that was what mattered.

She could hear her cell phone ringing from inside her purse. She tried to attempt to fetch the obnoxiously ringing phone while still walking around the store. Where the hell was the phone? It had to be in her purse somewhere. Her being the klutz that she is, found her self running smack into something. She fell to the ground, the contents of her purse laying across the grocery store isle along with the items in her basket. She quietly cursed at the situation when she noticed two feet standing right in front of her. Looking up she saw a tall guy with dark hair and pretty blue eyes, dressed in black shorts that reminded her of what her older brothers wore while playing basketball and a red sweatshirt. Looking around she noticed that he was the something she ran into. He felt like a brick wall.

Taking her lower lip in between her teeth, she ran a hand through her long, curly, auburn locks of hair, staring at the guy who caused her to be on the ground in the first place. She shook her head and sat on her knees before beginning to place some of her belongings back into her purse. After putting the magazine, mac and cheese, and her purse in the basket, she stood up. "I am so sorry about that. I'm such a klutz and my phone was ringing, speaking of my phone I think I lost it, but anyway I'm really sorry even though it doesn't look like I had as much as an effect on you as you did to me considering I was the one on the floor. I'm just going to stop talking now. I tend to ramble a lot. Stopping now." She said the stranger that still stood in front of her.

He smirked at her before sticking out his hand holding a cell phone in it. "You mean this phone? It's not lost. Oh, and I think you're missing something else too." He said while showing her the lip gloss tube he had picked up.

After his last class that day he had decided to head out for a run. He usually ran in the mornings, but today he had two early classes, therefore he just went later that day. He had been running for a while when he saw the grocery store and went it. He wanted to get some Gatorade. While he was walking through the store, looking for the isle that contained the fruity drinks, someone ran into him.

"Yeah, that phone. Thanks." She said before taking her two possessions and tossing them into her purse. She hadn't even noticed that he bent down to pick up any of her stuff from off of the floor.

"So are you sure you didn't do that on purpose? You know, to get an autograph or something?" He smirked again.

"Um, no, not really. Why would I want your autograph anyway, I don't even know who you are." She said to him. This guy was so cocky. Did he actually think that she ran into people she didn't even know on purpose? She didn't want some strangers autograph. Besides, you only get autographs from the famous celebrities like in the magazines.

"I'm Nathan Scott." He said simply as if that made everything make so much more sense.

"Okay, that's very nice, but what exactly does that have to do with me wanting your autograph? I don't know a Nathan Scott." She was so confused at this point.

"I'm only the star player of the varsity basketball team at Duke. I would think you would know who I am seeing as you're wearing a Duke sweatshirt." Nathan explained to the petite girl standing in front of him. Did this girl seriously not know who he was? Everyone at school and even people who didn't go to the school knew who he was. What, did she live under a rock or something?

She looked down and sure enough she was wearing her gray Duke University sweatshirt with a pair of jeans tucked into her chestnut Ugg boots. "Uh, yeah, I go to Duke, but I'm not really that big on sports. I have really have to go now, but you can keep the autograph. Bye, Nathan Scott." She said to him.

He was shocked, usually girls were throwing themselves at him. This girl was different, she didn't even seem interested at all. Not even one bit. That was okay though, because he liked a challenge. "Wait, what's your name?"

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't give strangers my name. You could be a killer, for all I know."

"I promise that I'm not going to kill you. Come on, it's only fair that you tell me. I told you mine, remember." He said to her.

"Yeah, I know, but I also know I didn't ask to know your name, you just told me." She said as she started to turn around and walk away. "Thanks for my phone and lip gloss, by the way." Once she got to the end of the isle she spun around to see him still standing there and uttered one single word before completely walking away. All she said was "Haley."

Haley. That had to be her name, right? Why else would she have said it? He was intrigued. This girl was definitely different then most of the girls he knew. All of the other girls were so fake looking and had fake personalities. They threw themselves at him due to his reputation and his social status, yet this girl had never even heard his name before. She looked different than the other girls too. She was really pretty with her big brown eyes and long auburn colored hair, but she didn't act as if she knew how pretty she really was. It was natural and she didn't try too hard. She was dressed in the simplest of clothing, but somehow it suited her and he didn't even know her, but he did know that he wanted to see her again. How was he going to find her though? Duke was a pretty big school and there were plenty of girls around with long blondish hair wearing Duke sweatshirts. He wished he had a last name, but then again how many people named Haley could possibly go to the school? He was going to find her. He had to because he was hooked.

Nathan was sitting on his bed playing NBA Live while he waited for his roommate to get back. As if on cue, he walked through the door about two minutes later. The door opened and in walked a tall, sandy blonde haired guy. His roommate was better known as Lucas Scott or Nathan's brother. They were twins, but they were as different as day and night. Their only similar trait were their pretty blue eyes. They were both tall, but Nathan was taller and had a more muscular build to him, thanks to all the hours he spent inside of the gym working out. Lucas had blond hair and Nathan had dark raven hair. Lucas was more sensitive and intellectual than his slightly younger brother. They both shared a love for basketball, but Nathan loved it more. Lucas wasn't into having basketball as his way of living, he wanted to be a writer. He only played the game for fun. Nathan had always dreamed of playing college basketball and getting drafted to play in the NBA. Without basketball, Nathan never would have gotten into Duke University anyway. Sadly, it was the only reason he was there. He didn't have the grades in high school to get him into college, but after coming here the university told him he needed to keep his grades average and play ball good if he wanted to keep his scholarship.

"Hey Nate, what's up?" Lucas asked his brother. It was Friday and there was no basketball this weekend so he was guessing that there was a party they would end up going to tonight.

"Nothing." Nathan responded as he turned off his current game of NBA Live to talk to his brother. "There's a party tonight. You in?"

"Yeah. There's nothing else to do, right?" He asked. His girlfriend told him to meet her their later anyway.

"Right. So do you know a girl that goes here named Haley?" Nathan asked. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about her since he ran into her earlier that day in the grocery store. He didn't know what was going on with him because he never thought about one particular girl this much before. This was crazy.

"I don't think so. Why?"

"No reason." Nathan tried to brush it off.

"What? Then why did you ask me to begin with? What's the real reason?" Lucas interrogated.

"I was in the grocery store-"

Lucas cut him off laughing. "You were in the grocery store? Why?"

"I went running and I wanted Gatorade. Why is me going to the grocery store so funny?"

"Because you never go. Mom always drives down once a months and brings us bags full of food." Lucas explained.

"Whatever, Lucas. That doesn't matter. So, when I was there looking for Gatorade some girl full on crashed into me. It wasn't just like she bumped into me, she ran into me, falling to the ground and her stuff going everywhere. So, after she stood up and I asked her if did it to get an autograph. I was kidding." He added when he saw the look on his brother's face. "Kind of, but she didn't even know who I was and then she wouldn't tell me her name. I don't know, she was just really interesting and pretty and a regular person. She wasn't throwing herself at me. She was different, but before she left she said Haley, so I'm guessing that was her name. She has long blondish hair and brown eyes and was wearing a gray Duke sweatshirt. Do you know her?" Nathan finished.

"Dude, do you know how many girls there are that have long blonde hair and brown eyes at this school?" Lucas asked.

"Yeah, but how many girls named Haley can there be?"

"I don't know and I don't know any girls named Haley either. So, you want to her find her because she didn't throw herself at you and want your autograph?" Lucas asked trying to make sense out of the situation.

"No. Maybe. I don't know. I just want to find her. She's different than all the other girls around here." Nathan tried explaining to Lucas.

"Sorry, I can't help you man. Let's go the party. Maybe she'll be there." Lucas suggested.

The party was packed with people everywhere. The music was so loud you could barely hear yourself think and that was just the way she liked it. She loved parties, they were always so much fun. Her and her new found friend were making their way around the house. They had met a couple days ago in one of their classes. They were sitting next to each other and didn't think that they would get along at all. They had entirely different personalities, but they ended up talking and both realized that the other girl was actually pretty nice.

"So who are we looking for again?" The blonde asked her new friend over the music. She had said they were meeting someone here, but she couldn't remember who.

"My boyfriend. He's tall, blonde, and plays basketball. You know Lucas Scott?" The other girl answered.

"I know of him, but I don't see him. Are you sure that we are meeting him at this party?"

"Yes." Her new friend answered. "There he is." She exclaimed grabbing her friend's hand and pulling her towards her boyfriend.

"Lucas!" She yelled so he could hear her over the music. He turned around to see who was calling his name and saw his girlfriend with a girl he didn't know. After greeting her boyfriend and his twin brother she introduced her newest friend.

"Lucas, Nathan, this is my new best friend, Peyton Sawyer. Peyton, this is my boyfriend, Lucas Scott and his twin brother, Nathan Scott."

They all exchanged hello's and started talking about their classes this year. It turns out Peyton had transferred from another school this year and was a new student.

"So this is your first year here?" Lucas asked her.

"Yeah, but I like it here so far. The classes are nice and so are the people. I have a really cool roommate too." Peyton explained.

"Why didn't your roommate want to come to the party with us?" Brooke asked.

"Uh, she wasn't home when I got there. I left her a note to come later and find us." Peyton said.

"Oh good, I can't wait to meet her." Brooke said excitedly.

About an hour later the four of them were in the kitchen talking. Nathan was sick of being here. He looked everywhere for the girl in the grocery store, but she wasn't there anywhere. He had been discretely looking all night. He thought about asking some people if they knew her, but thought that maybe he would sound a little bit like a creepy stalker and quickly decided against that. This party sucked. He just wanted to leave, which was out of the ordinary for him because last year he practically had to be dragged away from the party scene.

After going back home and making herself a bowl of macaroni and cheese and watching some television she had completed the rest of her class assignments. She noticed her roommate still wasn't back from the party she had went to. When she got back to her dorm room there was a purple post-it on the refrigerator telling her that her roommate went to a party with a friend she met in class and that she should come and meet up with them later. She thought about and figured she didn't have anything else to do. She wasn't really that big into the partying. She went to a few last year, but they had never really been that appealing to her. She would much rather be with just a few of her friends instead of guzzling alcohol with people she didn't even know.

She didn't even bother changing because she wasn't planning on staying long. She was just going to show up, stay for a little bit after finding her roommate, and then leave. She put her cell phone in the back pocket of her jeans and grabbed her keys before leaving the dorm and getting into her car.

Once she parked her car and walked into the house she figured it would be impossible to ever find her roommate. The house was so crowded. She didn't even think there was enough room for her to move around in there, but then again what did she expect, it was the weekend after the first week of classes.

Making her way into the kitchen she saw the curly blonde hair of her roommate, Peyton. "Hey Peyton." She said greeting her.

"Hey, Haley, you made it. Haley this is my new friend, Brooke Davis and her boyfriend, Lucas Scott." Peyton introduced Haley to the people she was talking to.

"Hi, I'm Haley James." Haley said shaking both of their hands.

"You're Haley? I'm so happy to meet you. Me, you, and Peyton are all going to be best friends. Isn't this going to be great? I know, we should all go shopping tomorrow. I'll pick you girls up tomorrow at ten in the morning. Sounds fun, right?" Brooke said to Haley.

"Um, yeah, I guess that would be okay." Haley said while looking at Peyton, who just shrugged her shoulders in response.

"Wait, you said your name is Haley?" Lucas asked her. Wasn't that the name of the girl his brother wanted to find? She had blonde hair and was wearing a Duke sweatshirt. This was the girl. Too bad his brother had left the party ten minutes ago claiming he was tired of being there and had better things to do. Lucas told him she might have been at the party and Nathan insisted she wasn't there, but here she was.

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, um, I was just checking." He lied. "I didn't want to end up calling you the wrong name, like Holly or something." He made up off the top of his head as Brooke gave him a weird look.

"Oh, um, okay." Haley said.

"I'll be right back." Lucas excused himself from the three girls. He had a phone call he had to make. He pulled out his cell phone and scrolled through his contacts list searching for Nathan. After the third ring, Nathan finally picked up.

"Hello." He answered.

"Nate, you're never going to believe this."


"I think the girl from the store is here." Lucas told him.

"What? How would you know if it was her or not?"

"Because Peyton's roommate finally decided to show up. Guess what, she's blonde, wearing a Duke sweatshirt, and her name just so happens to be Haley. It has to be her, right?"

"Does she have brown eyes too?" Nathan asked. He couldn't stop thinking about those brown eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe she does. Are you going to come back?" Lucas asked his brother.

"Yeah, I'm on way." Nathan said and hung up, rushing out of the dorm and heading back to the party he was previously at. He just hoped that she was still there when he got there.