hey everybody this is my new story. it takes place mostly in LA. i've never been there so if at any time throughout the story i say something that is untrue ignore it. this chapter focuses mostly on nathan as this story is mainly from his point of view. i hope you like it let me know what you think

Chapter 1

Nathan Scott arrived at the airport in Los Angeles and made his way out. When he walked outside into the baking heat he saw his dad Keith Scott leaning against the passenger door of a Bentley. Nathan was awed by the car. It was one of the best and his admiration was etched on his face. Keith laughed bringing the attention of his son from the car to him "Like what you see?" he asked

"It's nice"

"You should see the inside" Keith said opening the door and letting Nathan in. Keith hoisted the suitcase into the trunk and got into the driver's seat. Turning to look at his son, he laughed again at the look on Nathan's face as he was surrounded by the best gadgets a car could have. He drove from the airport and towards the house.

On the way they made small conversation about the flight and Nathan's school. Eventually the topic led to Nathan's brother Lucas.

"How is he?" Keith asked

"He's ok" Nathan replied clearly hoping to avoid the discussion

"He didn't want to come" Keith said more as a statement than a question

"I'm sorry dad. He's still a bit beat up over it. He'll get over it soon. I think he just wanted to stay in Tree Hill to look after mum. He thinks it would be betraying her if he came here"

Keith and Karen Scott had been married for eighteen years and had had their twin sons Lucas and Nathan two years into their marriage. They had legally separated when the boys were sixteen which had taken a toll on the relationships between the boys and their father. Nathan who was more understanding had accepted the separation more easily than his more sensitive brother.

Keith had moved to LA for his business and only talked to Nathan on the phone as Lucas had refused to do so. As he had been unable to invite the boys during the school year he waited until just before school had ended to invite them to stay for the entire summer in LA with Karen's permission. Karen had agreed to the plan as she was encouraged by Keith's obvious wish to spend more time with his sons. Lucas however had refused to go.

Keith pulled up to the gates that guarded the Scott mansion. As he rolled up the long driveway he glanced at his son's reaction to the house. It mirrored that of seeing the car.

"What do you think?"

"I'm gonna sound like a girl but it's beautiful" Nathan replied as he got out of the car and stared at the structure in front of him "You really live here"

"We live here" Keith stated putting his arm around his Nathan's shoulders and guiding him into the house.

Keith showed Nathan the house giving him the extra grand tour as Nathan had put it. Nathan was amazed at the size of his room and the equipment in it. He had his own laptop, a huge sound system, a huge TV and all types of games consoles plus every game imaginable. He also had a balcony which overlooked the back yard which was huge. From the balcony he noticed something that got him very excited. Asking his father about it Keith confirmed with a smile on his face that it was indeed a basketball court in the back yard and not only that, there was an indoor court for the odd rainy days.

Father and son looked into the indoor court then went into the back yard. Keith showed Nathan the pool and the pool house along with the tennis court and then the basketball court. They had a quick one-on-one game which Nathan won.

Both Nathan and Lucas were on the basketball team at Tree Hill High. Nathan had been MVP last season and it was rumoured that one or the other infamous Scott brothers would be named captain next year. Basketball meant a lot to both brothers but it was Nathan who relied on it more. He wasn't as intellectually intelligent as his brother and therefore needed his basketball skills to help him get into college.

After dinner Keith took Nathan outside into the garage to show Nathan the cars. Nathan was very impressed and became even more so when Keith gave him his own brand new customised Range Rover. Nathan immediately wanted to test out his car so he and Keith went for a spin around the neighbourhood.

When they got back it was only eight in the evening but Nathan was tired and decided to go to bed. His father told him before he left that he had a meeting in the morning so he would probably be out when Nathan woke up. Keith promised however that he'd show Nathan some of the city in the afternoon. Nathan agreed to the idea and left to go to his room and within fifteen minutes fell fast asleep.

The next morning Nathan woke up to find the house empty. This made Nathan laugh slightly as he realised that the huge house he was currently in was empty apart from him and the one back home in Tree Hill was never empty with Lucas and Nathan's friends always around. The house in Tree Hill was not small but it was not as big as this one and Nathan was definitely liking the house in LA more despite the lack of company.

Nathan got ready and decided to call his mum. Although he had text Lucas the day before when he had reached LA he wanted to ring and confirm he was safe. Nathan knew his mother and knew if she didn't hear his voice she would worry about him. Nathan rang home knowing his mother or at least Lucas would be there. Upon the second ring his mum picked up.


"Hey mum. It's Nathan"

"Hello dear. How are you? Did you get to LA ok?"

"Yeah it's really nice here" Nathan said avoiding too much detail.

"That's great dear. Is your father there?"

"No he had a meeting" Nathan said then quickly added "But he's taking me out this afternoon"

"Hmmm" Karen said "Are you alone?" she asked curiously

"Yep but it's ok . There's loads to do"

"Well if you get lonely you know you can always come home"

"I know ma but I think I'll be ok" Nathan said. After a few more minutes talking he asked "Is Lucas home?"

"Yes but I think he's still asleep. He was out late last night. No doubt upset that his favourite brother is miles away"

"I'm his only brother"

"I know" Karen laughed "But you two haven't been separated for more than a day since Lucas was in hospital when he broke his arm and even then you were there by his side during visiting hours"

Nathan laughed at his mum's reminiscing. She was already talking to him as if he had been away for months. Nathan had to admit he missed both his mum and Lucas already but he was glad to be able to spend a few months with his dad. Karen interrupted Nathan's thoughts as she shouted evidently through Lucas bedroom door to get up so he could speak to his brother. Saying a quick goodbye to his mum and promising to call the week after Nathan heard the phone being passed to his brother before a tired and grumpy voice rang into his ear.

"'Lo" Lucas said

"Hey man" Nate said loudly knowing it would annoy his brother "What's up"

"Why are you shouting man?"

"I'm not shouting am I" Nathan said again loudly

"Stop it Nathan" Lucas retorted just as loudly

In the background Nathan heard his mother tell Lucas to stop shouting. Nathan laughed.

"Oh yeah it's real funny" Lucas said grumpily after apologising to his mum "I get told off because you aren't here"

"You could have been here. We both got invited and dude this place is amazing"

"You've only been there for a few hours and you probably slept for half of them. How can you know if it's amazing?"

"The house is incredible Luke" Nathan said eagerly "There's an indoor and outdoor basketball court and dad bought me a Range Rover. There's one for you too"

"He can't buy our love Nate"

"He's not. He wants to spend time with us Luke. I think you should give him a chance"

"He left us Nathan" Lucas whispered angrily "You act like you forget that"

"I don't forget but would you be happy if he had stayed and was miserable. He needed to leave Lucas and that doesn't mean he doesn't love us"

"He's not there is he?" Lucas asked "You wouldn't be defending him so much if he was there. He invited you over and he's not hanging out with you. That shows so much"

"He had a meeting and we're hanging out this afternoon"

"His meeting must be soooo important" Lucas said sarcastically

"Luke shut up. He owns a company. He has to work and I've spent have the morning in bed anyway so I don't think it would have mattered" Nathan's cellphone started ringing "Hold on dad's calling me"

Nathan then answered his phone


"Nathan I'll come pick you up in an hour. Is that ok?"

"Yeah that's great dad. I'm just on the phone to Luke"

"Tell him and your mother I said hi"

"Ok I'll see you in an hour"


Nathan ended the call then put the house phone to his ear

"Luke you still there?"

"Yeah" Lucas replied "What did he want?"

"He's picking me up in an hour so we can go see the city. He's says hi"

"That's nice to know. I better go but we'll talk soon"

"Yeah talk to you later man"


Nathan ended the call then went out into the backyard. He had almost an entire hour to kill before his dad showed up and he wanted to see the rest of the garden. Keith had said that the house had a great view of the city as the house was situated on the edge of a hill.

Nathan walked through the yard past the basketball court and a huge flower bed which Nathan knew his mother would like. Maybe it had been designed with his mother in mind Nathan thought but was then distracted by the view from the edge of the property.

It overlooked the city. Nathan could just see tiny cars as they moved along roads and the freeway in the distance like little ants. Nathan then looked over the edge of the railing and saw the drop. Nathan wasn't afraid of heights but he knew that if he jumped over the edge he wouldn't live to see another day.

The area Nathan was standing in was smooth and there was outdoor tables and chairs. A large barbeque stood to the right. On the left there was a low wall separating the Scott property to the one next to it. Nathan was curious as to why the wall was so low at this point. Everywhere else except for that four foot space had huge ten feet tall walls. The low wall was only three feet high. Nathan's curiosities got the better of him and he glanced over the wall.

What he saw almost made him gasp.

ok that was the first chapter let me know what you think