Screaming was heard down the halls of St. Mungo's, from the delivery room.

Healers running in. and out.

Her friends outside waiting.

She had charmed herself, so that no one was able to tell that she was carrying a child, and what a surprise it had been when the charm wear off when the young girls water broke. Hermione had been at a family dinner at the Weasley's, no one knowing that she was pregnant, her not expecting tha baby for another couple of months. So now here they were waiiting for the baby, that was a secret.

"Who has she been seeing?" Molly asked any of her children, hoping for an answer.

"She didn't say mom," Ron said, just as concerned as the rest of the family had been for the young woman.

Ginny looked at her mom, "Mum, I am going to go get some fresh air," she was on her way outside of the hospital, when she saw Blaise Zabini coming towards them, she looked at the boy, "Zabini?"

"Where is she?" Blaise looked like he hadn't slept in weeks, and as if he had been crying as well.

"Why do you care?" Ron, and Harry showed up behind Ginny, pointing there wands at the boy.

Blaise glared at the two guys, "I want to see her, a Healer flooed saying she wanted me to be with her," he walked pass the three, now confused old classmates, and made his way to a healer at the desk, "Hermione Granger, some one flooed me saying she wanted me, I am her fiancee."

Fred, and George, who were on there way to join there younger siblings, heard what the boy was saying to the healer, "No you're not, Blaise, she hates-"

Another Healer, just happened to come, to check on the where-about of the guy, that the woman was crying for, when he heard one of the red haired boys, call the young man at the courtesy desk, Blaise, "Blaise?"

"I am, yes," Blaise nodded.

"She's asking for you," The guy healer, lead the young man , into the room the screaming had been coming from.

Ginny hurried to her mother, with Ron, and Harry right behind her, "Mom, we just saw Blaise, he said he was here to see Hermione, we tried to stop him, but he said she was asking for him."

Authur, who had been getting his family some tea, returned as his daughter finished her sentence, "I was worried about that boy, he came to us all beaten up, ghe was willing to share sevrets of what Voldamort had said. His parents kicked him out, when he started seeing a young woman, who was muggle born, he never told me who the girl was. When I asked why he wouldn't say, he told me that it wasn't safe. After Harry killed Voldamort, Blaise still wasn't allowed back at home, so he had been staying at hogwarts ever since."

Molly was fighting back tears, "Giving up all he once had, to be with the woman he loves."

"Come to think about it, it explains alot of why I always so them together in the library, or talking by the lake, that was probably the reason she stayed at the school for the Christmas break, because she said she had a friend that didn't have anywhere to go," Ginny looked at her brothers, and Harry, "When I asked her to invite her friend, she said that it was probably not to good of an idea."

"Probably knew we would kick the shit out of Blaise," Ron mumbled.

Molly looked at her husband, "Authur, Hermione, and Blaise will be living with us, I don't think she could raise a baby on her own?"

"There is no way Blaise is going to be in our house!" Ron growled, to his mother, quickly regretting his tone, the moment his mother stared at him, "But mom-"

"Ronald Weasly, I am not about to let the couple be homeless," Molly looked at her other children, "Hermione is like family to us all, and I don't to loose her, I lost enough children this year," she had tears in her eyes, as she remembere loosing Charlie, and Percy in the war,. she grabbed her husbands arm, afraid she might fall if she wasn't holding him, "I am going to look at this, as if it were a blessing."

"Where is Blaise?"

All eyes turned to the direction of where a familiar voice was heard, there stood in all his glory, Draco Malfoy.

Harry tensed, even though he knew that Malfoy had become a spy, after loosing both his parents, mother to death, and father was in Azkaban, "He's with Hermione."

"How are you doing, boy?" Authur asked the young man calmly, "Did you put up the wards around your house, that we told you about to be safe?"

"Yes, thank you Mr.Weasley," Draco took a seat in one of the chairs, "Did anyone know that Hermione was pregnant, or were you just as surprised as I was?"

"Even more," Ginny mumbled, "We were all eating, when her water broke."


Hermione was helping the girls bring the food to the table, "After dinner, I am going to Diagon Alley, to meet a friend," she noticed Ginny'a questioning look, but ignored it, "I will be back before midnight though."

Molly smiled at the young girl, "Be carefule, wouldn't want something happening to you."

Authur sat at the table, followed by the twins, he smiled at his wife, "Smells great, love."

Hermione grabbed hold of the counter, when she felt a pressure in her stomach, 'Not again,' she told herself.

"You alright, Mione?" Harry asked, as he came back into the house, with Ron, "You look-"

"Oh my goodnes, what's that!" Ron was staring at the floor, as a small pool of water appeared, he raised his eyes up to look at the girl.

"Hermione, you stomach!" Ginny cried.

Hermione looked at the group around the table, and around her, "I need to go to the doctors," she noticed the confused faces, "I am seven months pregnant."

Molly was the first to react, she looked at Ginny, "Go back an overnight bag for Hermione. Ron, Harry help Ginny. George, Fred close your mouths, or you'll swallow a frog, and Authur come with Hermione, and me to St. Mungo's."

They apperated, and ended up at the hospital.


Blaise smiled as he approached his girlfriend, "Thought we were going out tonight?"

She gave a small smiled, "Something came up," she reached for her boyfriends hand, "It is to early Blaise."

"Actually, three more days, it would had been you eighth month," He feld as she squeezed his hand, when she felt another sharp pain.

"It hurts, make it stop hurting!" She screamed, to anyone in the room.

"Darling, we're having a baby," He tried to sound calm, for her sake.

"I freaked everyone out at the Burrow, we were all sitting down to eat dinner," She took a couple of deep breaths.

"I almost got hexed, when I ran into your friends," He grinned.

"Ready to start pushing?" A woman, that had known the couple since when they first found out they were pregnant, came into the room smiling at the couple. She was a specialist for woman who couldn't lead on they were pregnant, because of the child being from a death eater, or a family member who's life wiould be at risk if known pregnant. She would charm the expecting mothers stomachs, so there was no sign of a baby.

"Madame Walsh, whatever get's the pain to go away faster," Hermione tried to grin.

Blaise kissed his girlfriends forehead, "I'm here, always."

Fifteen minutes later. the nurse handed a blue bundle to Blaise.

Madame Walsh, looked at the parents, "There's alot of people out there, they are waiting to see the baby," she took the clip board, "What are you going to name your son?"

"Severus Justin Zabini," Hermione stared up at where Blaise stood holding the small bundle.

"Can you send everyone in?" Blaised asked as he handed the baby to his girlfriend.

Less then five minutes, the room was full with the Weasley, Harry, and Draco.

"What's his name?" Ginny asked as she sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the small baby.

Hermione smiled, "Severus Justion Zabini."

"Severus?" Both twins looked at the new mother confused.

Blaise nodded, "Yes, after all, if it wasn't for him. Hermione, and my son wouldn't be alive."


"Severus, I can't find Hermione!" Blaise shouted as he threw hex's, and curses at the death-eaters attacking.

"She'll be fine," Severus assured the youbng slytherine, as he made his way forward, not paying attention to anyone but the death-eater in front of him.

'She shouldn't be fighting, she is pregnant,' Blaise sent a thought to Severus, and by the expression on Severus's face, he knew the man got the message.

Hermione was trying to fight Lucius, and threw a curse causing the man to fall to the ground she got ready to move onto a diffrent area thinking he would be out cold for a while, when she heard a mumble that sounded familiar, "No!" She wrapped her arms around her own stmach, ad got into a fetal position, right before the spell hit her, Severus had jumped in front of her, taking the curse.

Shortly after that, Voldamort was killed by Harry, and the remaining death-eaters, who weren't bound fled from the castle.

Hermione crawled to her heroes side, "Severus, why?"

The man opened his eyes for a moment, "I lived my life, you, and my godson need to live yours. Your all he has now," with those last words, he died.

Blaise found his girlfriend, kneeling beside his godfather, and pulled her into his arms, "It's over Hermione."


"Severus was your godfather?" Harry asked surprised.

"Mine to," Draco answered.

Hermione had tears in her eyes, remembering that night, "It's been five months since the battle," she smiled at the sleeping baby.

"Can I hold my grandbaby?" Molly asked, with tears running down her cheeks, she noticed Blaise look at Hermione confused, "I consider Mione as a daughter to me, only natural for me to be counted as a grandmother to this baby."

"With that said, Molly, and I have decided that you will come, and live with us," Authur smiled at his wife, "Is that right Molly."

"It will be one yes thing for us to worry about," Blaise smiled at Mr. Weasley, he looked at Hermione, "I will come check in on you, as much as I could."

"What are you talking about, Blaise?" The twins said in unison.

"Yeah mate, dad was talking about you to," Ron smiled at the baby, still in his moms arms.

"I wouldn't want to be an inconveniece," Blasie looked at Molly, who just smiled at him.

"I will hear nothign more about it, you're moving in with us," Molly gave her final word.