Fear was powerful.

Fear of being a fool drove a girl named Hermione Granger. Fear of not knowing, of being wrong drove her to study endlessly. Fear drove her to always have the right answer and to not accept being wrong. Fear, in the end, blinded her from anything but her books and fear drained the colors from the world, turning it black and white.

Fear of being a nobody inspired a boy named Ron Weasley. Fear of staying in the shadows of his family drove him to set himself apart. Fear of being normal made him seek fame in others for himself. Fear of being penniless created a greed for gold deep in his heart to bloom. Fear, in the end, caused him to betray a friend for fame.

Fear of ugliness drove a girl named Ginny Weasley. Fear of being unattractive laid her into the beds of many. Fear of being unremarkable made her throw away her morals. Fear of being old and alone drove her to any who would have her. Fear, in the end, gave her everything she wanted and cost her everything she needed.

Fear of death had turned a young boy named Tom Riddle into the monster Lord Voldemort. Fear had driven him to split his into pieces to avoid his fear. Fear had driven him to inspire it in others, to create a shield from his fear in the fear of others. Fear, in the end, turned him into a demon that reeked destruction and inspired fear in all who saw him.

Fear led the world to the brink. Fear drove the hope from men's hearts and caused despair. Fear created monsters that flocked to the demon and made him stronger. Fear created weakness that caused the good to cower in the fading light hoping to escape the demon. Fear, in the end, would jade them all.

Fear gripped them all and they didn't fight it.

Fear turned an innocent boy named Harry Potter into the Boy Who Lived. Fear drove him to fight for hope. Fear made him work to un-jade the jaded. Fear had him try to give what was needed instead of wanted. Fear gave him fame, which he wished to others. Fear had him add colors to the world. Fear guided him to destroy the demon that spread it. Fear gave him fire. Fear allowed him to destroy fear and return hope. Fear, in the end, made him their savior, their salvation.

Fear caused the masses to destroy their savior. Fear made them crucify their salvation. Fear, in the end, destroyed their last chance for hope.

Fear is powerful.