Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of it's characters. Can't believe they seriously make us say that every time.



Harry Potter stared out his open window. The late July air was muggy from all the rain, making the smallest room in Number 4 Privet Drive stuffy. He sighed, closing his bright green eyes in hopes of blocking out the nausea he was feeling. He chuckled dryly; he had never cared for the Dursley's home, often wishing he was anywhere else. But now, the last day he would ever have to set foot in the house, he almost felt nostalgic. Maybe it was because he knew he was safe here, until he turned 17 nothing could touch him. Maybe because the oncoming war didn't exist here with the muggles, yet. Maybe, maybe because his only family left in the world, rotten to him or not, lived in this house.

Harry shook his head and turned back to face his room. Six years he thought. For six years he had lived in this room, making it his own, and now, he would never see it again. He checked his clock, 45 minutes to finish packing. Harry quietly pulled up the loose floorboard, extracting his belongings from the nook. Throwing the remaining items in his trunk, he glanced around, making sure to not miss anything. Satisfied that nothing irreplaceable was being left behind, Harry began to drag his trunk out the door.

Half way down the hallway Harry stopped to rest. Sucker weighs a bloody ton. When he grabbed the handle once more he took a step forward and stopped. Harry's eyebrows furrowed and he turned around.

"Dudley," Harry hissed at his cousin, a quick glance told him the other end of his trunk was being held up by the great whale. "What are you doing?"

"You're really leaving, Harry?" Dudley looked confused and, to Harry's amusement, rather constipated for it.

"Dudley, I told you and your parents that I had to go. It's not safe to stay here." Dudley stared back at him for a moment before nodding and signaled to keep walking.

The cousins made their way down the stairs, carefully maneuvering over the creaky stair near the bottom. They set the trunk down with a loud thud, both wincing as Hedwig's cage fell from the top. They heard Vernon wake up and loudly curse 'that blasted bird.' Harry released a breath, grateful his uncle hadn't gotten up to investigate. Good thing I sent Hedwig on ahead. Harry turned to face Dudley. He sized up his cousin, knowing he would probably never see him again. For the first time Harry saw that, perhaps, Dudley would become a good man, no longer the school yard bully. Harry stuck out his hand.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, Dudley." Harry watched tensely as Dudley assessed him before reaching out. For the first time Harry wished he could stay with Dudley a little longer. When their hands parted, Dudley's face contorted, Wow, he must be thinking pretty hard. Harry allowed his amusement to form a minute smile. He watched as Dudley seemed to make a decision, resolve burning in his tiny eyes.

"Harry, I never thanked you...for saving me."

Harry was shocked but quickly grinned. "You're welcome, thanks for helping me with my trunk."

"Yeah, well, consider us even ---" Both boys jumped and whirled towards the stairs. Petunia stood on the creaky step; her flowered nightgown and horrible pink bonnet made her stick out against the dark night.

"Dudley, what are you doing up?" Her beady eyes darted between her son and Harry.

"Mum, Harry's leaving."

Then Harry witnessed something he had never thought possible. Petunia's eyes softened and looked straight at him. He watched his aunt quickly walk down the remaining steps to a place not a foot in front of him. Harry, who had grown to be a few inches taller than his aunt, looked down to see tears threatening to escape. His body stiffened as her arms wrapped around him in an awkward hug. It was over quickly, but he looked down at her, shocked at the affection he'd never known her to feel. She seemed to realize that she'd forgotten herself and quickly stepped away, moving to stand next to Dudley.

"Well, at least now you're out of our hair and with your kind." Petunia spoke in a bitter, clipped tone. Harry shook his head. Just when I thought she might have changed.

A loud knock sounded at the door. Harry looked from his aunt to his cousin and nodded his head.

"Well, goodbye." He grabbed the end of his trunk and opened the door. Standing in front of him were four members of the Order of the Phoenix. A pale blue, homemade eye stuck out of Mad Eye Moody's "socket," once again giving Harry the impression he was under intense scrutiny. Visible over the Auror's shoulder were two fiery splotches of red. Fred and George Weasley, the two newest members of the Order, were grinning widely when Harry caught sight of them. Last, Harry turned and saw Nymphradora Tonks, smiling brightly, neon blue hair reflecting her eyes through the darkness.

Mad Eye quickly grabbed the trunk from him, shrinking it down before handing it back to Harry. Harry walked to the center of the group, mounting his Firebolt he gave the signal for take off. Before kicking off he glanced back at the house, to see Aunt Petunia and Dudley standing in the doorway. And with one last nod, he soared up to the Order's formation and they led him away under the cover of darkness.

Hey everyone! As you can guess, I was severely dissatisfied with how Deathly Hollows turned out. So, to get over it, I decided to put all my great ideas down.There are some concepts and ideas presented in DH that I did like, so they will be used.

I'm going to try and update every Friday, hopefully my classes will allow for this. I realize the chapters may not be terribly long, but I'd rather not start off with some sporadic update schedule that I can't keep.

Alright! I think that's all I have to say you to! Hope you enjoyed it and plan to stick around to see what happens.